One question though,you sure you ready for this man?
Do you know enough?
Do you have the time and money?
Do u have the space?
What about odor control?
I will be rooting for u for sure but dude,unless you live in a marijuana legal state the consequences of getting busted would get you a looooong time in prison...And i would hate to see that happen!
Theres a difference between growing with a 1000w HID with 30 -50plants and 3*1000w HID with 150-200 plants.
Sure it has been done many times before with great succes,but mostly it has been done in a remote place or in a legal state with sponsors.
If you do things right,you can pull 2 pounds every 2 weeks with 2 600w HID's.
A Complete SOG would be done.
2 pound every 2 weeks isn't bad

However,i would love to see all those plants!!