Is my baby o.k.?


Well-Known Member
You can't, your only getting an idea. Until you try it you havn'[t learned shit. If thats the case i could get a book on Heart Surgery and be a surgeon in a month.
Did you learn to spell from talking? So there is no real need for people to go to school right? thats a place where they have these books I speak of!


Well-Known Member
My Chick is even laughing at, if anything else. Thanks for entertaining me. I cant even respond to you anymore...get a life dude!


Well-Known Member
My plants on day 15 of 12/12 first of all. second of all your a moron! your one of the people on here who have no life, think your a master grower/helper and the fact is you are not!..I bet you grow soil....Over 7000 posts, take a break dude! go outside for a day or 2. Fing a girlfriend...
7,000 post in 5 years ain't shit. And i have a life, probably way better than yours. I'm not a know it all, i consider myself a newb since i am only 25. Your the one refusing to accept Correct information. I Have a GF, 3 dogs and a house and car. Weed is my life and income so i gotta be on my shit.


Well-Known Member
I see how you get when your wrong, You should know this shit your from cali. Imma eastcoaster from the hood and you know less than me. Your weak and will never grow dank. jut average buds because you wont open your mind,
Ummm why the bickering :shock:? We are suppose to help each other out Y'all. :clap: So to answer my question, can I leave it outside in the pot even if it rains?
And if you post 7 or 7000 post dont matter, as long as you give advice I will follow. of course I will take experience over anything. I just want some bud.


Well-Known Member
Rain wont hurt em, maybe knock em over, but won't kill them. Maybe stake them up a bit. but the don't need to be in the rain if you have already watered.


Well-Known Member
ask Mr know it all, Im sure he has the answer. he's probabley done it 100 I will never have dank weed..Hahahahah what a moron! sorry dude. Im out of this thread I cant stop laughing. be carefull who you listen to....I suggest getting the Cannabis Grow Bible. It has helped Millions become master growers.


Well-Known Member
BTW i had two copies of the
Grow Bible, It's helpless. the internet has WAYY more up to date info. Who uses those old tricks from that OLD book. I mean science moves fast.


Well-Known Member
BTW i had two copies of the
Grow Bible, It's helpless. the internet has WAYY more up to date info. Who uses those old tricks from that OLD book. I mean science moves fast.
The updated version that is brand new. The one that say 18/6 is best for Veg..Let me guess, its not a good book. You know more than they do and the book is wrong? Maybe you should write a book...oh wait, you dont need a book to get started growing weed...Your the best grower ever and have the dankest weed on the planet..Cannabis cup winner I bet....donkey


Well-Known Member
BTW i had two copies of the
Grow Bible, It's helpless. the internet has WAYY more up to date info. Who uses those old tricks from that OLD book. I mean science moves fast.
2 copies wow! for not reading books thats a bit overkill. But for such a dank grower I guess its part of being so awsome and haveing such "dank weed"


Active Member
Relax . Grab a joint or a bong.
Everyone can grow how he/she likes.
No point of arguing because both of you problably wont listen other one .


Well-Known Member
you say your from the hood....It shows! and the not needing books thing, dispite you haveing 2 copies, also makes


Well-Known Member
Relax . Grab a joint or a bong.
Everyone can grow how he/she likes.
No point of arguing because both of you problably wont listen other one .
Its pure entertainment at this point, look at this guys posts. He not only contradicts himself, but hes getting so fired up. It's hilarious!


Well-Known Member
lol trynagrowsumshtye must be doing sumthing rite with the rep hes earned from wrong advice? lol i know for one what hes saying is true and its soo fucking disrespectful for u to trash talk him like this,sit this mans forgotten more than ul ever know,u really need some people skills talking to people trying to advice u in this manner is wrong and not only wrong but no1 will want to help u again thiking fuk that guy u know,maybe think about your responces before u typ as my teacher said but your braininto gear before your mouth into motion--or in this case fingers :P

trynagrowsumshtye +rep for tollertaing such muppets :)hahaha