Well-Known Member
Im going to give it a give more days but what are your thoughts? Its 19 days old.
My condolences...Was that your only plant at the moment or do you have other hopefuls waiting to show? If it was your only plant, I'm extra sorry that you gotta start from scratch.
Yes, better to abuse a male and see what works and doesn't first hand, instead of experimenting with your ladies. I just feel that any growing experience for those new the hobby is a valuable one.absolutely a male cluster forming. if you have the space and are game for some fun....over fert it, underwater it, overwater it. i steer new growers towards experimenting with the males because you'll learn more about the species and fiberous rooted herbs in general. pull off all clusters if in the flowering room. one male flower cluster can pollinate a room full of females so be careful. the pollen!
A SHRUBBERY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!or you could ninja it out to city hall and plant that fucker in their shrubbery.
goes along with an idea i had way back...i would call myself johnny weed seed and go planting seeds alllllllllllllll over town lol....if everyone ALWAYS planted extra bagseed throughout the country "they" would have no choice but to give up the war on marijuana and plea for us to stop it!!or you could ninja it out to city hall and plant that fucker in their shrubbery.