C Cats 2012 Outdoor Grow~


Well-Known Member
Hey Iron!Yeah all the local ponds around me that I used to fish when I was younger are now all weeds and algae.Also Theres this one place where its like clear foam egg sack looking things.Weird Ill try to get pics of them ahah.Hemmingway! Thats it I think I smoked out and couldnt remember that haha:bigjoint:!

Soooooooooo I woke up this morning to some beautiful sun!!:dunce:I guess the weatherman are stupid(Im pretty sure I could do their job around here)!!I had no perlite so I covered the tops of the soil with cocobeads then I cam up with a weird idea,Is it possible to take a plant that is vegging and still young and watch the roots off of all dirt and try groing it in a pot of coco beads?May sounds dumb but I was thinking hard about it yesterday!
~Thanks a Bunch:leaf:

~C That Cat?:dunce:
yea thats possible, it will take about a week to recover from the shock tho, if it doesnt die.


Well-Known Member
Im thinking about trying that just for haha's,

~ C That Cat?:cuss:
You will shock the absolute SH*T out of your plants. I tried that with a rose bush and that did not go over well. If you took an outdoor plant and moved it indoors maybe it'll work but the only time I've seen it done without the plant shriveling up is indoor only. I believe the heat and sun would cause too much stress on your plant and most likely stunt it so bad it will just stay the size you plucked it at or worse DEATH !! :)

C Cat

Well-Known Member
You will shock the absolute SH*T out of your plants. I tried that with a rose bush and that did not go over well. If you took an outdoor plant and moved it indoors maybe it'll work but the only time I've seen it done without the plant shriveling up is indoor only. I believe the heat and sun would cause too much stress on your plant and most likely stunt it so bad it will just stay the size you plucked it at or worse DEATH !! :)
Thank you for chaning my mind! Better off not trying it :leaf:

~C That Cat?:dunce:


Well-Known Member
You can do it but from outdoor to indoor only. I have taken several plants from indoor hydro to soil this season so far and have done fine. I wouldn't try the hydroton outside though. I guess you can go from soil to coco coir if you wanted to but you will then be 100% in charge of the nutes. You add too much you will burn your plant. Too little and it will suffer.

C Cat

Well-Known Member
Whats up ABM? Yeah thats too much for me to handle now.A storm just passed im gonna try to take some pictures while I enjoy my vodka and cranberry!:bigjoint:

~C That Cat?:dunce:

C Cat

Well-Known Member
~UPDATE:leaf: So im pretty sure the sex is starting to show,Looks like a male to mee but im not 100% yet...

~C That Cat?:dunce:



Well-Known Member
To me there is no such thing as root bound.. ive seen 6 foot monsters in a 1 gallon pot. Ive grown 2 foot plants to flower in party cups. And I dont reccomend all those bloom ferts.. U shud go organic. Wud u boil all those ferts and inhale the vapor? No, so why wud u put em in plants that ur gonna smoke?? Use things like earthworm castings, bat guano, chicken scat, coffee grounds, egg shells, and ash.
So you are telling him that you would breath in the vapors from boiled chicken shit, earthworm crap and bat poo? Whatever you are selling I'm not buying. No offense. I'm just tired of people slandering salt fertz and putting organics on a pedestal. Don't get me wrong organically grown bud is the best Medical MJ, but if you are just growin some to keep a head change then salts aren't going to do you any worst besides the taste.....

C Cat

Well-Known Member
Got some hungry critters in your garden huh?? Plants still looking nice and healthy other than that though. Keep doing what you're doing. subbed
Welcome along board farmer!Thanks:leaf:
Yeah little buggers!(No pun intended :-P),Do you guys think it is starting to show sex soon?And what do you think it looks like so far?
Also I will be going to the farm soon I dont know what I should get,But I will be getting perlite seeing how I have NONE.
They have the micro soil,Bone meal,Feather meal the whole 9.Im gonna be leaving soon so let me know!

~C That Cat?:dunce:

C Cat

Well-Known Member
Got bored today on ANOTHER rainy day.So I went for a journey to a farm and grabbed some things to make my super soil.I used 1lb of Bone meal,1lb of the rose and flower,Also posted a side picture of what is in that stuff for whom ever is wondering.3bags of Seaweed & Shrimp Compost,and 8.8oz of Perlite to make one big pot of soil!015.jpg017.jpg018.jpg016.jpg

~C That Cat?:dunce:

C Cat

Well-Known Member

I ended up mixing in another pound of Bone meal and another pound of the rose and flower,

~C That Cat?:dunce:

C Cat

Well-Known Member
001.jpg007.jpg005.jpg006.jpg002.jpg003.jpg004.jpg Would Anyone beable to tell the sex or is it just too soon?Ive been looking into it and it looks like it could be a male or female I think its to young for ME to tell. Some Pictures of the LST'd growth.Also I am NOT putting any plants in super soil untill I know they are female.(Although I put 3 Mr.Nice in some already).

~C That Cat?:dunce:


Well-Known Member
Some bat guano or earthworm castings wud be great in ur super mix.. in every mix u need what i call the "shit" factor. Some kind of animal crap lol.

C Cat

Well-Known Member
Heyy final!:bigjoint: Thats what I thought!

~Update:leaf: My new lookout!008.jpg
So I dug out a 5 foot LONG bed and about 3 Ft. Deep,and filled it with my super soil,Planted 4 Mr.Nice,2 Bagseed.Notice On 1 bagseed the colors of the leafs changing,Looks cool:lol:.Made a net around them all using some plastic chicken pen stuff.Folded that in half and used zip ties to hold it togather.Tell me what you think!009.jpg013.jpg014.jpg015.jpg016.jpg010.jpg011.jpg

~C That Cat?:dunce: