I reuse about 90% of my soilless after a grow for the next one.
Run it through a large screen I have with about 10,000 1/4" holes in it.
If you flush well before cutting all you really need to do is pull the old roots out and it's good to go again.
At least in my experience. Hazeman turned me on to reusing it; and I came up with the screen on my own.
He said he gets about 75% back without screen; so not sure if it worth the effort but I do it.
After four or five grows I usually just toss half of it and add a new bag to the mix.
The screen has a tendency to remove the larger parts of the soilless mix; so over time it does change to a finer mix.
I started using the screen first time because I had had fungus gnats before I switched to soilless to get rid of them and I wanted to get rid of all the roots just in case.
Seems to work - haven't had those things since the switch.
I use Pro-Mix BX with the occasional bag of Pro-Mix HP.
HP is high porosity and is not too good for me alone; but I mix in to screened medium to add lost "stuff".
I tried that HP mix alone once and all the water ran out on the floor and after a few of those standing water deals I ended up with PM.
Ruined the better part of a very nice grow there.
So after cleaning up I had a half bag of it left and mixed it with a bag of BX to start over.
The rest is history.