PROOF that GOD Exists......


Well-Known Member
Why don't you let us know your opinion of these studies? I assume you just think the doctors/scientists are lying?


The Near-Death Experience (NDE) is a dissociative mental state with characteristic features. These can be reproduced by ketamine which acts at sigma sites and blocks N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) linked phencyclidine (PCP) receptors to reduce ischaemic damage. Endogenous ligands, alpha and beta-endopsychosin, have been detected for these receptors which suggests an explanation for some NDE's: the endopsychosins may be released in abnormal quantity to protect neurons from ischaemic and other excitotoxic damage, and the NDE is a side effect on consciousness with important psychological functions.
I've posted about Magnetic Resonance brain therapy. It has some of the same effects. There have been double blind experiments where the subject can be made to feel "divine presence", as well as the "fires of hell." These descriptions were from the subjects' after reports. If magnets and brain chemicals can give the experience, it just show to me our entire sensorium, i.e. this Life, is a completely Subjective experience. And as we gained consciousness as the thinking human race, maybe 70-80 thousand years ago, we created a Subjective consensus called "Reality."

To me the analog is a baby. It has to learn the magnetic edges of "matter" are subject to entropy and then sorts out the consensus as it begins to verbalize but yet has no real volition. A thrall. By the time we are verbal we are forced into the consensus to survive.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
DMT perfectly explains NDE's man, quit being so ignorant and acknowledge that. Right before you die DMT floods your brain and sends you on a amazing trip that words do no justice to. Jesus is not the way, also an extremely ignorant claim, Christians will manifest Jesus when they die, Muslims will manifest Mohammed, and Hindu's will manifest Krishna when they die, and your telling me Jesus is the truth? Gimme a break!.. If it makes you feel better a lot of people think DMT is the way to experience god, they dont call it "The spirit molecule" for nothing. I too think DMT is the closest we can get to god, in some experiments people have had the same trip and talking to the same god-like being at the same time. Some people think those are manifestations of your own imagination but I think that they are actual god-like beings, and perhaps those beings chose to take form of your religious idol (Jesus) because you would be most comfortable that way and they would be able to ease you into the reality of the afterlife without you being so scared and confused... Just my theory though, no one fuckn knows. Just accept that its DMT causing those experiences, a lot of people think DMT is a connection to god.


Well-Known Member
DMT perfectly explains NDE's man, quit being so ignorant and acknowledge that. Right before you die DMT floods your brain and sends you on a amazing trip that words do no justice to. Jesus is not the way, also an extremely ignorant claim, Christians will manifest Jesus when they die, Muslims will manifest Mohammed, and Hindu's will manifest Krishna when they die, and your telling me Jesus is the truth? Gimme a break!.. If it makes you feel better a lot of people think DMT is the way to experience god, they dont call it "The spirit molecule" for nothing. I too think DMT is the closest we can get to god, in some experiments people have had the same trip and talking to the same god-like being at the same time. Some people think those are manifestations of your own imagination but I think that they are actual god-like beings, and perhaps those beings chose to take form of your religious idol (Jesus) because you would be most comfortable that way and they would be able to ease you into the reality of the afterlife without you being so scared and confused... Just my theory though, no one fuckn knows. Just accept that its DMT causing those experiences, a lot of people think DMT is a connection to god.
So when I'm about to die, I'm going to experience an embrace from a massive pile of SPAGHETTI!?


Well-Known Member
Why is it that when Christians have NDEs they see Jesus and Mary, when Jews have them they see Moses and Elijah, and Hindi see Vishnu, Brahmā, Shiva or whatever god they learned about? If an NDE was a real experience that occurred outside of our own brains, it shouldn't matter what culture and religion you are, all NDEs should be so similar, as to remove any doubt.

Good of the OP for proposing that NDE could be a way to investigate the existence of life-after-death, but a big FAIL for ignoring and disregarding all evidence to the contrary.

In a new exercise by a California organization that studies lucid dreaming, volunteers have been conditioned to dream near-death experiences, including the classic scenario of flying toward a light at the end of a tunnel. The researchers say their experiment demonstrates that these heavenly visions must be products of the human mind rather than supernatural phenomena.
More than 8 million Americans have had a near-death experience, and they most often occur during states of anesthesia-induced sleep, according to the center. Prior work by neurologists, including Kevin Nelson of the University of Kentucky, suggests that NDEs are indeed generated by the same brain mechanisms that cause lucid dreams. Nelson's research shows that both types of experiences arise when part of the brain called the dorsolateral prefrontal region — our "logical center," which is usually active only when we're awake — becomes active during REM sleep, allowing extremely vivid dreams that seem to be happening in real life. He calls the transitional state between dreaming and wakefulness a "borderland of consciousness" and believes it is in this mixed state that lucid dreams and NDEs occur.
With Nelson's research in mind, Raduga designed his experiment to determine if volunteers could be coached to dream up NDEs when in the transitional phase between sleep and waking. This would demonstrate that reports of NDEs, which are commonly cited as proof of the supernatural, really are just lucid dreams.
Volunteers who successfully generated NDEs described their experiences for the researchers. One participant, identified by the center asNadezhda S., stated: "I was able to leave my body after a couple of tries. Now that I was out of my body, I wanted to see the tunnel and it immediately appeared in front of me … Once I flew to the end of that tunnel … I saw my deceased husband there in the spirit. We spoke for several minutes. His words, touch, bearing, and feelings were real, just like during his life. Later on, when I felt it was time to leave, I went up to the tunnel, jumped and gently landed in my body."


Well-Known Member
DMT perfectly explains NDE's man, quit being so ignorant and acknowledge that. Right before you die DMT floods your brain and sends you on a amazing trip that words do no justice to. Jesus is not the way, also an extremely ignorant claim, Christians will manifest Jesus when they die, Muslims will manifest Mohammed, and Hindu's will manifest Krishna when they die, and your telling me Jesus is the truth? Gimme a break!.. If it makes you feel better a lot of people think DMT is the way to experience god, they dont call it "The spirit molecule" for nothing. I too think DMT is the closest we can get to god, in some experiments people have had the same trip and talking to the same god-like being at the same time. Some people think those are manifestations of your own imagination but I think that they are actual god-like beings, and perhaps those beings chose to take form of your religious idol (Jesus) because you would be most comfortable that way and they would be able to ease you into the reality of the afterlife without you being so scared and confused... Just my theory though, no one fuckn knows. Just accept that its DMT causing those experiences, a lot of people think DMT is a connection to god.
we can tell him this all we want, it just seems like he'll call said facts our "opinions", or he'll take the shortcut and say "your crazy to think im gonna read all that". this guy doesnt know the difference between an opinion and a fact, if you noticed, he wrote in capital letters, PROOF that god exists, we all know, there is no such proof to the existence of god, and a near death experience, which is a very high dosage DMT trip, has no concrete evidence of a god. i see plenty of things on DMT, i see orbs of light that communicate things that are beyond words, all sort of beautiful sights, now this doesnt mean these things exist in reality, nor do i learn any outside knowledge about the world, only knowledge about myself.

the explanation would be the depths of your mind, our trip is effected by our beliefs, culture, fears, etc., cheif walkin eagle, you, me and plenty other people on here already told him this, but till a few pages ago he said that he gets i "believe" in DMT, not that it exists. seeing heaven and hell in a near death experience is anything but a message from god, and if you read back, it seems as if the OP seems to deny the existence of DMT in your body and it almost seemed like he had never heard of the pinneal gland, im not gonna repost it but he also told me it was "silly" that i related a near death experience(once again, high dosage DMT trip), to the times ive used the very "controlled substance"(thats what he thinks DMT is, little does he know he uses it when he dreams) that causes these very experiences, the only real difference is the dosage of the chemical.

after one denies facts from more than like 10 people(he claimed me and gastanker we're the only ones who were calling him wrong really, its obvious thats untrue and we can all go to the first page and find a handfull of people who highly disagree with him), you have to wonder, are his beliefs really worth our time? i mean, if one denies the very proofs of science but goes to youtube to find "proof", but once people give him some actual facts, he goes on to tell us these are our opinions. you can look at my thread Religion: why you believe what you believe and how can you prove it, he wrote the same thing over there but stopped talking after me and heisenburg questioned why he took the visions seen from a DMT trip as proof to the existence of god, of course, he didnt respond.

this is the problem with most religions nowadays too, they cant accept the very known facts that people worked their lives to accomplish, i have said it before and i will say it again, i have no respect for someone who takes the "knowledge" from youtube over known facts, people answer the questions that religion attempted to, the religious groups even killed most of the people who tried to disprove their flawed knowledge, by not accepting what knowledge they worked so hard to find theres some level of disrespect and a lack of appreciation for the accomplishments of man, he'd rather go on youtube and hear about people's opinion on what we all know to be a high dosage DMT trip, in which it is extremely common to see the being you believe to be god, however i am atheist so my religion or lack thereof has no effect on my visions, i rather see things from my past, or what lies in the depths of my mind and imagination.

he can keep telling us NDE's are the work of god, but theres actual proof out there it is your pinneal gland releasing the chemical known as DMT, yet he will continue to answer that question with the word "god", claim to not be religious, yet still take knowledge from youtube over actual scientific proof. he doesnt deserve my time, your time, or any of ours, he even told gastanker that a person is dead once their heart stops, he even called him an idiot for not believing so. whos the real idiot here? the person who told him a simple fact, or the person who continues to use the visions seen from what is basically a really intense dream as "proof" of the existence of god. we all know the brain lives far past the body too. i have seen some ridiculous things on DMT, or rather in dreams, i guess all those things exist in reality right?