VA moves indoors.. -or- The Haunted House comes to life! hindu kush, nirvana, white

Virulent Amoeba

Well-Known Member
Hey there Glad you stopped by, yes as usual I go head long into the Abyss. 7 strains is starting to look like a bit more than my space can accomodate. :roll:

Spent almost 30 years in various phases of the Construction industry. Just don't ask me to do trim. :)


Well-Known Member
I am good at trim. {{picky picky picky I am}} I can even make your trim for you.
have all the tools for I enjoy doing antique furniture repair. its a blank space that makes me nervous. whatchagoing to do about the carbon filter? make one? with the blanket of carbon or the powder carbon? or buy one? have to ask for with all you have going MY goodness you would not want any jehovah whitenesses coming to your house?

Virulent Amoeba

Well-Known Member
I am less worried about the JW's(they already stopped by this year. lol), More concerned about my brother or sister stopping by as they have stopped smoking many years ago and have since changed their views on the subject. I could get me a cat(brother is allergic) but not sure how to fend off visits from the sister.(however unlikely)

To answer your Question:

HomeDepot here didn't have charcoal bats to wrap around a screened can. Wasn't in the mood to be bothered with making my own with granulated charcoal so had to settle for a Canister from Foothills Filters. - myheartmysoulmyson's Store - Home & Garden

Also going to pick up a RO water sys, I can get water from the family farm(PPM~100), but the Step-Father will wonder when I start going thru 40 gal @ week or two. and Distilled would get WAY too expensive.(my tap water is 600+PPM! OUCH!

Virulent Amoeba

Well-Known Member
I have been remiss in my writing duties here as I have been feeling off a bit, I am sure others can associate. However when I woke yesterday I was so pleasantly surprised to discover the second Blueberry Skunk had finally cracked . (12-13 days later) Bringing the total to 9 of 10 seeds germinated. the 2nd Red Deisel seed was starting to rot in it's incubator-baggy, so it had to be tossed.

I will catch things up fully over the weekend I hope.




Virulent Amoeba

Well-Known Member
Ok back to it. While being chronological, my catch up has no absolute dates as my camera's date had yet to be set.

Well as you may recall I had just gotten the humidifier, and RH was up around 35%. Next thing I know my two (2) Ionic Breeze are clogging up every two days with this white dust crap, not to mention it is ALL over the grow room and house!! Used to dust here, but not white. Turns out the Tap water (620-660 PPM) I was putting in the humidifier was putting all that crap in the air. Soooooooo

Time to get a RO system!!! Otherwise would have to start buying distilled by the case. Before, after and waste photo's. 200GPD

I have an unused 230VAC outlet near the grow room that is unused, so I put together this cord. It is 8' long 10AWG stranded and due to the wiring converts 1 230 outlet into 2 115 outlets.
Quite simple actually wire the male plug normally (Green to round prong)! Then the white goes to the hot of one outlet and the black goes to the hot of the other outlet. The green (ground) acts as both neutral and ground for each of the 115 outlets. Photo is of the back of the faceplate which screws onto a 4"x4" metal outlet box.

My filter came in and not a bit too soon, it was really starting to smell in there, and I had forgotten the smell of air after passing thru activated charcoal. UPS dropped it with no obvious damage to the box, but talk about great workmanship this thing works perfectly with no air or charcoal leakage.

Got me a new toy, Botanicare’s Aero-Ponics 36. I took 18 cuttings from two of the best females while waiting for the HK and WR to sex (I want fruit!) hopefully the cuttings will root soon and I can play with it!

Teasers of the HK and WR!

Well I finally got to fire it up!! And with that the cuttings become clones.
40 Gal reservoir
302ml Dutch Masters A & B
37ml Dutch Masters Zone
PH @ 5.5 / PPM @ 475

Here are the wonderseed ladies ready to go into flower, but I have to wait for the last cutting to root so I can give those 2 weeks veg. These are 10-11 days after the cuttings were taken.


Virulent Amoeba

Well-Known Member
Well now seems the Aero system is starting to fill up, soon I can start timing the 2 week veg period. If you look at the two on the left front you will notice a major size difference, those are two I decided to transfer from soil. Goodness what a mess that was, that won't happen twice!

Pictures of the others as they get watered.


Virulent Amoeba

Well-Known Member
As promised here are photo's of the last 5 strains planted. Obviously this is at watering time, so a couple are a bit limp.

First two are the Widowmaker
Second are the G13 NL X skunk
Thrid two is the Red Deisel
Fourth is Blueberry Skunk
Fifth is the Lemon Skunk


Virulent Amoeba

Well-Known Member
Watering day!!!

First are thw two HK. Sure looks like two different strains to me.

Next are the three White Rhino.

Two photo's of the Aero system. The plant in the back was put in 5-7 days before the rest, thus it has a much better grasp on as to where it is. Should be able to force flowering within 10 days I hope.

After putting the four ladies in the light before closing the flaps.

Now come the others.

Fiirst the Red Deisel.
Blueberry Skunk
Lemon Skunk
Widor Maker
NL x Skunk


Virulent Amoeba

Well-Known Member
Six days later...

First the two HK, then the 3 WR, and the clones in the aero. another week or so then into Flower. I love how they take off once they get established.


Virulent Amoeba

Well-Known Member
Well now been a couple weeks as there wasn't much to update. other than explosive growth. lol

First is a pic of the only male in the Aero, decent Root-ball.

Second is a photo of one of the TWO White Rhino males, thats right 2 of 3 have come up males. Looks like the other WR may also be male. :cry: One of the two HK is female, the other is still questionable but is starting to look male also. SURE hope I am wrong about that.

Rest are Photo's of the three soil ladies at 2 weeks flower. Initial Dark period was 30 hours, then 2 days 12/12, then a 24 hour dark. then constant 12/12. Can't wait to see week 4.

Res. change tomorrow so will have pics of the aero then.


Virulent Amoeba

Well-Known Member

Wow I just looked at these photos and the last pictures. All I can say is "out of control." 25 days 12/12

Two shots of the White Rhino (Can't wait to meet this beauty!) between two photos of the Aero :shock: I have definitely been taken to school by this aero!

Thanks for the tip on the Peroxide for the mildew! :blsmoke:


Virulent Amoeba

Well-Known Member
The White Rhino gave me 60g of PURE Bliss, the Hindu Kush came in at 75g sadly it wasn't quite as potent as I had hoped but was still better than the high grades in the area.

mind you those plants were both grown in a 1 gal container.

pic of the WR, main cola was 17g


Virulent Amoeba

Well-Known Member
Additional update:

Had a friend helping me do reservoir changes for the aero, sadly he left the pump unplugged and I didn't check him since he had helped Several times. I didn't find it for 2 days, so needless to say ALL the roots were dry and toasty. So that was a partial failure in as much as that that was salvageable was no better than schwagg.

have cleaned all up and am currently waiting for the cuttings to root. Will be going back in with G13 Labs Northern Lights X Skunk.


Well-Known Member

The White Rhino gave me 60g of PURE Bliss, the Hindu Kush came in at 75g sadly it wasn't quite as potent as I had hoped but was still better than the high grades in the area.​
dried? got a smoke report on either of em? thanks!