what do brits think?

what do brits think of americans who come over to study or tourists for that matter. how are americans perceived by the main class(or middle class) of british peoples.
couldn't give a fuck who comes as long as they work and contribute to the society. fuck anyone who comes to set up a mini version of their home country and not integrate. like muslims preaching hate. i hope you guys fuck that hook handed cleric up.
I'm thinking they are jealous of our perfect teeth
we're jealous of your petrol prices and weed laws other than that you can fuck off

Please. Yanks do not get us wrong. we have been doing - it for a long time.

Brits feel they are under appreciated by the Americans (fair enough), sometimes. we feel slighty fucking ridic that pitched fork warriors pumped full of french know how defeated us - we over stretched. I hope America does not make the same mistake because you're paying through the nose for this boat we find ourselves together in.
i expect you think they all speak like princess di...oh and that we all know each other because our country is so small..........come over and hear a birmingham accent and you wont even know what the fuck she is saying

Wow now your making assumptions, like I ever listened to princess Dianna speak? too young man, and I'm just your average conceited, self-centered american. Im not looking for Queens english, i mean shit, i'm high all the time? Couldn't compete.

soo I'm looking for a street rat from Birmingham if I want some serious accent? thanks for the heads up.

Took long enough for the brits to creep over to the thread.... :D have a good sleep last night?
dont be such an idiot, what the fuck makes you say brits like to argue.......and whats all the crap about us trying to show we are superior..........tell me who this brit is that you have been talking to cause he needs a good kickin....

lmao.. prove my point much??
you must have been watching to much tv....brits stuck up..no way mate..
I haven't watched television for like 2 months lol.. and the only thinig I've seen on tv that has anything to do with brits is austin powers and a documentary about the beatles. sooooo.....yeah.
Lol dislike americans, thats funny they don't even like eachother. How could they like anyone else, their closest neighbors are the french and irish, and both of their neighbors hate them, and have tried to kill them numerous times. Bunch of Northern Monkeys and Southern Fairies.
LOL you brits are so patriotic.. just chill, us americans were only playing.. bwahahahahaha you guys are funny. And I don't think I've ever heard princess diane ever talk.. I don't even think I've ever seen her. I mean I've heard about her but why the hell should I care for her? I do like the beatles though :).
Stuck up? Are you fucking serious mate... What led you to think that? Maybe you should come sample some of our fine Ale`s and dank drugs lol

Nice one though peeps, one of you asks what Brits think of Americans, and you all run in and talk crap about us before we even comment on the topic, 5 pages in no time... I guess that answers the question thats been asked in the topic title ey? :)

Me personally, American students seem to have a spoilt and `center of the world` vibe about them... Few lived in my block and I met some too... Got on well with all of them, was pretty into a girly from over there too, hehe

But hey, I wish you luck with all your guns & your drug laws... have some good ole fun over there MATEYS!! lol
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Wow now your making assumptions, like I ever listened to princess Dianna speak? too young man, and I'm just your average conceited, self-centered american. Im not looking for Queens english, i mean shit, i'm high all the time? Couldn't compete.

soo I'm looking for a street rat from Birmingham if I want some serious accent? thanks for the heads up.

Took long enough for the brits to creep over to the thread.... :D have a good sleep last night?

ie: bonafide Yank
I know everything about the British being as I've watched every episode of The Young Ones. LOL!

Most Americans don't mind the British, it's the French we can't F'n stand. LOL!!
i dont mind most american girls and adults , but american teenage males are just loud annoying and pathetic .
and american humour is really really bad , i just dont find any american humour funny at all .