trayvan martin

so you've got access to zimmerman's stories?

i guess you must be working the case, because no one else does. it's blacked out last i checked.

If the stories didn't match or there were inconsistencies they would have held him further, for like 24 hours and made him crack. Zimm even gave up all rights to his lawyer and everything (Stupid IMO) when he did the interviews.
If the stories didn't match or there were inconsistencies they would have held him further, for like 24 hours and made him crack. Zimm even gave up all rights to his lawyer and everything (Stupid IMO) when he did the interviews.

he wasn't under arrest.
The original lead detective who recommended that Zimm be charged with manslaughter because of a gut feeling he had.

i had a gut feeling that someone was taking my recyclables because there were less and less of them every night that passed although i hadn't cashed them in.

semantics. his "gut feeling" was full informed by all available evidence, the most exclusive interview anyone got, and years of professional experience.
i had a gut feeling that someone was taking my recyclables because there were less and less of them every night that passed although i hadn't cashed them in.

semantics. his "gut feeling" was full informed by all available evidence, the most exclusive interview anyone got, and years of professional experience.
You had evidence, not a gut feeling.

I had a gut feeling I left my wedding ring in the shed, but I was wrong. then there was the time when I was 12, we had lost a hamster somewhere in the house 2 days prior. While brushing my teeth I got a very strong sense of where the little rodent was, when i went to look, he was exactly where my "gut" told me he would be.

Guess my gut feelings are 50/50 eh?
I had a gut feeling I left my wedding ring in the shed, but I was wrong. then there was the time when I was 12, we had lost a hamster somewhere in the house 2 days prior. While brushing my teeth I got a very strong sense of where the little rodent was, when i went to look, he was exactly where my "gut" told me he would be.

Guess my gut feelings are 50/50 eh?

semantics and anecdotal bullcockery.
the only person i've seen reserving opinion is cannabineer. others claim not to be biased but their words tell a different tale.

Now, that's just not fair. I've been absolutely clear that I'm sitting right on the fence on this one. While my arguments may defend Zimmerman in almost every case, that's only because I'm trying to add balance to the argument and I value "innocent until proven guilty." And as you've stated previously, I like to play the part of devil's advocate, it forces higher quality debate and exposes conjecture.
yep, i always see my doctor to get prescriptions and then never take them. i just love wasting my time, my doctor's time, and my money. it's a win-win-win.

Some prescriptions are taken PRN, which means AS NEEDED! That means you don't take them if you DON'T NEED THEM! lmfao!!!
Some people use guns for marksmanship competitions, some use them to put food on the table, some use them to shoot ropes over the bow of a ship in the maritime to get supplies across, some use them as a visual deterrent, others collect them for their beauty and precision.....Poor afrawfraw just doesn't have any imagination.

There are NO WOMD's in the middle east. Just avid, passionate nuclear weapons collectors.
I never see police officers use a knife, are you saying that police officers are not properly trained? Your ideas are a source of amusement to me. What Firearm training do you have?

I am not a cop. WTF!? Police are limited in what they can do. Are you saying Police prefer spray over a knife!? They use what they have to use. Look at any trained combatant. What do you see? Knife. Thanks.

I completed a law enforcement class, over 500 hours of live range time, and a CWP class to renew.
Martin attacked Zimmerman because he didn't like that he was watching him, maybe asking him what he was doing skulking around in the shadows with his hood up. Well, too damn bad, punk. I hope this results in good citizens in good neighborhoods all over the country getting up and watching what goes on on your streets. And if they see somebody displaying behavior like Martin's - damn right ask them what they are doing. And if they attack - stand your ground!

My electricity meter reader skulks in drive ways with his hood up. He has a badge, which is covered by his jacket. Please don't shoot the meter reader. Or a repo agent. Or a police officer conducting surveillance. Do you have a tattoo of the Snap On logo!? TOOL!
That was my answer. I would NOT have made the maneuvers Z did. Simple.

The question was two-fold and had nothing to do with what you would do.

First, regardless of whether Zimmerman shouldn't have been there in the first place, do you condone Zimmerman shooting if Martin did indeed attack him and was beating him like he had no intent on stopping and Zimmerman truly believed he would be killed? It's yes or no, don't pontificate.

Second, if it was your son and he fucked up and did exactly what Zimmerman did, is your verdict exactly the same? Do you now believe his story and are you glad he chose to shoot and is still alive to face the law?

You can go back to my earlier post to see the questions in more detail, but that's the gist of it.