show me where it says that. until then, you sound like a petulant little child.
i'm not watching your videos, use your words, brainiac.
Of course you won't spend 8 minutes watching a video that someone told you could change your life. You're already aware of the fact that you're wrong and your heart is in the wrong place. You know you're wrong, which is why you'd rather sit around on your computer and spin long-winded desparate ever-changing arguments that you constantly lose.
It doesn't fall on blind eyes to most people reading that you resort to name calling "petulant child" when you are backed into a corner, then you project the way you obviously feel about yourself onto us by calling us "brain-washed robots that lack empathy"...lmao.
But you couldn't take 8 minutes to watch a video that is basically an instruction manual on how to be a human....Then you go on to say that trying to protect the people in your homeland from oppressors that take your money from you without giving you a choice in the matter and distribute it around the country wherever THEY see fit. You're so desperate to prove yourself right, but you already know you can't.
You would just prefer to argue than to change. Even though you know you need to....that's just sad my friend. But I'm just an emotionless petulant brain-washed child robot lmfao.
because as empathetic, humanitarian leaders of the world, we don't turn our backs on the AIDS epidemic and pretend it doesn't exist, like good old alzheimer's ronnie.
and we can greatly reduce our aid money by preventing the problem rather than responding to it.
it's kind of a simple win win that political hacks use to divide people. absolutely deplorable.
Alzheimer's probably wouldn't even exist without the interference from our Federal Government hahah. In fact, it wouldn't it probably wouldn't exist all over the world if it wasn't for the INTERFERENCE of OBAMA. I think letting the good people of the world live cancer and Alzheimer's-free would be a much better AID to foreign countries than giving the 800k to wash their balls.
Latin America tells our government they're tired of prohibition and want to legalize drugs to make it safer for the people in their countries, this is how we AID them
But of course you're not going to read any of my "silly" links any more than you'll watch my video right? Lol. Wouldn't want your mind to accidentally change.
And political hacks use OBAMA to divide people lol.
common trait in the ronbots. they all reek of a teenage boy who just done reading ayn rand.
i'm sorry you lack empathy, truly i am. it is one of the best parts of the human condition.
Once again, what do you have against teenage boys lol.
And once again, you're projecting your self-hate onto us. We don't lack empathy, we just posses a better understanding of it than you.
another ronbot trait.
you have no right to use force against me, but i reserve the right to use force against you!
You're giving our government permission to use force against US! Your own people!! Are you nuts lol.
Liberty is based on self-ownership. You own your own life. To deny that is to imply that another person has a higher claim on your life than you do. No one else owns your life, nor do you own the lives of others.
A product of your life and liberty is your PROPERTY. Property can be the property of others that was given to you voluntarily and by mutual consent. Using force or fraud to take property from others without voluntary consent is wrong.
To take life is murder. To take liberty is slavery. To take property is theft. Our government invades other countries...killing, enslaving, and stealing...on our behalf. Do they do this on their own accord? No, we ask them to. We ask them to because they brain-wash us (meaning you) into believe that the actions they take are just and needed. Kinda like the little phrases you keep repeating over and over and over like "a stitch in time saves nine" Ever watch the show "Heroes"? Haha. Doesn't exactly work like that.
Our government has been taking our liberty for a long long time. It usually starts on the day we're born with a SSN. Then they continue to infringe upon our liberty for the rest of our lives. They tell us what we can eat, drink, smoke, and do with our free time. And if we don't comply to their rules, they throw us in prison....the nations largest FOR PROFIT corporation in America...and how much do they pay these "prisoners" for their work? Not minimum wage haha.
So get off your own dick and wake up man. You don't have sympathy, and you lack an honest understanding of the basic principles our country was founded on.
Btw, you asked for proof that the stimulus money was supposed to be for Americans, and you got it. Dr Kynes literally gave you proof. But all you can do is quote "long-term spending projects".
It said long-term, not long distance lol. It LITERALLY and SPECIFICALLY says that it was intended for US.
Getcha self an educatiooooonnnnnnnnn.