Trying My Hand At Glass Pipe Making

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I DID IT!! I read the whole thread, all 109 pages. Very interesting material and the glass work is great! My only regret is I Vape and really dont like to smoke. I have never tried oil as i am new to Medical Cannabis. Seeing that the law here in Canada changed last week i think you are going to see More Oil and the like appear.

I have to say RK If i were to like any more than the other pieces it would be the Horrizontal Bubblers. That look pretty cool for sure. I have a friend that makes glass jewlery and i have always been jeolouse of her skill and now seeing how you have come along in time line of this thread and all i can say is WOW!! Fantastic for Sure.
I DID IT!! I read the whole thread, all 109 pages. Very interesting material and the glass work is great! My only regret is I Vape and really dont like to smoke. I have never tried oil as i am new to Medical Cannabis. Seeing that the law here in Canada changed last week i think you are going to see More Oil and the like appear.

I have to say RK If i were to like any more than the other pieces it would be the Horrizontal Bubblers. That look pretty cool for sure. I have a friend that makes glass jewlery and i have always been jeolouse of her skill and now seeing how you have come along in time line of this thread and all i can say is WOW!! Fantastic for Sure.

Thanks Tuvok! 9 posts since November 2011? Damn, aint I privileged to have you! :)

The two bubbler styes I like the best are the Layback bubblers and the Inline Rigs...... Both are pretty cumbersome to make. If glassblower A (me!) starts with color and smaller stuff, and glassblower B (lets say a lathe guy) starts with clear and tubes, after a few years neither of us can do what the other can. I've got the color down just fine, now its the clear and the shaping tricks.

By the way, anyone here can go to "" and click "Glass Q Live" and then join the "Artist's Room" and watch a dozen or so glassblowers every day melting stuff. I'm in there as "Kitty" every day............


Halfway done. Triple seals are pretty easy once you get em down now. Not sure if I want to put a wine glass foot on it and angle it with a vertical mouthpiece or if I want to put a flat spot on the can and let it lay back. We'll see.

Its an oil rig, btw. ;)
Nice job. I found a way to do these that is easier. I open the can top up real wide. Then flare the top of the diffy the same size. Then weld the seals. Then u have a seamless can with a stem to add the fitting. Cuts down on the thick welds.
Nice job. I found a way to do these that is easier. I open the can top up real wide. Then flare the top of the diffy the same size. Then weld the seals. Then u have a seamless can with a stem to add the fitting. Cuts down on the thick welds.

Thanks! Thats exactly what I did too.. Then of course your left with the can with no ground joint and only two seals done. What you described was half of the process. Add a layer of clear on top of the can and weld that in so the joint gets welded onto seamless glass rather than a can. What you described is a double seal, this is a triple! The ground joint and the diffused downstem are separate components, and the can is the third.

I'm going to do a flared foot for this (wine glass style), so next up is holding the can upside down and attaching the mouthpiece, and then last with the ground joint holder shaping the bottom of the can and attaching the separately made foot.

made an account on glassq but every time I try to join the artists room it says that I need to login first, even though I'm logged in. Any chance you know what's going on?

/e nvm, i got it.
made an account on glassq but every time I try to join the artists room it says that I need to login first, even though I'm logged in. Any chance you know what's going on?

/e nvm, i got it.

This part is new actually, so all should pay attention. :) :)

When you go to there's two signup pages, one for the main site, one for the Live Cam area. Click "GlassQ Live" and then scroll down and left under the artists room text, you'll see a login/signup form there. Thats the one you need to get in the video chat area.

I see ya there now so it worked out, yay! :)
R.Kitty, do you have any chillums or spoons made for sale? Im really in need of a new portable piece and would like some really sick looking worked glass
So how is the oil rig development coming? I tried being patient, but I'm anxious to see...

The last one from the pictures ended up cracking in a half dozen pieces once the mouthpiece was put on it. I showed my frustrations to the lathe friend, and he showed me a few tricks to make the seals a little better and some tricks to keep it hot while working it for a longer period of time. Its a work in progress, one I've failed at miserably in the past but is looking promising now. :)

R.Kitty, do you have any chillums or spoons made for sale? Im really in need of a new portable piece and would like some really sick looking worked glass

Chillums?! Havent made one in a long time. Spoons I've been (surprisingly) cranking out about 15 a week of to supply a new local store that opened up a few months ago.

So lets talk about your portable glass. You mentioned "worked" which usually means line tube / wigwags / spirals. (An "unworked" spoon would be either clear or full color, but not with the "worked" wigwag lines).

My color order should be here this week, it was ordered beginning of the last week from three different suppliers to get the colors I needed....... I have a lot of Northstar glass, Trautman color tube dips and experimentals, and even some uranium tubing thats radioactive and glows bright. Right now my color shelf is limited to mostly color-changing strikers, which is why my "worked" line tube pictures have been weak this last month.

Let me know what you had in mind, here or via PM, and we can work it out. Disclaimer: Custom orders will never turn out how you want them to look exactly, but I do try my hardest. YMMV. :)
My birthday is in a month and a half and I'm really due to order something from you. :) Make sure to post pics of any chillums you make; I accidentally flew with the one that matched all my pieces and left it out of country. :(
My birthday is in a month and a half and I'm really due to order something from you. :) Make sure to post pics of any chillums you make; I accidentally flew with the one that matched all my pieces and left it out of country. :(

6 weeks is plenty of time to think of something trippy. My new color order gets here tomorrow (finally), so check in if you see some bling you like. :-)
I got some slyme, so I made a little slyme set. My first ever "set" lol. Made the dish RK style. Thanks for the video! Want some more! I actually made the dome on a lathe at first, and when I went back to the bench to add some things I didnt warm it out enough and it popped on me. So I just laid down a little slyme on what was left of it and got the shitty little thing we got there. Actually ended up looking pretty cool. Think im gonna keep it.

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