for shear numbers, "racism" has all been eliminated from out society. however, it depends on what we call "racism". originally, it was the use of the N word, just to name one. now, if you dont agree with a person of colors "veiws", then it seems the norm now that thats "racism". in five years, at the current pace of our "progressiveness" (stupid), all it will take is a glance at someone, who knows they may make a buck from some ambulance chasing attourney (john edwards?-lol), and they wont have to work. oh, shoot. i forgot. they allready dont work. the politically correct system (that will be our downfall), gives him handouts. so. the correct thing to say, would be that he wont have to collect the free sheet anymore, that he will live off ill gotten gains from a vote of jururs who are afriad of a darn riot, if they dont see it the plaintiffs way. anyway, the person who is sued, gets a huge jack up in their insurance premiums, and has to lay off one of their 3 full time shifts. so now a couple hundred hard working americans are now out of work. RACISM. hmmmm. "LEADERS" like sharpton, jackson, and the "great" (and insane) Faracahn, all make their fortunes by keeping the fires of hate against the white devil slavemasters (us), very much alive. it it werent for them, i think things would be much more relaxed and civil. but the racism thing is being kept going by THEM!! they complained that back in the slave days, how sad it was, to want to go home, and noone would help you get there. ............well, as americans, we all can go where we like now!! not happy? leave. gonna live here? learn english. want fly a flag? it had better be ours! if u want to fly your native one? go home on vacation and fly it! WHEN IN ROME, DO AS THE ROMANS DO! but, statements like this are labled "racist" also. this prevents anyone from qwestioning ANYTHING. now that we are the minority, do you think we now will get specials too?? i think not. the plan, is to slowly help people of european decent, go extint. i think one in 4 babies now is caucasion. i wonder, do any of you have any idea who they will attacik, ounce we are all gone??