Trying My Hand At Glass Pipe Making

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I got some slyme, so I made a little slyme set. My first ever "set" lol. Made the dish RK style. Thanks for the video! Want some more! I actually made the dome on a lathe at first, and when I went back to the bench to add some things I didnt warm it out enough and it popped on me. So I just laid down a little slyme on what was left of it and got the shitty little thing we got there. Actually ended up looking pretty cool. Think im gonna keep it.

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Very nice! Your mibs are melted in perfectly, too!

Going to make a "Vac Stack Howto" video that talks about all the prep work and how to make it from scratch to the finished tube...... Probably do that in a day or two once my video buddy is over again.

Keep at the melting man!!
Very nice! Your mibs are melted in perfectly, too!

Going to make a "Vac Stack Howto" video that talks about all the prep work and how to make it from scratch to the finished tube...... Probably do that in a day or two once my video buddy is over again.

Keep at the melting man!!

Cool, no one at my shop can do vac stacks so it would be cool to learn. Yeah using the hand torch is great for melting them in and cleaning up any marks and what not. I got one hooked up on my bench now and love using it. Been working on the lathe mostly recently, progression is fun!
Here's some new stuff..........












RK I have been lurking here since close to the begining and just wanted to tell you that you are doing sooo well with your glass design and craft. I am impressed!
dibs on the dimple dome!

Thought you wanted the dimple *dish*? :)

im loving the 8th one down! looks like the milkyway or something

how much is that dome?

That is called "Aurora" for the color by Northstar Glass. Its the only color I've seen that, when heavily oxidized, starts to show bright coppery rust colors and deep blues. My nickname for the color is "electroformed" since it looks so similar! That dome is $35 delivered. If you'd like it shoot me a PM with your PayPal and I'll send you back an invoice.
Thought you wanted the dimple *dish*? :)

That is called "Aurora" for the color by Northstar Glass. Its the only color I've seen that, when heavily oxidized, starts to show bright coppery rust colors and deep blues. My nickname for the color is "electroformed" since it looks so similar! That dome is $35 delivered. If you'd like it shoot me a PM with your PayPal and I'll send you back an invoice.

OOps! Yeah, Dimple Dish... Those Double D's send me for a loop, when heavily medicated!
What's the size and price for the red slide?

That's Trautman Art Glass "Red Blizzard". One of my fav colors. Little flecks of white snow inside a crayon red. Its yours for $30 delivered!

Nice dishes man! I'm really diggin the two round dishes with the mibs. Are these all you have right now?

Thanks! I just started putting millis back on work, I did it a while back and stopped for no real reason. I made two more dishes, one small one HUGE (ash tray sized), they'll be up here in the next round of pics. :-)

OOps! Yeah, Dimple Dish... Those Double D's send me for a loop, when heavily medicated!

I figured, knowing you. ;)
Thanks! I just started putting millis back on work, I did it a while back and stopped for no real reason. I made two more dishes, one small one HUGE (ash tray sized), they'll be up here in the next round of pics. :-)

I want one! I almost want both of them, I want to see what else you've got too haha. Birthday present to myself though, I think I need a one o' them dishes. I'll PM you tomorrow in the mornin or afternoon, now my pillow calls...
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