Why is Racism Bad?


bud bootlegger
i know this is a bit off topic, but not much.. i often wonder if racism isn't inherent in all of us to a certain degree..
for instance, think about the saying a bird of a feather flocks together.. it's very true.. i was sitting out in the yard when a slew of birds flew into a near by tree.. had to be a thousand or so.. the thing was covered in them..
what was really odd was that every single bird on that tree were all of the same species.. not one bird was different.. it really made me think about shit.


Well-Known Member
racism isn't bad, just a bunch of whiney pussies saying it is.

grow up and deal with being inferior based on your skin's melanin content.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
racism isn't bad, just a bunch of whiney pussies saying it is.

grow up and deal with being inferior based on your skin's melanin content.
woah, you coulda fooled me the other day in the gay thread , seemed like it was bothering you that day, today is diff i guess. You cant even troll with dignity!


Well-Known Member
Why is anti semitism bad? Why is there a term thats means hatred of jews? fucking jews....


Well-Known Member
woah, you coulda fooled me the other day in the gay thread , seemed like it was bothering you that day, today is diff i guess. You cant even troll with dignity!
someone spends an inordinate amount of time bringing up gayness and looking for men with mullets.


Well-Known Member
Racism is bad as it highlights one has been brought up in hatred. Like when you were two did you care what color the person was you played with? racism is learnt.

The hate can come from all sorts of sources for example i learnt my nasty little ways at boredom school.

H R Puff N Stuff

Well-Known Member
because it eliminates the possibility of negotiating or peace of any kind why would someone make a deal with someonelse they believed was inferior.


Well-Known Member
Racism is bad,Its a great form of intellectual ignorance.Whats the point of hating people based on skin color?Superiority?Ha!Its completeley senseless.Not only dose it limit a persons potential to learn,it also limits their potential to be.
racism isn't bad, just a bunch of whiney pussies saying it is.

grow up and deal with being inferior based on your skin's melanin content.
That's colorism (if there is such a word) as lots of races have skin with the same melanin content, personally I detest the dutch and they have the same skin color as myself (Danish)


Well-Known Member
That's colorism (if there is such a word) as lots of races have skin with the same melanin content, personally I detest the dutch and they have the same skin color as myself (Danish)
How can you dismiss an entire group of people for being born within imaginary borders created by people who lived hundreds of years before you existed?

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Racism is bad as it highlights one has been brought up in hatred. Like when you were two did you care what color the person was you played with? racism is learnt.

The hate can come from all sorts of sources for example i learnt my nasty little ways at boredom school.
Completely wrong...

I was born racist and my parents taught me to be accepting...

So fuck your theory...

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
that is aimed at me Meta... I would like to say that I am not trolling... That is just a fact of my life... I never used to even consider dark skinned people human beings until I was about 5...