Hey Iron!Yeah all the local ponds around me that I used to fish when I was younger are now all weeds and algae.Also Theres this one place where its like clear foam egg sack looking things.Weird Ill try to get pics of them ahah.Hemmingway! Thats it I think I smoked out and couldnt remember that haha

Soooooooooo I woke up this morning to some beautiful sun!!

I guess the weatherman are stupid(Im pretty sure I could do their job around here)!!I had no perlite so I covered the tops of the soil with cocobeads then I cam up with a weird idea,Is it possible to take a plant that is vegging and still young and watch the roots off of all dirt and try groing it in a pot of coco beads?May sounds dumb but I was thinking hard about it yesterday!
~Thanks a Bunch
~C That Cat?