PROOF that GOD Exists......


Well-Known Member
We obviously need more youtube proof people. Lets all start googling "god doesn't exist" and look for videos. I'm sure the videos we post wont be biased at all and will be only made by rational people. Youtubes the best place to go for evidence right?


Active Member
you changed you stance on this subject like 3 times, first it seemed like you acted like DMT has nothing to do with this, then claimed DMT is a controlled substance, then continued to tell us you knew the whole time that it existed in your body. so, please tell us, do you still believe things seen in near death experience are fact? id love to know how your opinion has changed. noticed i used opinion, because you have 0 proof. thats what an opinion means, but hey, im sure you knew that too right?
LOL, im being ATTACKED by these two! ehehe this is very entertaining to me, Ok check it out fellas, listen. This is just a FORUM. There is no need to pour your personal feelings out on a FORUM. I DO NOT believe DMT has anything to do with these experiences and I have the right to my opinion just as you do yours.

I have given you the right to your opinion why cant you give me mine? Why are u guys so angry? Ok, you believe I have 0 proof and that I dont know what im talking about. You stated that 3 pages ago, why are you repeating yourself? Jeez man its not that serious, just a forum man


Well-Known Member
so, i just wanted to show much sense you have really made, remember these are your words so dont deny it.

Also, your using an experience from a controlled substance as an offense to debate a matter like this? How silly is that?
i wasnt aware my experience with the drug DMT wasnt relevant when we we're talking about proving god through the sights that people have seen when the large dosage of the same "controlled substance" was released in their brain, but obviously my experience with the very drug that induces these visions has nothing to do with this matter. in fact, its "silly" to you.


Well-Known Member
You have the right to have your opinion - why are you attacking us for ours. Don't get angry when I take these three doctors opinion over the self admitted drug abuser/alcoholic (not you, the first video I got on youtube on the subject).



Active Member
You have the right to have your opinion - why are you attacking us for ours. Don't get angry when I take these three doctors opinion over the self admitted drug abuser/alcoholic (not you, the first video I got on youtube on the subject).

Once again, thankyou for making my thread so interesting, ive literally gotten 18 messages from users in the past hour asking who else im subscribed to on youtube. For anyone else who wants to know you can just subscribe to my channel and ill update videos as I come across them, message me for my youtube name


Active Member
Scientist only accept proof from things that can be measured. If it cant be measured then science will always rule it out. For this simple fact alone, a scientist is the last person you want to listen to, because they are completely closed minded. I mean come on think about it, the earth has been here for millions of years, a human being only lives about 80 years including scientist. It's baffling to me when people talk about "scientific proof", compared to how long this earth has been here the human race has only been alive for 2 minutes. Literally...... so how much could a scientist/human being possibly know? Lol

Everyone on this forum hasnt been here for more than 80 years, and on top of that I bet only 1 or two people have a degree in this field and they probably arent even logged on right now. The earth has been here for millions of years, and somehow people think theyve got it all figured out, THATS hilarious to me....
:finger: ......:wall:

that being the case ,why can't you accept the scientific answer to your nde hallucinations.

what scientists can figure out with carbon dating is that the turin shroud is from the middle ages, therefor so is jesus , and the church won't let anyone test other historical finds as they would get the wrong date as well lol

why any god would allow half of his representatives to beast and nonce the children from their churches needs some explanation, you can understand that he isn't bothering himself to stop disasters and famine ect, but he could sort out his peedo priests ....


Well-Known Member
Why don't you let us know your opinion of these studies? I assume you just think the doctors/scientists are lying?

[h=2]Abstract[/h]The Near-Death Experience (NDE) is a dissociative mental state with characteristic features. These can be reproduced by ketamine which acts at sigma sites and blocks N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) linked phencyclidine (PCP) receptors to reduce ischaemic damage. Endogenous ligands, alpha and beta-endopsychosin, have been detected for these receptors which suggests an explanation for some NDE's: the endopsychosins may be released in abnormal quantity to protect neurons from ischaemic and other excitotoxic damage, and the NDE is a side effect on consciousness with important psychological functions.


Well-Known Member
Would you believe this statement for the simple fact that I made it? I could put it in a video on youtube...

"I hear pot gets you high because god gave it special powers - not because it contains cannabinoids that effect our CB receptors."

Why so close minded?


Well-Known Member
LOL, im being ATTACKED by these two! ehehe this is very entertaining to me, Ok check it out fellas, listen. This is just a FORUM. There is no need to pour your personal feelings out on a FORUM. I DO NOT believe DMT has anything to do with these experiences and I have the right to my opinion just as you do yours.

I have given you the right to your opinion why cant you give me mine? Why are u guys so angry? Ok, you believe I have 0 proof and that I dont know what im talking about. You stated that 3 pages ago, why are you repeating yourself? Jeez man its not that serious, just a forum man
you can victimize yourself, or justify yourself. i guarantee the first one isnt gonna get you any more support than you have now.
and let me get this straight, so basically, your gonna take your opinion over a fact, remember, its an opinion when there is no proof, you seem to not know how to use the words opinion and fact. and i wasnt aware that you cant accept facts, remember, facts, they have proof that the pinneal gland releases DMT when you die, but you deny facts, and you obviously have never done any more DMT than you have whenever you dream(deny this all you want too, its still not an opinion) so you cannot begin to tell me what does and doesnt cause a near death experience, im sure if you tried the so called "controlled substance" you wouldnt be so ignorant towards the fact that NDE's are only caused by DMT, it might actually make sense to you, and maybe you could stop using god as your shortcut to answer thing like the rest of america.

so tell me, is the sky purple? you seem like you could convince yourself that and argue about it for hours, and still tell someone its their opinion when they tell you the sky is blue.


Active Member
:finger: ......:wall:

that being the case ,why can't you accept the scientific answer to your nde hallucinations.

what scientists can figure out with carbon dating is that the turin shroud is from the middle ages, therefor so is jesus , and the church won't let anyone test other historical finds as they would get the wrong date as well lol

why any god would allow half of his representatives to beast and nonce the children from their churches needs some explanation, you can understand that he isn't bothering himself to stop disasters and famine ect, but he could sort out his peedo priests ....
Well GOD doesnt allow anything, we ALL have free will. Imagine if you controlled a big group of robots and forced them to do good things. How would you feel as a creator? Would you feel respected? No you wouldnt because you know the only reason their doing good is because your FORCING them to. The ONLY way you could feel respected is if you gave them the opportunity to do bad things, but they still did good things with complete free will. THAT is what makes a creator feel respected and loved, when a person has every opportunity to do bad, but they chose to do good instead. Just my opinion....


Well-Known Member
OP, you are ignoring the fact that this is not a randomized sample of people who have clinically died, thus making it irrelevant to anything. If I was clinically dead, and had no NDE, I would have no reason to make a video telling people about my NDE. Therefore, your videos only prove that some people have an NDE. It proves nothing more, they don't all have the exact same experience even. In a study done of people who had suffered cardiac arrest, only 18% even had an NDE. So if NDE's are proof of an afterlife, most of us are not invited.


Active Member
I gotta get back to the office I have a company to run, id love to sit and entertain this more ill log back in a few hours from now...... I appreciate the comments...


Active Member
OP, you are ignoring the fact that this is not a randomized sample of people who have clinically died, thus making it irrelevant to anything. If I was clinically dead, and had no NDE, I would have no reason to make a video telling people about my NDE. Therefore, your videos only prove that some people have an NDE. It proves nothing more, they don't all have the exact same experience even. In a study done of people who had suffered cardiac arrest, only 18% even had an NDE. So if NDE's are proof of an afterlife, most of us are not invited.
Your opinion is respected, as I stated it was just for viewers to come to their own conclusion.


Well-Known Member
PROOF! Marijuana is SATAN!! Can't argue with it, it's PROOF! You tube = proof right?



Well-Known Member
PROOF! Marijuana is SATAN!! Can't argue with it, it's PROOF! You tube = proof right?

im quitting asap, i dont wanna smoke satan!

btw i wish i could like this post a thousand times, that old guys too funny.


Well-Known Member
How dare you say I am going to hell because I am smoking marijuana?

I want you to know that this is the way that I am getting close to God!

I'm a fucking sorcerer! I knew it! Awesome!


Well-Known Member
Your opinion is respected, as I stated it was just for viewers to come to their own conclusion.
Just out of curiosity, how can you believe that 18% of people having experiences that do not always correlate is evidence of god's existence? I mean, how do you rationalize it? I'm genuinely trying to understand how you came to your conclusion. That means for every 18 clinically dead and resuscitated people who have an NDE, 82 clinically dead and resuscitated people did not have one. Then, amongst the 18, not everyone even experienced the same thing. I can't see how any reliable conclusions could be drawn, but maybe I'm missing something.


Well-Known Member
Well at this point I'm going to have to stop arguing. Playing with sorcerers is strictly against the rules in my household.