The Great God Pan is Alive

i don't need your permission to troll, actually.

in fact, if my trolling were deemed unacceptable by you, you would just turn off my internet.

at least, that's the delusion you've created in your own mind.

You do neeed my permission aparently. That's what it took to get you to start saying more than one thing over and over. :dunce:

Seems more like that's the delusion I've created in your mind.
Since you're the one always worried about it.
nah, i'll troll the shit out of you no matter what the fuck you "permit".

No you won't.
Because you don't all the time. There are threads I am a part of, that I JUST became a part of in the past few days, that you aren't trolling even.

So you are a filthy liar :p
And you do what I tell you.
No you won't.
Because you don't all the time. There are threads I am a part of, that I JUST became a part of in the past few days, that you aren't trolling even.

So you are a filthy liar :p
And you do what I tell you.

in your dreams, walmart thief.
In my dreams? There are at least 3 new (made within the past 3 days) threads that I am putting uninterrupted input on.

You are my little bitch boy, until you prove other wise.
So, I'll believe it when I see it.

so i have to troll you everywhere instead of just in the threads you start?

you're delusional.
A summary for anyone just Joining:

The announcement of Pan's death was a mistake.

I am here to announce that pan is alive.
The mountains are roaring, and the prairies are dancing. Feel the presence.

Embrace the best and worst about yourself as one.
Listen to the wilderness, and it can not be mistaken.

The Great God Pan is Alive!!
The world is calling to us. LISTEN

The Wilderness.
Go outside, and not just on the sidewalk... REAL woods or some shit. Listen.
Do it a few times while getting stoned maybe, to help your perception be deeper.

Then go back to the sidewalk/to your yard, listen.

Think about yourself, the things you WOULD change and the things you LOVE about yourself. Accept them as impossible without each other.

Scratch a dog/cat on its head, behind its ears. Sit with your pet for a while, and try to understand who you are with it/to it. Try to understand who your pet is to HIMSELF.

THEN repeat steps 1 and 2. (True outdoor observation, followed by false outdoor observation)

Pan is there.
His death was a lie.

This isn't me believing in a diety.
It's me telling you what's up with natural phenomenon.

This is ALL true in EVERYONES lives whether they "believe in it" or not.
Just like how people say "The Bible has some good lessons" and "It will make my children good people." But they don't REALLY believe in god.
Other religions have lessons about shit too, we just don't have buildings where people can tell us about them.

That's what the woods/mountains and weed/mushrooms are for.

Pan is kinda "The Laws of Nature"
But if that is your understanding of him, you are missing a lot.

I'm not suggesting you think of it as a god.

I'm suggesting you try to understand how it works, and what it is doing.
Things are happening, Pans been quiet for a long time. But not anymore.

Talk to plants and animals. They know.

Like Imagine humans DIDN'T know everything (hard to do right).
What if plants know about the planets, the same way they know it's night and day. What if things like the 2012 event aren't for humans, but for the whole PLANET.
What if we lived on a ball, that was full of billions of ecosystems, and we we're the only ones.

Like, why are we trying to contact aliens. Let's talk to a dog first.

Pan is a grouping of natural phenomenons that DO exist, Pan can be seen, felt, heard, and I can even tell you when YOU have been "Pan".

Do you have children?
If so, have you ever spanked or yelled at them and felt bad about it? Congratulations, you were reflecting upon your "Dark Self" or "Dark Pan". In the moment of regret, you were looking back on what it could do.
We all have "Day/Light" or "Dark/Night" Pan phenomenons occurring inside of us, same as the world has both occurring within it (Example: Without war and struggle, there is no concept of peace and community). No one is perfect. But you should try to Balance the good and the bad.

Have you been smoking marijuana?
Alright you can puss out, but you just got done saying this. :dunce: :lol:

Just sit in my threads like a good boy :p
Bump it up.

puss out? i wasn't even aware you were posting elsewhere until you told me.

but i'll let you enjoy a few more bumps, help you reach that year in the making spam check.

what shall we discuss?

perhaps we can discuss how you pussed out of texas and are on the lam from the law.

perhaps we can discuss how you pussed out of coming to oregon and going bigger than the dispensaries.

perhaps we can discuss how you pussed out of going to mexico and somehow blamed it on your card.

or we can just discuss your general mental issues, your propensity to thievery, or your e-thuggishness.

whatever you prefer. let's get you a few more bumps here. your mooching, stealing, spamming ass needs all the bumps you can get.

puss out?

Yes, you are a puss.

You can't answer simple questions because you're scared.
And you sit bumping my threads, even when I tell you that's what your doing. Which I have no problem with.

Just because you doubt I will be doing things, does not mean I have pussed out on them :dunce:
It means you're impatient.

Thanks for the bumping.
All you are doing is giving people more stuff to go search about me, helping this thread get higher rankings, and adding words so it is better primed for SEO.

Keep it up. This isn't what "trolling the shit out of me" should entail, you're not a troll. You're my number one follower :lol: