cone maintance and happy clones


Active Member
I just found four males out of my seven plants so imma re veg them, now i have a few questions.

1. whats the best way to care for and maintain a clone?

2. do i need the humidity dome?

3. if i need the humidity dome, how do i clean and maintain it?

4. do i put tiger bloom with a lil bit of water on the bottom of the dome?

5. is 1000 watt hps okay to put my clones under?

6. if i dont need the dome can i transplant them into red party cups?

7. how far would i put my lights away from them?

8. and how much does a one 1000 watt light cover

just basic would help alot imma alot clones and wanna do it right


Well-Known Member
You will need a tray and a dome. For soil I like to use rapid rooters. And if you get there tray with the plugs already in there it comes with clonex. So no need to get a cloning solution. But if you can't get that just a cloning solution and low nut soil in a solo cup will work. You will want to keep the humidity around 80-90% around the clones till roots start. But you will see all that in the link posted above.

As for the light 1000 is to much IMO. But if you need to use it have it as high as you can from the clones. I like using a T5.

Don't add nutes. After you get your clones rooted. Place in cups with good soil water. After roots fill the cup move to bigger pot and veg. Befor 12/12 place in a bigger pot. Do this and you shouldn't need nutes till 4th week of flower if at all. I know this dosnt cover everything or in detail. But I can go on for days about clones. So any specific questions ask and I'll try and give as detailed of an answer as I can. Oh and yes alot of times your clones will look like there dying. Just let them go. Messing with clones is what kills them the most.


Well-Known Member
If your buying clones you don't need anything specal. Just go to your cups and start growing. Clones come rooted. Some not that long others like to make sure they are good and veg them a few weeks befor selling them.


Active Member
Thanks man that answers it all pretty much do i mist the or the dome's inside
If your buying clones you don't need anything specal. Just go to your cups and start growing. Clones come rooted. Some not that long others like to make sure they are good and veg them a few weeks befor selling them.


Well-Known Member
I have never gotten or put a dome on a rooted clone. No reason to. Treat it like a regular plant at that point.


Well-Known Member
Just the dome. I pick it up about 2 inches on 1 side then spray. Set it down and I'm done. You will also need to keep the starting cubes moist the whole time. Don't let them dryout.


Active Member
should i put water on the bottom tray or just a lil so the roots will search for them
Just the dome. I pick it up about 2 inches on 1 side then spray. Set it down and I'm done. You will also need to keep the starting cubes moist the whole time. Don't let them dryout.


Well-Known Member
he subject matter keeps bouncing. Are you wanting to know how to root cuttings? Or care for already rooted clones?


Well-Known Member
I suggest a dome depending on the amount of clones ur gonna be doing, if its only a few I used zip lock gallon bags as a dome for clones I just cut one corner off the bag to give ventilation. The purpose of a dome for clones is because a plant without roots absorbs the majority of its nutes thru its leaves thats y u want such high humidity.


Well-Known Member
I suggest a dome depending on the amount of clones ur gonna be doing, if its only a few I used zip lock gallon bags as a dome for clones I just cut one corner off the bag to give ventilation. The purpose of a dome for clones is because a plant without roots absorbs the majority of its nutes thru its leaves thats y u want such high humidity.
I assume you didn't read the thread?