i'm not LOLing, teaching simple hygiene will save lives and money.
we send less aid money, but more importantly, less people die from easily preventable diseases.
people who mock others' misery like you guys are doing are the scum of the earth. double scumbag points for doing it for cheap, divisive political hackery points.
Lol, I must be a douchebag then for feeling like it doesn't take 800k to teach people how to rub soap on their genitals, something that, BY THE WAY, Africans have been doing for generations. Here, maybe instead of "reaching" with a comment about how teaching people how to clean themselves will save us money in the future (by the way, when exactly does it start to pay off?) maybe you could educate yourself on some African "soap history"
Here's a link friend.
You may notice it says "used for generations"...I'm pretty sure that implies that they've not only had, and known how to use soap for a long time, but they have better fucking soap than the rest of the world does.
Wanna know where I think that 800k would have been better spent. How about a program that helps put teenagers to work in our country. You know...teen-agers....the FUTURE moms and dads of America. Or do you not care about American children? Just African children that only exist as a figment of your imaginations...since you can only imagine Africa.
"Teens across the country are finding it harder and harder to find jobs this summer. 36.2% of teens are out of work in California, the highest rate in the country except for Washington, D.C., where a staggering 51.7% of teens are unemployed. Nationally, the teen unemployment rate stands at 24.9% , and has averaged above 20% for over 40 months. Raising concern about the staggering amount of young people across the country unable to find work in this tough economy."
how dare those poor african children born into the most dire of circumstances not possess the working knowledge of germs and disease that us westerners do.
let's mock and deride them for cheap political points.
fucking assholes make me sick.
If fucking assholes make you sick, then I imagine you are throwing up in front of the mirror right now. Talking about "poor african children" like you've ever been to Africa or know anything about it. Most of those "poor african children" have a much richer culture than many of the children in this country, and I promise you there mothers and fathers and family are smart enough to teach them how to clean themselves.
Did you want some attention or something? Is that why you quoted me in your response? We were having grown up conversations over here lol.
This was not relief money. private charitable contributions or longstanding expenditures. this was stimulus money, appropriated for jobs in the USA.
stop whining and deal with the facts. $800,000 we cant afford spent where it was not supposed to go, for the dubious proposition that people in africa dont know how to wash their dicks. I think they probably have a pretty good handle on dick washing, or do you think they are so stupid and backwards that they cant figure out thow to clean their own genitals? sounds a little racist to me there Uncle Buck...
I'd say it sounds like he thinks they're too stupid to clean their own genitals, as well as being a racist. It's always great when white americans try to say that they aren't racist, but they think that every other race and every other country in the world somehow needs the help of the US government to survive....fucking idiots.
If that's the case, how come they're burning GMO seeds in Haiti and refusing to grow GMO crops, despite our governments claims that we and Monsanto are "helping" these people in these countries? The truth is that OUR help is the LAST thing third world countries usually want.