Dutch Passion- Blueberry...experiences or opinions?

Darwin Riddle

Well-Known Member
I definitely want to try this strain in DWC. I still have 2 beans left.......plus the 300 growing on the one plant... -.- .... I know shit about breeding so I don't know what to expect from the offspring....I have learned to take it easy on the pollen tho!!! Uno...your plant is the shit! Whatever you did with her..it was perfectly right!!

Darwin Riddle

Well-Known Member
Blueberry is gotta have the highest difficulty for indicas in all of straindom! Its easier to get bad results than good with it if things arent 100% going in its favor.

Whoever said if you can grow BB you can grow anything hit the nail on the dome! lol
And when something does get out of whack, it seems as tho they take twice as long to recover. This is no doubt a finicky strain....at least in soil. It's not a strain for an amateur grower for sure.


Active Member
I know right? The seeded plant is 27 days since the 12/12 switch..that one is a bit smaller than the other 2. I'm not sure if it's because I pollinated it or what but it really is hella frosty already. The 2 bigger plants trichs are just starting to come in. Sadly none of my clones, from this strain took...but I'm still tweaking my cloning abilities so it could have been operator error..lol. It really does have a distinct blueberry skunk smell...I'll have plenty of seeds from that one tho seeing as how I went a bit buck wild with the pollen......:shock:...hopefully that trait will carry on. It's been a learning experience for sure. So far so good but we still have alot of time left.
Yeah maybs pollinating them does halt vertical growth, sounds possible anyways. I tried cloning BB aswell, 100% failure aswell. Sigh. From what I read the flavour/smell of the mother is often carried on, but obviously not in every seed. Good chance though! I mentioned your resin because I've always been dissappointed by the trich coverage of my BBs, at least the leaves never got very frosty - just the flowers. I can see frost on your bigger leaves though, its a good sign for a winning pheno!

Darwin Riddle

Well-Known Member
Dude!!...check them out today!! I'm simply amazed!! How is it possible that this strain has such a bad rap?? Look at this shit it's beautiful!!...and at only 22 days...(and 29 for plant in pic 3)



Active Member
I personally havent got my BBs nearly as frosty as that, I can see trichs almost on the tips of the fan leaves....niiiice. I think the bad rap is maybs more a reflection of newer growers failing at it, that said my first ever grow was with BB and I still got decent results, and i certainly didnt know what I was doing. We must defend the good name of Blueberry!

Darwin Riddle

Well-Known Member
The seeded plant really stinks like blueberry too....I let my brother smell it, who doesn't even smoke, and he was like "damn...that smells so good!!it really does smell like blueberry." Then 1 plant smells kinda lemonyish and the other is like a blueberry dieselish smell...I'm really pleased so far. They are really starting to stink up the room....can't wait to smoke some!! bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
My BB is so frikn stinky. double bagged aint even gonna help. I had a 1/8th in the trunk, I know im gonna hear about it from my girl......her car reaks now hahahaha.

Darwin Riddle

Well-Known Member
Uno what kind of ppm meter do you use? I'm just getting a BB gum DWC grow started...and it's the only thing that I don't have.


Well-Known Member
Well, I had a cheapy TDS-3 (you can find one for like 10 on feebay) in my possession for awhile, And I took notes of PPM readings at a few given measurements, so i can come up with a fairly close number if need be.

Darwin Riddle

Well-Known Member
Did you check it regularly? I'm going to order one online. I'll start that grow journal tomorrow. This thread became the unofficial DP Blueberry grow journal. lol I'm nervous about my first DWC grow.:-|


Well-Known Member
When I had the meter I would check it daily, then went to every other day. now I dont have the meter, but was going to order one earlier this week, just havent gotten around to it yet.

I usually check PH & PPM at the same time.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
And when something does get out of whack, it seems as tho they take twice as long to recover. This is no doubt a finicky strain....at least in soil. It's not a strain for an amateur grower for sure.
For sure, it has alota quirks. But when you look at its genetic makeup you kinda realize why. The Thai is the culrpit for the finicy attitude.

Highland Oaxacan x Chocolate Thai made... Purple Thai > than X'd to Afghani then inbred 3 gens to make the Temple Flo line( thats one side of it) {this line also made Flo , F13 BB Sativa and all the sativa dom lines}

other side
Highland Thai x Afghani made HTAF then crossed to the above and inbred

Darwin Riddle

Well-Known Member
I'm still trying to understand how inbreeding is a good thing....especially for 3 gens. The plant that is at 4 weeks, reeks of Blueberry though. Next time I grow this strain, I think I'll do it in DWC. All 3 plants, that I have growing, are each very different in terms of needs...which is a pain in the ass..they are also all in 3g pots which I think, now, was a big mistake. The BB that I pollinated has alot of seeds on it so hopefully it will be a good X and I'll have some plants to play with. I can't wait to smoke some of this....only 6-8 weeks to go.....

Darwin Riddle

Well-Known Member
I just think that they would have been happier in 5g pots instead. The 2 bigger plants got very tall during the stretch. I'll tell you though...the plants do smell like blueberry. I've heard so many people say that the strain smells nothing like blueberry...well they must have been doing something wrong.


Active Member
Actually i can understand 3gal might be a squeeze, I gots 20L aeros pots which are a nice inbetween 3 and 5 gal, do the job nicely. Oh wells, soon you will be on to DWC anyhoo, bigger and better things.