Indoor CFL grow journal of someone who doesn't know what they're doing.


Well-Known Member
Damnedest thing. Go back several weeks and there was Esmerelda, Princess Consuela, and Moon Beam. Since then when I have a seed or seedlind that didn't make it I'd go and put the left over soil into Moon Beam's old 10" pot. I had a metal thing on top of the pot that I was using as a lid to keep the soil from drying out. I took it off today for the first time in about a week and there was a 4" stem sticking straight up out of the soil.

Question is though, is it another one of my plants...or is it a daisy?


Well-Known Member
I would guess its one of your plants, I have read stories of guys tossing uprooted males in the woods only to go back and find that plant growing, it is a very resiliant (sp) plant .....


Well-Known Member
hey how is the new light working out??? I was running the numbers on your operation, before when you had 12 bulbs you were running 276w, now with the t5 and the 4 bulbs you are at 202, do you know how many lumens you gained or lost with the t5?? and is the t5 a more intense light than the cfl, does it seem to penetrate more of the plant??? again sorry for all the questions not trying to hijack your journal


Well-Known Member
I would guess its one of your plants, I have read stories of guys tossing uprooted males in the woods only to go back and find that plant growing, it is a very resiliant (sp) plant .....
That'd be awesome, but I guess only time will tell. The plant seems to be taking well to being in the light. The stem seems to get more color each day. Originally the entire stem was a transparent whiteish pinkish color. Now about the top 8th of the stem is opaque.


Well-Known Member
hey how is the new light working out??? I was running the numbers on your operation, before when you had 12 bulbs you were running 276w, now with the t5 and the 4 bulbs you are at 202, do you know how many lumens you gained or lost with the t5?? and is the t5 a more intense light than the cfl, does it seem to penetrate more of the plant??? again sorry for all the questions not trying to hijack your journal
The lights seem to be working out really well. Princess Consuela is up alittle and Esmerelda has started growing like a beast. I haven't measured her yet but I'd say she's up at least 2-3" since I put the lights in.

I don't know the specs off hand. I have a cost accounting project that I'm working on now. When I get back from class I'll go and run the numbers. And please, ask all the questions you want. I'd like as many people as possible to be as active as possible in here.


Well-Known Member
I love how resilient these plants are!

How long into veg are you these days? The plants look healthy and bushy and with those T5s should start showin you some looove. Do you got a C02 supply in there?

Also, did you buy the Homebox XS? That's what I'm using in my closet and it works great. Check out my journal in my sig


Well-Known Member
cool thanks brother, I will wait or the info, and please feel free to stop by my grow anytime I have some girls in flower, I am also using cfl's


Well-Known Member
I love how resilient these plants are!

How long into veg are you these days? The plants look healthy and bushy and with those T5s should start showin you some looove. Do you got a C02 supply in there?

Also, did you buy the Homebox XS? That's what I'm using in my closet and it works great. Check out my journal in my sig
Esmerelda is now at 49 days and Princess Consuela is at 43. With Esmerelda though, she was originally eaten by one of cats and I was told to adjust her sprout day by 2 weeks. The 49 days is based on her new estimated sprout date. Thing is though, she looks alot more than 6 days ahead of PC. Her adjusted age is 49, her actual age is 63 days, I should probally consider her somewhere in the middle.

No, no CO2. I really want to get some though. If I could find a cheap system I'd get it, but all the ones I've been seeing are 170+. Considering I haven't even had my first harvest yet, I'm not going to go and get terribly much more then what I'm planning on picking up next weekend.

No HomeBox yet. That's one of the things I'll be getting next weekend. I'm planning on using it as my flowering box. How stiff are the walls on the box? The website says it's 23.5" wide, Do you think I could fit a light hood inside it that's 24"


Well-Known Member
The walls I'd say are as stiff as canvas and have a little room to move. The box isn't 4ft tall but I have a 4ft floursecent tube reflector standing straight up in a corner. You can definately squeeze a couple inches, maybe a half a foot outta it.

For a cheap C02 option go with a bottle with yeast sugar and water. You can find posts about it pretty easy

The reflectiveness (word? hah) of the box definately increased my girl's growth, keeps C02 in, keeps the heat up and is light proof... Worth the money imo


Well-Known Member
Right now it's Thursday afternoon. I put in the lights on Tueday night. On Tuesday night PC was about 6" tall and E was at 7.5". I just measured them. PC is up to 7.5-8" and E is just shy of 10"...I guess they like the new lights.


Well-Known Member
The lights seem to be working out really well. Princess Consuela is up alittle and Esmerelda has started growing like a beast. I haven't measured her yet but I'd say she's up at least 2-3" since I put the lights in.

I don't know the specs off hand. I have a cost accounting project that I'm working on now. When I get back from class I'll go and run the numbers. And please, ask all the questions you want. I'd like as many people as possible to be as active as possible in here.

Yes, I'm currently at 202 Watts. Before each plant had 3 CFLs , their lumens were rated at 1600 each. That put it at 4800 each or 19200 for the closet. Now, they each have 3200 from CFLs and a 10,000 lumen with a reflector over head and two adjacent walls covered with mylar.


Well-Known Member
The walls I'd say are as stiff as canvas and have a little room to move. The box isn't 4ft tall but I have a 4ft floursecent tube reflector standing straight up in a corner. You can definately squeeze a couple inches, maybe a half a foot outta it.

For a cheap C02 option go with a bottle with yeast sugar and water. You can find posts about it pretty easy

The reflectiveness (word? hah) of the box definately increased my girl's growth, keeps C02 in, keeps the heat up and is light proof... Worth the money imo
I do have a whole mess of yeast in the kitchen...

You say it keeps up the heat? You phrase that like its a good thing, but that's actually one of the things I was worried about. With the closet door closed and the cfls on it would get might toasty in there, up into the low 90s. That isn't a problem for you? What are you doing about ventilation?


Well-Known Member
not much to report. E and PC seem to be moving right along. The mystery stem is now completely opaque, I'm hoping to see some leaves within the next couple of days. Things have been fairly good the last few days, and I think I'm ok with that.


Well-Known Member
I do have a whole mess of yeast in the kitchen...

You say it keeps up the heat? You phrase that like its a good thing, but that's actually one of the things I was worried about. With the closet door closed and the cfls on it would get might toasty in there, up into the low 90s. That isn't a problem for you? What are you doing about ventilation?
It's a good thing for us. The room temp is around 70 and with my CFLs on the tent stays around 82. This is with no intake or exhaust blowing. If it gets too hot I turn my fan on and in 30 mins its back to 75.

The Homebox has good spots for intake and exhaust so it shouldnt be too hard to vent out heat.


Well-Known Member
It's a good thing for us. The room temp is around 70 and with my CFLs on the tent stays around 82. This is with no intake or exhaust blowing. If it gets too hot I turn my fan on and in 30 mins its back to 75.

The Homebox has good spots for intake and exhaust so it shouldnt be too hard to vent out heat.
I hope it doesn't get too hot in my box once I get it all going. If heat does become a problem. If it does I'll have to head over to the nearest hydro shop which is over 90 min away.


Well-Known Member
if you want an exuast fan you can use pc fans they are cheap or go to home depot they sell them and the exauhst ducting