Pruning gone BAD!


Well-Known Member
welcome to the family. so are you gonna trim your leaves? i'm not. i think millions of years of evolution have worked it all out. i'm gonna let nature do it's thing.
I 100% agree with you. Millions of years is enough evidence, just let nature figure it out :)


Well-Known Member
welcome to the family. so are you gonna trim your leaves? i'm not. i think millions of years of evolution have worked it all out. i'm gonna let nature do it's thing.
In the wild, plants are constantly being attacked by insects and animals. I believe that pruning helps promote strong healthy plants and grazing is the way its done in the wild. Whenever I trim mine they come back stronger.


Well-Known Member
In the wild, plants are constantly being attacked by insects and animals. I believe that pruning helps promote strong healthy plants and grazing is the way its done in the wild. Whenever I trim mine they come back stronger.

how do you know they are stronger? stronger than what? what would they be if you didn't trim them. i think to fully test this you have to do a side-by-side test with 2 clones from the same mother. 2 clones that are perfectly matched in growth rate. without a test it is just an opinion.


Well-Known Member
how do you know they are stronger? stronger than what? what would they be if you didn't trim them. i think to fully test this you have to do a side-by-side test with 2 clones from the same mother. 2 clones that are perfectly matched in growth rate. without a test it is just an opinion.
Actually you get +rep for that one fdd. Once I figure out if i've got a female here ill cut some clones and we'll give her a try.

Stronger because they grow more leaves faster when you remove old ones (sockos almost got too many leaves lol)

Come to think of it my smaller plant Turd wasnt pruned until recently and it also didnt hit any sort of real growth spurt until I did start trimming it. could be a coincidence


Well-Known Member
Actually you get +rep for that one fdd. Once I figure out if i've got a female here ill cut some clones and we'll give her a try.

right on. i really like when things are proven. i have ideas in my head that you would never get me to believe otherwise. until i see it proven then i'm all ears. funny how that is.


Well-Known Member
It will definitely put others at ease and hey if it improves everyones quality of buds id certainly like to know :)

So far as I have seen the longest mine lay dormant for is when i top them. This is usually 24-60 hours of non-growth before the new heads start growing in. I notice droop for the first hour after trimming but they are always right back paneled up at the sun by the second hour.

I really believe that pruning is not a deciding factor in the gender of a plant otherwise the hermie ratio outdoors would be insane


Active Member
Im with you guys on this one...the only time i trim, well i guess never, unless you want to count pruning as trimming. I also take clones, but i have yet to see my babies droop or sag from this, they are always "perky". I like fdd's quote...mother natures been doing it without us and it managed to make it this far, why interfeer with nature. the only time i will do anything like reomving a leaf is when i know for a fact its dead, as in yellow and dried up, I will never remove one of the green sun leaves, momma nature put them there for a reason,and if its not broke i wont fix it.....

On a side note, closely related...i do do the L.S.T. method and why I switch over to the flowering cycle I like to "pull back" the sun leaves to expose the lower nods to more light, but when I do this i always make sure i dont remove or damage the sun leaves, they are still connected to the plant but are "below" the bend in the plant....if the gallery was up i would upload a picture to it so you can see what I am talking about. sorry fellas, will have to wait :(
in the meantime lets pass this around-------> :joint:


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I guess growing method becomes a factor also.If you sog then you gonna prune all the lower stuff away and have just the main cola area left which might scare some but is a proven technique to a larger more resinous bud.


Active Member
I guess growing method becomes a factor also.If you sog then you gonna prune all the lower stuff away and have just the main cola area left which might scare some but is a proven technique to a larger more resinous bud.
Filthy whats the S.O.G. method? i tried the search here but since its only 3 letters it wont give me any results :( is there a link you know of that explains this method, i am using the L.S.T. method on my most recent batch, and man its fucking unreal the increase in nodes and buds ive got going, man o man i want my lights to come on soon!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Well we do know that light coverage has a direct correlation to bud continuity (size and potency) throughout the cola. Sometimes tying isnt an option.


Well-Known Member
since i have pruned my plants my colas on my big plant has gotten 2 x as fat as it was for i prumed also im only 3wks into flowering but the flower sites are really looking good. theyre sticky icky icky.



Well-Known Member
Ive been prunning this bitch for a couple weeks and it just keeps getting thicker and bushier , i dont know the strain but ive never seen a plant quite like this , lots of retarded leaves and just 4 weeks old



Well-Known Member
As Godkas already said "In the wild, plants are constantly being attacked by insects and animals. I believe that pruning helps promote strong healthy plants and grazing is the way its done in the wild." not to mention huge rain falls, strong winds and so fourth. Plants take a beating outside.
I dont think high times would publish something in an attempt to have you kill your plants, nor do I think this is a debate that will ever be over. Its like the lighting debate, some will always think one way, and others will think the other. I like to cut leaves as I near my harvest date, if lighting is a problem. Which it usually is.


Well-Known Member
well im very happy with the rate im going at right now and hopfully after this weekend i will start flowering. I think thats the whole point to growing cannabis each grower has his own unique techniques and without that everyone would have the same plants, i love trying new things but with some insight from other. I will post new pics next week :peace:


Active Member
im on week 3 of flowering and i've been pruning my plant since it reach 18-20 Inches. I NEVER remove perfectly good leaves, only ones that are showing signs of dying. I.E : brown curled tips, yellow leaves, crunches to dust in your fingers. Check it out, pictures in my journal


Well-Known Member
look maybe you all do something different but when mine are at 6 inches, i pinch the top /right under the first node the pinch is no more than me taking two fingers (thumb and index ) and squeeze it til it gives a little.this does alot 1. the top slows down and the lower branches come out , then it swells where i pinched it and from there down it gets fatter and this allows more nutrients to the top next time i do this is at 1 foot and ill see the lower branches will be half way up to the top this last time makes all the lower branches catch up to the top and now ill have 8 to 16 tops


Hi all just thought i would give the results of my own side by side test i took 6 clones then out of the 6 took four of same growth rate, left one to do its thing the second was trimmed a lil here and there. One were trimmed all over and the last one had none left. made sure they got as close to equal everything as could get all under a 600w same grow area. Havent really seen much diff in final yields at all... The 3rd one did stunt for around 4days but each yield has still given between 118g and 134g each plant. ironically the most yield came off the one that stunted be it by 3g or so.