what do brits think?

and soon enough I will be a big boy and understand why you are on a grow site and haven't posted anything other than stupid shit in toke and talk.

Troll on my european counterpart. Thanks for the 700 posts of nonsense :D

you are going to use that? Out of Kindness, you are the next hombre!
Lol dislike americans, thats funny they don't even like eachother. How could they like anyone else, their closest neighbors are the french and irish, and both of their neighbors hate them, and have tried to kill them numerous times. Bunch of Northern Monkeys and Southern Fairies.

the brits put the trash out years ago......now where the hell did we send it?
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the best thing to come out of america......coke its the real thing.....:leaf:


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What do Brits think of the Septics? You honestly want ananswer to that?

OK, you asked for it!:

Obese, materialistic, polluting, grossly over consuming, insular, poorly travelled, loud, obnoxious, ill-educated, bigoted, gun toting, war-mongering pussies who moan for years on end over the ONE single terrorist attack on their soil as if it wasn't but a tiny percentage of the misery they've inflicted on the world, and then use it as a justification to create even more misery, death and destruction! Phew!

War on "commies", war on drugs, war on terror-War, war and more fucking war. I could go on, so I will!

Hysterical, bogey-man chasing indoctrinated mugs who cheer for the deaths inflicted on brown people on the other side of the world yet act indignant when the true horror of it is brought to their own doorstep.

Murderous, hypocritical wankers that have killed more people in the last 40 years than any other nation yet hold themselves up as the glorious beacon of democracy to the world and to the peoples they slaughter.

The nation who thinks it's perfectly just to send a death squad into a sovereign"ally" nation to kill someone instead of arresting, trying and convicting them in an international court of law.
Coup-sponsoring, rebel funding fucks with their pervasive tendrils pushing their “democratic” agenda worldwide, until the wind changes and the rebels they previously supported with arms and funds suddenly become"terrorists".

The land of the free with the biggest prison population in the world, the home of the brave who drop bombs on civilians from high altitude.

The richest nation in the world that won't even provide free healthcare to its needy citizens, or help them when the levy's break. The originators of such ethical mega-corps like McDonalds, Coca-Cola and Monsanto.

Oh, but they've got good teeth!

The funniest thing about all of the above is that most Americans will completely fail to see the irony!
What do Brits think of the Septics? You honestly want ananswer to that?

OK, you asked for it!:

Obese, materialistic, polluting, grossly over consuming, insular, poorly travelled, loud, obnoxious, ill-educated, bigoted, gun toting, war-mongering pussies who moan for years on end over the ONE single terrorist attack on their soil as if it wasn't but a tiny percentage of the misery they've inflicted on the world, and then use it as a justification to create even more misery, death and destruction! Phew!

War on "commies", war on drugs, war on terror-War, war and more fucking war. I could go on, so I will!

Hysterical, bogey-man chasing indoctrinated mugs who cheer for the deaths inflicted on brown people on the other side of the world yet act indignant when the true horror of it is brought to their own doorstep.

Murderous, hypocritical wankers that have killed more people in the last 40 years than any other nation yet hold themselves up as the glorious beacon of democracy to the world and to the peoples they slaughter.

The nation who thinks it's perfectly just to send a death squad into a sovereign"ally" nation to kill someone instead of arresting, trying and convicting them in an international court of law.
Coup-sponsoring, rebel funding fucks with their pervasive tendrils pushing their “democratic” agenda worldwide, until the wind changes and the rebels they previously supported with arms and funds suddenly become"terrorists".

The land of the free with the biggest prison population in the world, the home of the brave who drop bombs on civilians from high altitude.

The richest nation in the world that won't even provide free healthcare to its needy citizens, or help them when the levy's break. The originators of such ethical mega-corps like McDonalds, Coca-Cola and Monsanto.

Oh, but they've got good teeth!

The funniest thing about all of the above is that most Americans will completely fail to see the irony!

Funny that the English call us war mongers, being that the English were so sweet and innocent for centuries.
^Yeah but when we colonised a place we left railways, educational institutions and systems of governance which last to this day -when you leave (inevitably without winning, with your tails between your legs), there's nothing but bomb craters and big fuck off holes where all the oil should be!
I heard taking Omega 3 before bed makes you dream pretty vivid, might be of use for you mate :D

Oh shit now I remember, ran out of fish oil! Girls are disappearing, all these mcchickens and high fructose corn syrup is going right to my ass...


Del even if you don't like us americans, you're still a bad ass :D
^Yeah but when we colonised a place we left railways, educational institutions and systems of governance which last to this day -when you leave (inevitably without winning, with your tails between your legs), there's nothing but bomb craters and big fuck off holes where all the oil should be!

I'm starting to see Racer's point.
^Yeah but when we colonised a place we left railways, educational institutions and systems of governance which last to this day -when you leave (inevitably without winning, with your tails between your legs), there's nothing but bomb craters and big fuck off holes where all the oil should be!

Anyway, I said a lot more than "war-mongerers", care to refute owt else?
I didn't hear you chaps complaining when we came to your defense in 2 world wars.
^^^No? That might have been cos I wasn't even born then maybe?

Yep, you helped us in the World Wars, but it's been a long time since then, when you were a genuine force for good in the world.

In the last forty-fifty years your nation has lost all the respect and good will it once had.
^Aww...I feel bad now, a decent set of responses altogether. I was playing Devils advocate sort o' thing, I believe what I said but not quite to the extent I've made out. I'm not completely anti-American, just anti-American government!

Anyway, in answer to the OP:

People in the UK generally don't mind Americans and many away from cosmopolitan big cities will be fairly interested to talk to you. You might get a bit of banter but it'll be mostly light hearted. If you're going to Uni in the UK the people you'll meet will be cool, you'll have no problems fitting in as there's students from all over the world at British Uni's.