ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

These butt hurt trolls I swear, they act like I owe them or something. To which I say "LULZ" they talk mad game but have nothing to back it up. #fail
Thanks again for the help.

Funniest thing is the first response I ALWAYS get is "You're just his fanboy, you're just on his nuts"
Truth be told, I'm just a fan of THE BEST, it's really nothing personal ;-)
Funniest thing is the first response I ALWAYS get is "You're just his fanboy, you're just on his nuts"
Truth be told, I'm just a fan of THE BEST, it's really nothing personal ;-)
And they never posted their extracts. Failtrolls LOL

haha. well here is a little glimpse into the madness that is my life.
I was getting trolled pretty hard on bubbleguy's site.
I started complaining to the mods. Got no response.
Took it to the next level and made it an issue. Got told to chill out.
But then I told Bubbleguy that I use bubblemagic machines (not his) and mila's bags, and BAM ban hammer. haha

All my posts and threads were removed, including the offensive troll posts. win!
this stuff is addicitive to say the least, since i made my IWE a couple of weeks back i have smoked less than a gram of flowers. my chest is thanking me and you mr rize
this stuff is addicitive to say the least, since i made my IWE a couple of weeks back i have smoked less than a gram of flowers. my chest is thanking me and you mr rize
you are welcome, thank you for being part of the rebirth of ice water extract.
mmm definitely quality vs quantity for hash... edibles for the rest... I guess we're spoiled but I think it's natural for connoisseurs to only make use of the best :)
just thought i would show you my bubble hash critical mass there 6g's and its 4 weeks old


  • hash.jpg
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And they never posted their extracts. Failtrolls LOL

haha. well here is a little glimpse into the madness that is my life.
I was getting trolled pretty hard on bubbleguy's site.
I started complaining to the mods. Got no response.
Took it to the next level and made it an issue. Got told to chill out.
But then I told Bubbleguy that I use bubblemagic machines (not his) and mila's bags, and BAM ban hammer. haha

All my posts and threads were removed, including the offensive troll posts. win!

Wow... And that's pretty much the reason I hang out over here instead of over there... And you guys are cooler! Shh, don't tell bubbledude I said so, or do idc lol
I was always a lil turned off by the "BHO is the darkside" crap there anyways, I love BHO personally and I love IWE too! All in all it's silly to hate on someone because of one thing they do, that's why I don't go to church anymore and don't hang out with close minded, intolerant people(myself excluded :-p).

Man, you'd think they would want to further the knowledge base for water extractions, not stifle them, but stifle is what they do, smells like a Skunk(man) to me.
When will the IDOCRACY END?!
super like! that is his new personal studio, the production shop and class room is way sick.
Ice Wax specific line of rigs is in the making :mrgreen:

He's got the right idea with those sandals! If they're the company I'm thinking of PETA abhors them and they're the comfiest sandals ever, also never gotten so many compliments on a sandal :-)
So Matt and everyone else i have been reading threw the thread little by little day by day trying to edjucate myself as much as possible befor i try my next run, but i have ran into a few things that have me confused, Matt earlier in the thread u said somthing about bubble has should never be pressed once its dry, is this true cause all the bubble hash i have ever seen has been pressed? And also ilive in a very dry part of the country, do you think it will still take 12 to 24 hours to dry or is this somthing that i will have to play with over time? One last thing, i am taking a vaction this next week, headed to Eureka, if anyone knows of any glass shops around that area please let me know, thanks again for your help
So Matt and everyone else i have been reading threw the thread little by little day by day trying to edjucate myself as much as possible befor i try my next run, but i have ran into a few things that have me confused, Matt earlier in the thread u said somthing about bubble has should never be pressed once its dry, is this true cause all the bubble hash i have ever seen has been pressed? And also ilive in a very dry part of the country, do you think it will still take 12 to 24 hours to dry or is this somthing that i will have to play with over time? One last thing, i am taking a vaction this next week, headed to Eureka, if anyone knows of any glass shops around that area please let me know, thanks again for your help

you mis-read, he said do not press it until it is fully dry (and probably cured too.)

I live in a very dry area as well (7% humidity in the daytime) and it takes about 24-36 hours when the hash is totally graded up into decently tiny chunks, even faster if you use a microplane like what matt uses. I grade it up with a card very lightly with a specific technique that glides rather than crushes.
People press it because they don't know how to make hash... :)
I only press, very lightly, for long distance trips. That hash puck was for TV, and was very lightly hand shaped for the pics and video. After that I broke the puck back up into powdery waxy crumble. All my hash is loose like in the pictures.

Still somewhat moist: yes, but the point is to not push it through the screen, but to let the micorplane do the work.

This is the post i was refering to, So am i confused or are u not suppose to press your hash. But lets see if i got this straight, btw matt the pictures are awesome, So once u collect out of the bubble bags you form a patty, let it dry to the right dryness/wetness, then u use the microplane?
Hey Poplars, about how long do you let you product dry before you bust out your card and start grading?? Thanks man your input is definitely appreciated
Hey Poplars, about how long do you let you product dry before you bust out your card and start grading?? Thanks man your input is definitely appreciated
honestly I can grade it the second I get it off of my pressing screen. but it takes a good bit of technique, if you don't trust yourself with the technique try waiting 6-12 hours.

and IMO, pressing hash isn't a bad thing, just let it cure in powdered form first, and press it by hand, using only the heat of your hands.... prevents oxidation and probably is better in the long term IMO.

and in my experience hash that is massed up smokes better than powdered hash. all imo and ime.
This is the post i was refering to, So am i confused or are u not suppose to press your hash. But lets see if i got this straight, btw matt the pictures are awesome, So once u collect out of the bubble bags you form a patty, let it dry to the right dryness/wetness, then u use the microplane?
you got it.
sweet what does that smell like?

did you notice that has a heart shape in it? hahahahah hash = love I guess hahaha[/QUOTE

it smell relay good but not that strong
the smoke is smooth and strong
and as i folded the hash it made the heart shape, i folded the hash so you can see the inside of the hash
lulz banned from bubbleman's site, he got all burt hurt when i told him i use a bubblemagic machine and mila's bags (not his products)
lulz banned from bubbleman's site, he got all burt hurt when i told him i use a bubblemagic machine and mila's bags (not his products)
yep I saw that post didn't have much to say. elitism runs strong in these communities gotta just stay chill all ya can do.
Ordering machine and bags next week, Think im gonna order threw aqualab, anyother suggestions?

Other than any other place that doesnt charge MSRP? Shop around for the same identical product you want! And stay away from eBay unless your sure its the right bags ;) Them fuckers will ship you anything! :)