So, I got a job


Well-Known Member
thanks for the congrats, this job has worked out better than imagined. i would probably do it for even less if i knew it would be like this.

and now that this thread has devolved into phallic comparisons, my work is done here.


New Member
thanks for the congrats, this job has worked out better than imagined. i would probably do it for even less if i knew it would be like this.

and now that this thread has devolved into phallic comparisons, my work is done here.
Yeah, a my dick is bigger than yours. LOL. I thought one had to be 18 to post here. Great to hear about the job. Just the self esteem a job provides is a winner.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, a my dick is bigger than yours. LOL. I thought one had to be 18 to post here. Great to hear about the job. Just the self esteem a job provides is a winner.
that's true usually. it was certainly true last time i picked up a job, not so much this time. i was supplying my own living this time around, but only just barely. not so much a self esteem boost this time as it is less stress when it's time to pay the bills.

more predictable, too. sometimes the phone wouldn't ring for a week and then i'd get 5 calls in a day. i'd have to sit on unpaid bills until that phone did ring. growing weed, in that respect, was kind of like working on commission only, no telling when your pay would come or how much.

jeff f

New Member

ub you keep sying incomes are going down. this chart kind of shoots your "theory" in the ass....just sayin


Well-Known Member

ub you keep sying incomes are going down. this chart kind of shoots your "theory" in the ass....just sayin
look harder.

wages are the same as they were back in 1990 or so.

then adjust for inflation. then consider that productivity has increased a lot in the meantime.

more productive workers, less taxes...yet the same fucking wages and zero net job growth.

huzzah for reaganomics! can't you just feel it trickling down?

jeff f

New Member
look harder.

wages are the same as they were back in 1990 or so.

then adjust for inflation. then consider that productivity has increased a lot in the meantime.

more productive workers, less taxes...yet the same fucking wages and zero net job growth.

huzzah for reaganomics! can't you just feel it trickling down?

its adjusted for inflation smart guy. and it shows dips for 911 and the most recent crashing of the housing market.

so as i calculate, you ARENT worth much more than youre being paid for. you are bottom level and thats what your being paid. most people are being paid more, your going down....look offense, just stating the obvious.


Well-Known Member
its adjusted for inflation smart guy. and it shows dips for 911 and the most recent crashing of the housing market.

so as i calculate, you ARENT worth much more than youre being paid for. you are bottom level and thats what your being paid. most people are being paid more, your going down....look offense, just stating the obvious.
well, adjusted for inflation, wages have remained the same for 20+ years. so you have shot yourself in the foot and proved my point.

and you wouldn't say i was worth $10/hr if you knew me, i promise you. that was just you being mean.

but way to go on further dodging the real question in this thread.


Well-Known Member
no one ever answered my question :(

  • with respect to job creation and shrinking wages, what positive effect has the temporary 4.6% tax decrease on millionaires had?

    you keep going on this whole rant about how if my boss has to pay 39.6% instead of 35%, he or she can't do this or can't do that. it would seem to follow using your very same logic, that if they pay 35% instead of 39.6%, he or she can do this or can do that.

    so, with this tax decrease in place, where has it gone? has it fueled job growth? let me check....nope. ZERO net job growth since their enactment. has it trickled down to employees in the form of growing wages, ot ones that at least keep pace with the increased cost of living? let me check....nope. wages have SHRUNK, despite increased employee productivity.

    so the 35% rate hasn't produced any jobs, it hasn't lead to better wages...where has it gone?​



Well-Known Member
and to anyone wondering, i quit that shit bird of a job and am much happier selling treadmills and petting cats all day.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
and to anyone wondering, i quit that shit bird of a job and am much happier selling treadmills and petting cats all day.
So you revive a thread that more than a year old? I have a question, are you selling those treadmills legally? Are you reporting the income to the IRS?


Well-Known Member
Dude you need a new strain or something to reignite the creativity, you're getting WEAK.
people are going to the beach and hiking in the woods now that the weather is nice. no one wants to run on an indoor treadmill.

i'm gonna start taking these treadmills door to door.


Well-Known Member
people are going to the beach and hiking in the woods now that the weather is nice. no one wants to run on an indoor treadmill.

i'm gonna start taking these treadmills door to door.
No point, Lord Obama will take the money off you and give it to someone else. Stick to the cheddar, it's better for you ;)