Dutch Passion- Blueberry...experiences or opinions?


Well-Known Member
my humidity kinda high to...ordering dutch passion bluemoonshine beans and dj shorts grape krush F2s today.

Darwin Riddle

Well-Known Member
So I think I narrowed my claw problem down to too much nitrogen. I flushed the 2 offending plants with ph adjusted water and I'll wait for 2 waterings to feed again. Sound like a plan? :) Plants are looking good otherwise. I took the pretty pheno and dusted one of her branches with pollen. I hope those seeds take as well as the others did. I've read that it takes 2-4 weeks for seeds to appear but damn if I didn't see seeds less than a week later.
I'm just glad to be able to get onto RIU....it appears as tho we had a bit of a scare earlier with the domain name expiring. Glad to see things are up and running again. I had a lump in my throat thinking that I had lost you guys!!


Active Member
Aye i think 2-4weeks is what they say, but they are just little seeds so I could imagine them growing even faster than that. At least your fav pheno has avoided the claw, hope the flushing helps.

If you manage to make some healthy seeds are you planning on growing with em soon?

Darwin Riddle

Well-Known Member
Haha you should see this thing it is seeded to fook man!! I'll have plenty of seeds to play with. Let's just hope I didn't create a bunch of mutants! lol Lemme get some pics quick.


Active Member
Mystic, I'll definitely try out some of the seeds asap.....I'll have to make a blueberry krush grow journal..lol.
The seeded bud looks cool, calyxs look fat! and where have all the hairs gone hehe. Nice one, good to hear you are gona experiment with the seeds, look forward to hearing about it in future. I'm not going to be far behind you. After my trip to the states this year I'm gona get to work on a strain aswell.

Also grats on not having any herms! you must be doing a good job. Infact, from your pics its clear you are.

Darwin Riddle

Well-Known Member
Thanks Mystic! The real nice pheno is still going strong. I backed of the nutes, with these plants, quite a bit. They are very nute sensitive and I over-did it a bit but the 2 plants, with the claw, are recovering. That one plant that I pollinated is getting really frosty and really does smell like blueberry....sorta skunky blueberry. lol So far, this grow has not been half as bad as I thought it would be. I won't say it's been easy either but.....
as of tonight I resumed nutes on the pretty girl...she looked like she was getting a bit def. at the bottom.....but only 1/4 strength...don't want her clawing out on me too. So...the seeded girl is 4 weeks into flower now and the big girls are 3 weeks in. :)



Active Member
Wow they are powering on. The stretching should chill out now and wait till you see em fill out :) Btw, sounds to me like you might be on to one of the keeper phenos - the berry smelling one. Also you have great amounts of resin for this early in flower.


Well-Known Member
ok, been keeping mum here, i've never had luck following a DP blueberry grow, none that turned out well anyways
this is the best i've seen, sigh, i had kind of written off the DP BB, now i'm undecided again, it's hard to make sense out of the wide range of experiences

Darwin Riddle

Well-Known Member
Wow they are powering on. The stretching should chill out now and wait till you see em fill out :) Btw, sounds to me like you might be on to one of the keeper phenos - the berry smelling one. Also you have great amounts of resin for this early in flower.
I know right? The seeded plant is 27 days since the 12/12 switch..that one is a bit smaller than the other 2. I'm not sure if it's because I pollinated it or what but it really is hella frosty already. The 2 bigger plants trichs are just starting to come in. Sadly none of my clones, from this strain took...but I'm still tweaking my cloning abilities so it could have been operator error..lol. It really does have a distinct blueberry skunk smell...I'll have plenty of seeds from that one tho seeing as how I went a bit buck wild with the pollen......:shock:...hopefully that trait will carry on. It's been a learning experience for sure. So far so good but we still have alot of time left.

Darwin Riddle

Well-Known Member
ok, been keeping mum here, i've never had luck following a DP blueberry grow, none that turned out well anyways
this is the best i've seen, sigh, i had kind of written off the DP BB, now i'm undecided again, it's hard to make sense out of the wide range of experiences
I have heard alot of negative things, about the strain, as well but decided to have a go at it anyway. The strain is definitely nute sensitive. I hardly gave them any in veg and only minimal amounts since flower started and 2 of the plants got the claw even from that. They also seem to like the grow room temps on the cooler side. I've been keeping the daytime temp at 78 degrees. Things are going well so far. This strain absolutely needs alot of attention...not one that you can set and forget, so to speak. Even Dutch Passion says it may throw a few nanners but I'm not opposed to plucking a few off here and there...the later in flower the better. Keep watching tho I'll be updating this thread throughout now matter how it turns out.


Well-Known Member
Well, im still not totally enthused with the flavor, but the smell is nice, dense buds, yielded pretty good considering it only had around 300 watts of light. And I cant complain, it paid for my new fan & filter setup. I have a couple cuttings still, one in a bubbler dwc that is a freak, growing really fast, bushy as hell, the ones in soil arent doin as well. but im gonna grow them out, simply because the yield is good, and i gotta pay for the new 1k light setup somehow lol....

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Blueberry is gotta have the highest difficulty for indicas in all of straindom! Its easier to get bad results than good with it if things arent 100% going in its favor.

Whoever said if you can grow BB you can grow anything hit the nail on the dome! lol


Well-Known Member
my seedbank has blueberry .15 reg beans for 50. or 25 for 80. and get 5 free ones of the same.i done growed out slew of thier stuff bcseedking.all thier regs are usually 70% girls.thier the only ones with purple kush fems.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
ive grown Peakseeds Blueberry a bunch of times and the plants are pretty bomb , i refuse to pay 180bux for the same thing i can get for 30 .. DJs BB isnt the same but the prices are, and DP is expensive but IMHO thier quality has dropped off in the last 5-6 yrs


Well-Known Member
lol, smoke report....smoked 1/4 of a J, and im high.

I didnt think it was hard to grow,the xnutes i used to start it off were running kinda high on the PPM's, with the other addins it was between 1400-1600, then i dropped it back much lower 5-800 with the Dyna-gro. last week or so around 1-200 PPM.


Well-Known Member
lol, smoke report....smoked 1/4 of a J, and im high.

I didnt think it was hard to grow,the xnutes i used to start it off were running kinda high on the PPM's, with the other addins it was between 1400-1600, then i dropped it back much lower 5-800 with the Dyna-gro. last week or so around 1-200 PPM.
are yu usng RO water management?


Well-Known Member
no, i havent gotten a RO system, its on the longer term goals tho. My town water is roughly 35 ppm, and I was buying bottled spring water for it most of its life. I cant remember what the ppm of that is right off.