Is 10 pounds with 3 lights possible?


Well-Known Member
All depends how much room u get if u get a light mover 3 1000wats can get u 7lbs-8lbs if u know what ur doing.


Well-Known Member
3 1000 watt lights would give you a bad ass perpetual garden that you can harvest every week if you wanted to. screw a rotating garden or vertical. they all run off of one reservior and that means one crop at a time. with three 1000 watt lights and light mover(s) you could have an ungodly amount of plants on your own schedule. requires more organization, but you get to spread your workload over a longer period of time.


Well-Known Member
With 2,400 watts & much effort put into my room design & enviromental control i pulled what should finish drying out to right around 3lbs,not counting lil shittin ass buds that should have hash made out of them if i wasnt too lazy to do it.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Strain choice and light placement and flowering times would have to perfected.. along with perfect environment. including ridiculously perfect tems and c02 levels...

and I would not belive t unless I saw it :)


6lbs would be worth hailing as a crowning achievement and getting the key to the city..


Rebel From The North
I think at beast with a large op like that and 3 lights with no tracks system
and otimal setup 1 1/2 per light at best


Well-Known Member
if you ran those 3 ballets on a realy so its 6 lights running 12/12 intermitdly...also like knowm stated not only is it light but the strain it want a chunky bitch run some island sweet skunk....i have seen guys hit 7 pounds with 3k on a relay an using soilbeds insted of pots.....peace az


Well-Known Member
You would be lucky to get gram /watt if you need that much yield your options are A} sea of green-seemorebuds says you can get 7.5 lbs from 2 x 1ooo's or 2 x 6oos but you have to grow 3oo small plants under them and its hydro,he also pulled 4.5 lbs fro 1oo plants under 2 x 6oo w
b} your other option is vertical gardening
google "growall" 8 of those would do u nice
or a homemade rig
good luck


Well-Known Member
One question though,you sure you ready for this man?
Do you know enough?
Do you have the time and money?
Do u have the space?
What about odor control?
I will be rooting for u for sure but dude,unless you live in a marijuana legal state the consequences of getting busted would get you a looooong time in prison...And i would hate to see that happen!
Theres a difference between growing with a 1000w HID with 30 -50plants and 3*1000w HID with 150-200 plants.
Sure it has been done many times before with great succes,but mostly it has been done in a remote place or in a legal state with sponsors.
If you do things right,you can pull 2 pounds every 2 weeks with 2 600w HID's.
A Complete SOG would be done.
2 pound every 2 weeks isn't bad ;).
However,i would love to see all those plants!! :D


Active Member
I have 6 x 1000 watt in a 12x12 room. i really i hope i get 1 per light. i would be so happy. this is gonna be my first grow. Oh yeah. i have about 50 plants in 5 gallon buckets with rocks on the bottom and baby cubes on the top. Watering them every day is a b****. i've just added some phosphoload. Using GHflora. Cal-mag. Anyone recommend anything to bring the weight more? potash+? thanks guys


Well-Known Member
Yes it can be done but like others have said everything needs to be correct and on time. You would need lots of room, great vent, and a light mover set up. If everything was optimal you could do it with about 45 plants. These would have to be tied multiple times. I can't stress enough you need lots of room and ventilation! But Yes It Could Be Done! I get around 3lbs from 12 plants with a 1000w, and I don't consider myself a expert. Good luck with it.