Well-Known Member
Its a message in-a bubble. When you gaze into in you gain a deeper introspective relationship with the attached piece.
That sounds WAAAAAY more accurate than my version.

Its a message in-a bubble. When you gaze into in you gain a deeper introspective relationship with the attached piece.
im intrested also in this inline oil rig deal put me at the top of the list i must be vip my now lol
I DID IT!! I read the whole thread, all 109 pages. Very interesting material and the glass work is great! My only regret is I Vape and really dont like to smoke. I have never tried oil as i am new to Medical Cannabis. Seeing that the law here in Canada changed last week i think you are going to see More Oil and the like appear.
I have to say RK If i were to like any more than the other pieces it would be the Horrizontal Bubblers. That look pretty cool for sure. I have a friend that makes glass jewlery and i have always been jeolouse of her skill and now seeing how you have come along in time line of this thread and all i can say is WOW!! Fantastic for Sure.
Nice job. I found a way to do these that is easier. I open the can top up real wide. Then flare the top of the diffy the same size. Then weld the seals. Then u have a seamless can with a stem to add the fitting. Cuts down on the thick welds.
made an account on glassq but every time I try to join the artists room it says that I need to login first, even though I'm logged in. Any chance you know what's going on?
/e nvm, i got it.
So how is the oil rig development coming? I tried being patient, but I'm anxious to see...
R.Kitty, do you have any chillums or spoons made for sale? Im really in need of a new portable piece and would like some really sick looking worked glass
Remember you only have two weeks to make a custom order. It says in the rules you wrote.
My birthday is in a month and a half and I'm really due to order something from you.Make sure to post pics of any chillums you make; I accidentally flew with the one that matched all my pieces and left it out of country.