Well-Known Member
I dig your post Kuroi! You sound hot, but not a girly girlI'd fap to a nice lady frying bacon in a pretty apron.
Women are complex, emotionally and anatomically (like a fine wine...) Being female, and having had 'relations' with both sexes, women are more 'difficult to please'. Well, they are not difficult like it's a bad thing, but need to be physically 'listened to' more and responded to accordingly. Getting off a guy is fairly straightforward. But pleasing anyone takes a bit of time, patience and selflessness. Very rarely have I ever experienced anything positive from a man. Perhaps girls should offer classes or something for guys. Tips and stuff. That girl I was kind of with for a few years before she got a boyfriend... well, I had to help the both of them out kind of...
I find it funny that most girls watch romantic movies, and most boys watch porn... This must be adding some distance somewhere, as far as expectations go...
But all in all most people don`t like to experiment, and are a bit stuck up with ego to even consider they might be bad at something like that (esp men)