A tax analogy, who's really paying their fair share?

Sorry bro, that was far from an ad hominem attack, the issue was what percentage of federal income taxes Bucky claims to pay. Poor little bucky got caught lying, so I called him what he is, a liar.

i can take pictures of my 2008 and 2009 returns.
I could just see Bucky being part of the group paying nothing. Then they beat his ass once they find out he gets fancy dinners with his wife's parents too. Socialism is a bitch. People will complain even when it's fair.
I could just see Bucky being part of the group paying nothing. Then they beat his ass once they find out he gets fancy dinners with his wife's parents too. Socialism is a bitch. People will complain even when it's fair.

i'll ignore that dig as i am in a good mood after having taken the wife out to dinner and a show. we saw 'candide'. let me tell you, voltaire doesn't like religion too much and it shows. i was loling half the time.

but wanted to ask you about how much you're paying in (net) on your self-described income of about $30k for a family of five. is it in the 20-25% range all said and done?
also, i look like romney when i dress up, almost to a tee. minus the full facial beard and plus the skillfully grey-colored sideburns.

Less than 5%. They rest is like a socialist commune. Plus I get family gifts like you. I also have friends.

I look like a skinny hippy version of Sam from LOTR but better looking.

Less than 5%. They rest is like a socialist commune. Plus I get family gifts like you. I also have friends.

I look like a skinny hippy version of Sam from LOTR but better looking.

less than 5%?

man, i'm gonna get the wife to pop out some kids.
I hate how people against tax cuts argue this crap or the buffett rule or some crap like that. If everyone paid a flat tax rate it would be fair. Whats fair is everyone paying 10 or 20% of what they earn. That is whats fair, you want to be equal fess up to it. The truth is the rich pay the majority of taxes already, accounting for almost 80% of tax income. The rich are taxed at a much higher rate already, how is that fair. I'm a middle class man, so I can see the position, why is it fair that someone should pay more.

The truth is no matter how we look at it we get shit on either way elephant or donkey, America like the Roman Empire has already descended into a classic oligarchy, where the middle and lower class are synonymous with plebians, and lobbyists and special interests have monopolized power like the patricians and equestrians. The poor have no power in america, lets face it sad but true.. :(
If everyone paid a flat tax rate it would be fair.

not at all.

some guy who busts his hump for $25k a year has to pay 25% of his income, making him choose between getting his car fixed or stashing a little away for his kid's college.

some other guy busts his hump for $20 million a year has to pay 25% of his income, making him choose between nothing whatsoever.

the tax code is necessarily complicated, but a lot of it favors someone like the guy making 20 million so that he can pay half of what the guy making $25 does.

even a fair tax comes closer, but is still not as progressive a tax as is needed to prevent a plutocracy.
not at all.

some guy who busts his hump for $25k a year has to pay 25% of his income, making him choose between getting his car fixed or stashing a little away for his kid's college.

some other guy busts his hump for $20 million a year has to pay 25% of his income, making him choose between nothing whatsoever.

the tax code is necessarily complicated, but a lot of it favors someone like the guy making 20 million so that he can pay half of what the guy making $25 does.

even a fair tax comes closer, but is still not as progressive a tax as is needed to prevent a plutocracy.
Do away with the income tax completely. Tax everything except food and medicine so the lower classes dont get bled to death. That is a fairer system but I still wouldnt be happy with it.
You have to reduce the size of the federal government in order to reduce spending. Spending is the problem not revenue.
The rich who invest and make money with capital gains get taxed at a lower rate. Capital gains tax is lower than income tax. They are smart to invest that way.
Do away with the income tax completely. Tax everything except food and medicine so the lower classes dont get bled to death.

that is an even worse idea.

the middle class and working poor spend a much higher percentage of their income on taxable goods beyond food and medicine than the very rich do.

someone spending $20k out of their $25k earnings is getting 80% of their income taxed at 10%, or whatever the sales tax is.

someone spending $1 million out of their $20 million earnings is getting 5% of their income taxed at 10%.

clearly, this flows money to the top at the expense of the hard working schlub.

stupid idea.
that is an even worse idea.

the middle class and working poor spend a much higher percentage of their income on taxable goods beyond food and medicine than the very rich do.

someone spending $20k out of their $25k earnings is getting 80% of their income taxed at 10%, or whatever the sales tax is.

someone spending $1 million out of their $20 million earnings is getting 5% of their income taxed at 10%.

clearly, this flows money to the top at the expense of the hard working schlub.

stupid idea.

So it's a stupid idea to live in Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington or Wyoming?
So it's a stupid idea to live in Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington or Wyoming?


i'd much prefer a state with no sales tax rather than a state with no income tax, as almost all of my income is spent on the goods i need to live, and very little gets saved.
"Spending is the problem not revenue." -
too bad your President and all the liberals can;t seem to understand this simple concept....
Pretty sure those numbers are off but let's say they are correct. So you contribute $7,500 and he contributes $2,600,000. And you say you're contributing more than he is? I'm confused...

I wonder if he uses 34,600% more of the governments resources than you do.

That's the most insightful point made in this thread so far. The mind of the liberal doesn't work that way though Gastanker, they don't factor in use of government or total amount paid, they just want the rich to pay so much it actually hurts. Just like UB stated a few posts back, they should feel the same pain from the tax burden as the less fortunate. I have no idea where the legal support for that position comes from, but that's what they want.
...they should feel the same pain from the tax burden as the less fortunate....

if that's what you got out of my reply, condolences on your sub 70 IQ and partisan hackish nature.

my example involving the idiocy of a flat tax was to illustrate how the little guy is hurt more by the policy, not a parable calling for the rich to have a tax burden so high that it hurts.

your butt is so hurt, good chap, that you must resort to all manner of fairy tale and deceit in order to justify yourself. again, condolences.

i'd much prefer a state with no sales tax rather than a state with no income tax, as almost all of my income is spent on the goods i need to live, and very little gets saved.

Of course YOU would. Since you wouldn't pay sales tax, and CHOOSE to not make shit, you would barely pay any, if any, taxes at all.

Selfish lately?
Of course YOU would. Since you wouldn't pay sales tax, and CHOOSE to not make shit, you would barely pay any, if any, taxes at all.

Selfish lately?

selfish? i don't think so.

i paid the state a couple of hundred dollars in income taxes on my sub-poverty income.

i even skipped the standard deduction, which means i forgo $140, so that my wife can take itemized deductions.

i try to keep others in mind ya know.
selfish? i don't think so.

i even skipped the standard deduction, which means i forgo $140, so that my wife can take itemized deductions.
Since that got your wife more than the $140 it cost you, did you ask her for the $140 ? LOL!

Don't be dumb.