Is This A Male?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
could be... give it a few more days. those nubs could be branching buds or they could be pollen sacs. let it ride until those balls drop, or a branch grows.


Well-Known Member
Damn, it was growing so well too, short and wide. about 4in tall and 10in diameter. Oh well, I guess it happens.


Well-Known Member
My condolences...Was that your only plant at the moment or do you have other hopefuls waiting to show? If it was your only plant, I'm extra sorry that you gotta start from scratch. :(


Well-Known Member
My condolences...Was that your only plant at the moment or do you have other hopefuls waiting to show? If it was your only plant, I'm extra sorry that you gotta start from scratch. :(

Yeah it was my only plant, I had two others that didn't make transplant and this one has been doing so well. 3 weeks in too. I had a seed that popped yesterday and I planted it today so I guess Ill be hoping on that one and be planting more soon.


Well-Known Member
Well, you could always seperate the male and grow it out anywway. It'd be decent experience for growing MJ, and you could always decide to use to pollen to make your own seeds later on if you felt it was a worthy plant.


Well-Known Member
absolutely a male cluster forming. if you have the space and are game for some fun....over fert it, underwater it, overwater it. i steer new growers towards experimenting with the males because you'll learn more about the species and fiberous rooted herbs in general. pull off all clusters if in the flowering room. one male flower cluster can pollinate a room full of females so be careful.


Well-Known Member
absolutely a male cluster forming. if you have the space and are game for some fun....over fert it, underwater it, overwater it. i steer new growers towards experimenting with the males because you'll learn more about the species and fiberous rooted herbs in general. pull off all clusters if in the flowering room. one male flower cluster can pollinate a room full of females so be careful.
Yes, better to abuse a male and see what works and doesn't first hand, instead of experimenting with your ladies. I just feel that any growing experience for those new the hobby is a valuable one.


Well-Known Member
looks male but id wait a couple more days not like its about to blow open or anything.....only 19 days old huh...ive never seen a plant show sex that fast...


Well-Known Member
Well it's tore out, its deffo a male. I started my new thread of my perpetual grow with multi strains 12 12 from seed using CFLs, go sub and follow if you want

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
^i think this is a very good idea and i think we all should start doing this with males....ive always been a fan of showing up uncle sam and the po9. just start planting them in public gardens or street corners.


Well-Known Member
or you could ninja it out to city hall and plant that fucker in their shrubbery.
goes along with an idea i had way back...i would call myself johnny weed seed and go planting seeds alllllllllllllll over town lol....if everyone ALWAYS planted extra bagseed throughout the country "they" would have no choice but to give up the war on marijuana and plea for us to stop it!!