How Canadian women rate their sex life.


Well-Known Member
I'd fap to a nice lady frying bacon in a pretty apron.

Women are complex, emotionally and anatomically (like a fine wine...) Being female, and having had 'relations' with both sexes, women are more 'difficult to please'. Well, they are not difficult like it's a bad thing, but need to be physically 'listened to' more and responded to accordingly. Getting off a guy is fairly straightforward. But pleasing anyone takes a bit of time, patience and selflessness. Very rarely have I ever experienced anything positive from a man. Perhaps girls should offer classes or something for guys. Tips and stuff. That girl I was kind of with for a few years before she got a boyfriend... well, I had to help the both of them out kind of...
I dig your post Kuroi! You sound hot, but not a girly girl :P

I find it funny that most girls watch romantic movies, and most boys watch porn... This must be adding some distance somewhere, as far as expectations go...

But all in all most people don`t like to experiment, and are a bit stuck up with ego to even consider they might be bad at something like that (esp men) :)

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
yeah but its not as satisfying as having someone there to give them an orgasm and the emotional connection makes the moment better. its not the same as being alone. dudes stop being so self centered and go down on her. or stop as you feel your getting yours make sure shes just as happy as you are...prick
No way mate... I'm a speed fucker... I go for the record... If she can't get herself off in the time it takes me that's her problem...


Well-Known Member
I used to make do...Until I decided that things would never get better unless I husband was awful, but he's getting a lot better...A LOT better...So you just have to flip the bitch switch every once in awhile....
Sex used to end with him saying sorry, and me just sitting there...
but I will no longer allow it. And now everything is better...At first I felt like I was wrong for bitching...but, then I got the requested I feel as though it worked.


Well-Known Member
I don`t know what it is, but this fellow looks like a genuinely stand up awesome fellow. Full of good. The caption does not cast a shadow on him. My `acid vision` sees a diamond here :)

Because he has a confident smile, and don't give two shits about what you think.


Well-Known Member
Wait... it takes more effort to satisfy a woman than a man? You mean women are pickier than men?! **Holy shit!** :)

...And this is news?


Well-Known Member
I dig your post Kuroi! You sound hot, but not a girly girl :P

I find it funny that most girls watch romantic movies, and most boys watch porn... This must be adding some distance somewhere, as far as expectations go...

But all in all most people don`t like to experiment, and are a bit stuck up with ego to even consider they might be bad at something like that (esp men) :)

Thanks Tenner x I've always digged 90% of your posts lol

Do you see why I've ranted and raved about porn so much? Guys straight up admitting they prefer to just whore themselves out every night and/or jerk off than make a go of a relationship? The "I'm-going-to-please-myself-and-if-you-don't-look-like-act-like-or-cum-like-jenna-haze-or-something-then-to-hell-with-you-I-don't-give-a-shit" attitude? No one likes to make an effort. Porn is easy, customizable, idealized. Some women will never live up to a guy growing up on that stuff's expectations, whilst he thinks all he has to do is ram it home then attempt to click the (x) button on her window when he's done. Poopie. It does add distance, hugely. Many, many bad experiences.

But I've met a nice guy, a shy guy (shh, It's a secret!) he's a good listener and doesn't brag about his awesomeness on the internets. He's up for experimenting, but not re-enacting porno just going through the motions. Doesn't do the tough guy speeches... Shannon's post below just kind of exemplifies the problem, you see =_= So yeah, Mr Nice Sensitive Guy (surprise surprise) is HUGE and receiving my baking, cleaning and backrub services. It pays to be conscientious.

But if I do something wrong, I'd like to be informed gently (not yelled at...) and helped to find ways to make it better. Women are not perfect either. If they are happy, I am happy. Making other people feel good is a wonderful thing as long as it's not at the other person's expense (unless they don't mind that kind of thing...)


Well-Known Member
Thanks Tenner x I've always digged 90% of your posts lol

Do you see why I've ranted and raved about porn so much? Guys straight up admitting they prefer to just whore themselves out every night and/or jerk off than make a go of a relationship? The "I'm-going-to-please-myself-and-if-you-don't-look-like-act-like-or-cum-like-jenna-haze-or-something-then-to-hell-with-you-I-don't-give-a-shit" attitude? No one likes to make an effort. Porn is easy, customizable, idealized. Some women will never live up to a guy growing up on that stuff's expectations, whilst he thinks all he has to do is ram it home then attempt to click the (x) button on her window when he's done. Poopie. It does add distance, hugely. Many, many bad experiences.

But I've met a nice guy, a shy guy (shh, It's a secret!) he's a good listener and doesn't brag about his awesomeness on the internets. He's up for experimenting, but not re-enacting porno just going through the motions. Doesn't do the tough guy speeches... Shannon's post below just kind of exemplifies the problem, you see =_= So yeah, Mr Nice Sensitive Guy (surprise surprise) is HUGE and receiving my baking, cleaning and backrub services. It pays to be conscientious.

But if I do something wrong, I'd like to be informed gently (not yelled at...) and helped to find ways to make it better. Women are not perfect either. If they are happy, I am happy. Making other people feel good is a wonderful thing as long as it's not at the other person's expense (unless they don't mind that kind of thing...)
Hahahah, spot on!! :)

Sounds like theres too many `ard guys` around the place, there is so much more to stuff than that! That attitude is designed to ignore. Shame is, most men will make those discoveries on a long term relationship only... I guess that included me too. Sounds like your onto something with the shy guy, gemstones need a polish to show their true beuty :P

Jenna haze... I did have a bit of fun with the idea of her, but characters like her appear a little strange to me. Taken too much acccid for that stuff maayn :lol:

Baking, cleaning and backrub... backrub!! Kuroi you have all it worked out :D


Well-Known Member
Make it interesting and I'll drill you all night.
Just lay there , don't bitch cause boring pussy stinks!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I guess so. The dick waving just screams 'insecurity' to me, and I know insecurity.

I hope you find yourself that perfect special woman, Tenner. Like I said you've always been one of my favorite members and make some fair observations of BOTH sexes. I know women can be manipulative and greedy just as much as men can be egotistical. I think everyone treats other people like crap because they feel it's justified after someone else gave them crap. Man ho's screw up women -> women clean them out. Women play men and extort money -> Men get jaded and become man ho's because it's emotionally safer and the cycle starts again. Neither side is right.

Yeah, I bake, clean, do good back rubs (amongst other things), draw ganja pinup girls, have an extensive lingerie collection, play video games, can roll a good cone or blunt and smoke alot of guys under the table. That was my turn to do the equivalent of man dick-waving without saying something screwed up like 'I chew men up and spit them out' to make myself feel better, lol. I feel liberated like a man...

I'm so glad I held on to being nice long enough and didn't become that vindictive golddigger.

Thankyou, and I'm glad he didn't adopt the 'if you can't beat them, join them' attitude and become an almighty prick, either. He's an absolute gentlemanly sweetheart. I'm still not entirely sure I can fall in love so hard and deep like I did before again, but I'll do whatever is in my power to make him the happiest and most confident man on earth. He deserves nothing less.

Not because he has a big dick, but because he doesn't act like a big dick.

Let's all just be nice to eachother. Women should WANT to please their partner any way they can, men shouldn't have to coerce them into doing some shit because he saw some ho do it once.

But what do I know, lol.

It's been a long time having been fucked around and stood up and having them never call me back. Maybe things are finally turning around.

Anyway, I've ranted too much and have alot of shit and forms and parerwork to sort out today... Kuroi out.


Active Member
-waves dick- Well I guess Canada is the place to go for easy to please women? lol show them how its done in the US and they'll be ready to marry? xD


Well-Known Member
-waves dick- Well I guess Canada is the place to go for easy to please women? lol show them how its done in the US and they'll be ready to marry? xD
Its more like saying women don`t complain and pretend to orgasm because men are such ego freaks lol


Pickle Queen
Its more like saying women don`t complain and pretend to orgasm because men are such ego freaks lol
LOL ya i've bruised a few ego's when I don't hesitate to finish myself if he can't do it, either way i'm gonna finish, isn't that the point? lol


Pickle Queen
Sounds like you could use some kushxoj in your life ....
Funny i was just thinking that it's my own fault if i date the wrong kinda guy, i need a man, so i've decided not to date anyone under the age of 28, not sure why i picked that age but it's my number lol, and i max out if he could be my daddy. Just seems wrong lol Wait can Carne be my daddy? hmmm ok maybe i should rethink this....