The "DOG" Pound off those "DOG" grows


Well-Known Member
very nice doobie. =) seems to be comin along nicely. sure DST will be proud. lol. you should throw a couple "woof woof"'s in there sumwhere in there. maybe right after the chorus part.

(woof woof)

lol. idk. im just high. but "woof woof" has almost become the DOG's catch phrase now. lol. but anywayz. good shit. id like to see/hear the finished product as well man. keep up the good work


Well-Known Member
Brilliant, Doobie!!! You crack me up mate.

What sort of beat you looking at? any ideas on samples? remember, I am good on the Triangle, lol....

Working on another song.
Still have some issues to deal with, but here is the first draft:

"Dog Is In The House"
©2012 DoobieBrohter

Woof mutha fuckas.

Yo, yo , yo, yo!
Somebody better call the SPCA!

Gonna be some straight-up D-og abuse going on in here real quick like!

Ain't no pussies allowed in here, you dig?
Fanny Boys need not apply!

Check it out:

It's time to pack up your kitties
and hit the bricks,
gonna burn your ass down
like a bundle of sticks.

The mutha fuckin' Dog in tha house!

I'm talkin' hardcore weed
from my man in The 'Dam.
It's funky
and hella skunky

Calls it




You heard me.

So light the fires
and kick the tires,
Don't fire
'til you see the reds of their eyes.

Easy doesn't do it,
we're smokin' hardcore!
'Til some sorry ass fucker ends up
the floor.

Stay the course!
No remorse!
Mid-stream is the wrong time
to change your horse!

When you're smoking that



So grab on tight,
spark the light!
This bitch's in heat
and her bark is as bad as her bite!



Begin your day
just a puffin' away
It's a toker's delight,
like a three D-og night.

Pack up your bowls
and milk your glass
This K-9 girl will be biting your ass.


And if you choke the smoke
like your lungs are broke,
don't get mad and skin the cat.
But you might need a rabies shot
after hitting on some of that...


Rips out your lungs!
Crushes your skull in!


Feasts on your brain,
makes you want it again!
Make you understand why
is man's
best friend!

Smelly mutha fuckin' buds...

You'll always want another bowl of...

Don't worry 'bout no ticks & fleas
with this...


It's a Dog's world
and your wearing Milkbone underwear


Dog is in the house.


Well-Known Member
I will be trying for a mish mash of my favorites (Snoop, Run-DMC, NWA, Rage Against The Machine style stuff).
Mostly a smooth groove to start out, then it gets aggressive in the middle, and goes back to a smooth groove to finish up.
Typical "Quiet-Loud-Quiet" formula.
I have the melodies in my head, I know how the choruses wll sound & flow, I've got most of the drums figured out in my head (just basic grooves using an 808 ), and the bass part will come from that.
There will be a couple more drafts, but it will only be to even out some rough spots and maybe add some more verses (regarding Grey Area perhaps? And Breeders' Boutique, which can be found at ?).
No samples, though, just me, Ableton Suite, my mic, my keyboard, and my bass.
Well, I might be looking for some audio recordings of dogs barking, if anybody has a verbose pooch, or are willing to do like TGSS and volunteer clips of themselves barking like a mad dog. I plan on ending the song by layering the sounds of a dog kennel gone crazy with barking (and a few howls) under the ending choruses.
And if you have a triangle, I could use a vid (with audio) of you clanging the insides of the triangle like a call to dinner, and a one shot hit where the ring is allowed to go until it fades out (smoky haze would be a cool addition, too). I could use those in the song easily.
And maybe we can work out me getting some pics to make a montage to put some Dog on display.
Will worry about that when I've made some progress.


Well-Known Member
I love it Doob, when is the Video coming out???? Whats cracking DOG Pound? Hope you all are enjoying this beautiful weekend. Nice crosses out there with the DOGs, Cant wait to see the Blue Pit DST.

Ok so we have a song now we need an emble, DST? Are you working on that?

Hey Doob is that your Strawberry grow in your Avi?

Keep 'em coming DOGs



Well-Known Member
Welcome to the DOG Pound gen....Your DOG is a beauty!!! Glad to see the DOG Father isnt revealing his face but is riding high on that DOG! LOL Nice work bro!!!




Well-Known Member
hehe, funny stuff. I wouldn't mind being that little guy, imagine sitting on a bud that size? noice!

I tell you one thing guys and gals'es, the bread of dog certainly isn't one you can stick in a fukkin handbag, lol.


Well-Known Member
hehe, funny stuff. I wouldn't mind being that little guy, imagine sitting on a bud that size? noice!

I tell you one thing guys and gals'es, the bread of dog certainly isn't one you can stick in a fukkin handbag, lol.
Its a breed of its own, it just can't be match!!!!


Well-Known Member
Only fitting for this thread......DOG Pound!!!



Well-Known Member
That's cool Mantiszn, but Mrs DST get last shout on designs, lol. (you know how it is I am sure.)

She is a perfectionist as well and would not be happy that there are 2 fonts on the pic either, lmfao. Brand design and the such is her forté. In fact she has just gone for a job interview working on the branding side of things for a large jeans fashion house....although like all jobs in this day and age (it seems to take forever).

I do like the set up though and the incorporation of our colouring, very slick I think.

I was thinking about this as a brand thing and a range of crosses. I know the DOG is a reasonably hard hitter, but it's also a caring weed, helping with pains and getting you a good rest. Perhaps a DOG like a Labradore type, or a St Bernard even? A Big St Bernie with a fat nug sack under it's chin, lol....

Since Mant has opened up the box, and further ideas on his design?

woof .....



Well-Known Member
Haha.. Of course man.. no worries just bored and messing around.. Threw it together in about 15min
And the font was the closest I could find, mind I didn't look that hard.


Well-Known Member
I do like the concept. And don't get me started on Font's.....I live with a women obsessed by fonts (most recent thing is to compile a dictionary of fonts....ok love, whatever, lol.)

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
I had lost my DOG mother and have been auditioning some of her seeds looking for the closest resemblence to the original and I like this one the best. She is at 3 weeks.

The nice part of finding a bean or two in your plant is having a source to replenish your stock.
