Good News.. I swear!!

Oh Timmahh...You are the one that never admits to being wrong. And your pissed that I am right most of the time.

When the first arrest comes under my scenario, what will you say then?

Those 6 full grown plants will be confiscated..and dry by your trial date. Are you going to claim you had no idea how much dry weight would be there?

Pfffttt. Are you serious with that?.?.? I havent seen you right yet. Ha ha. See you say it like it would be a cool thing for them to do that. That is the difference between YOU and EVERYONE else around here.

How could they prove you knew how much would be there? How could they prove that you do not harvest just the top cola and the rest goes in trash? Too many variables for them to try. Like when they threw the whole plant dirt and all in a bag and bring it into court. We all know how that turned out for them......
Funny you say you think it could start a war. The way I look at it, it would end a war. More importantly is will end the war that my ass has been in for decades!!!!

Oh my God. Michigan legalizes weed and some of make money taking meds to Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin. That would be so terrible. Michigan is used to huge unemployment rates, what would we do with income. Ford can build a plant in Indiana and we lose 1200 jobs, but as long as that unemployed auto worker doesn't sell a bag of weed to the Indiana guy with a nice new shiney job and benefits.
That is my point. Michigan government bends over backwards to keep its residents down. I am not talking meds, I am talking their track record. They suck!

It may end a "war' on our soil..but could easily start one with a foreign country.

And yes, if we play the game right, we may be able to sell cannabis out of state, legally. But that would take time..all the states would need med laws, and the feds would have to allow transportation. Could happen..much like alcohol

The question is: When that day arrives, will it be a network of micro-brewers..or one big Anhieser bush?

If ya want to see micro with them, not against them. I'm not saying cave in, I'm not saying go along with everything...I'm saying make what you CAN..don't bother attempting what you CAN"T control.

No one..and I mean no one, can get cannabis laws to be truly favorable, without accepting, even encouraging, regulation. Work to shape's far more productive than trying to stop it.
Sorry Bob, I don't fucking trust them any farther than I can through them. Micro brewers are not paying them, the Anheuser busch is paying them. See the article with them fuckers under the UP practicin'. They didn't wonder into that hole. I completely hear what you are saying. And I believe 100% different than you do about caregivers, corporations, and our Michigan politicians.
That being said, I've done a lot of time and I do not want to sign up for more. I pay my shit and have not had the luxury of worrying about having too many meds. I grow medical strains not big bud and other obvious cash crop strains. When I figure out what the fuck I am doing though Bob, I would like to make a profit. Not a big one, but something. And I think as long as I am helping every single person I come into contact with, that is a great thing.
I can sell my tomatoes and eggs. I can throw a picnic table together and sell that. Picnic tables and eggs don't cure cancer (or they haven't figured it out yet anyway), cannabis does. When someone is cured from cancer, at that point our government should say, oh fuck, you're kidding me? Check it out, then decriminalize it. Ain't no fucking world war III gonna break out. I subscribe to the conspiracy theory that money is stopping this. Not pressure from 3rd would countries.
Pfffttt. Are you serious with that?.?.? I havent seen you right yet. Ha ha. See you say it like it would be a cool thing for them to do that. That is the difference between YOU and EVERYONE else around here.

How could they prove you knew how much would be there? How could they prove that you do not harvest just the top cola and the rest goes in trash? Too many variables for them to try. Like when they threw the whole plant dirt and all in a bag and bring it into court. We all know how that turned out for them......

I don't think it would be cool. I think a bunch of punks are going to ramp up to max production with no "reasonable need"..and the cops will try and stop them...because they are way outside of the medical intent of the law....even though they are within the legal wording.

Actually, it wold be tragic for the poor fool that gets busted. All he did was listen to Timmahh and you saying he is all set. protected as protected gets.

Hey..keep your speech. Allow me the same.

Reasonable people get input from all sides before making decisions. Your not reasonable.

Glad and I disagree all the time. But I find him reasonable..even like him. He at least listens before he dis agrees. And when he differs..he has reason, and pretty much agrees to disagree on that point.

Guys like you and Timmahh just attack attack's all you got. Didn't you once threaten to "kick the ass" of a guy in a wheel chair? Yea..that's the guy I wanna listen to...
well, since no one likes to think ahead, rest assured Timmah is right.

Grow all you can...might as well disregard plant counts too. According to Timmah, no way possible to inspect your grow now, so long as you are registered. Fill a pole barn on your one will be fine, Timmahh says so.

Weight is no worry either..just keep it in your grow room. According to Timmahh, the cops can't even think about checking you for compliance if you are registered.

And yes, the the law say 12 plants, and doesn't specify the stage of possible way that could be changed. Just listen to Timmahh.

The law is a living, evolving thing if you haven't noticed. It is being shaped and defined daily.

Although the law doesn't clarify what stage plants can be in (IE: all in full flower) it does state weight limits, and now 'reasonable" if you can prove you need more.

The product from 6 or 12 mature plants is excessive to either of those standards, with only a few exceptions. If you don't think leo and the government is smart enough to know that, and close that loophole, well, I feel sorry for you.

Again, do what you want..but don't come a crying when you are the next test case.

I don't understand - you seem caught up on our limits as being too generous and therefore reasonably tightened?

I don't see a problem - the people of Michigan felt we could handle it.
Come on Bob - don't be sore - the Detroit News and the Republicans all want to get these regulations right now that the Court has ruled.

WTF? After three plus years those motherfuckers think it's a good idea to figure out the rules of the game?
Soon you can fix it.
I'm sure of it.

We're all too fucking stupid to demand our rights as first class citizens same as the Bill Schuettes of this State.
No - we might need a nanny cop to hold our dicks - in case we grow too much.

Next we can make sure no one with tremors has a license to grow...
Seriously Bob - you are looking for problems where none exists.
The Act gives us a maximum number of plants to work with - we are encouraged to exercise free will and do the right thing.
Oh Timmahh...You are the one that never admits to being wrong. And your pissed that I am right most of the time.

When the first arrest comes under my scenario, what will you say then?

Those 6 full grown plants will be confiscated..and dry by your trial date. Are you going to claim you had no idea how much dry weight would be there?

You are simply not making sense Bob because you are presuming the owner of the ripening plants is a crook and the Act tells you not to do that.
I can grow a plant for as long as I want to.
I often grow the same strain anywhere from 7 to 10 weeks and others from 8 to 11 and I bet that Chocolate Thai I got to pop can go for twenty weeks.
It's simply none of the cops business to be assuming anything about my licensed medical garden.
Besides - there are no inspections allowed - how are all these cops even getting in to question your motives?
I don't think it would be cool. I think a bunch of punks are going to ramp up to max production with no "reasonable need"..and the cops will try and stop them...because they are way outside of the medical intent of the law....even though they are within the legal wording.

Actually, it wold be tragic for the poor fool that gets busted. All he did was listen to Timmahh and you saying he is all set. protected as protected gets.

Hey..keep your speech. Allow me the same.

Reasonable people get input from all sides before making decisions. Your not reasonable.

Glad and I disagree all the time. But I find him reasonable..even like him. He at least listens before he dis agrees. And when he differs..he has reason, and pretty much agrees to disagree on that point.

Guys like you and Timmahh just attack attack's all you got. Didn't you once threaten to "kick the ass" of a guy in a wheel chair? Yea..that's the guy I wanna listen to...

I threatened to kick someone in a wheelchairs ass? Really? Make stuff up much?

By the way I dont think anyone is all set on anything. It has been my stance that patients have been mistreated and that continues and probably will. But it has been your contention that everyone that has been arrested and prosecuted deserves it. There lies the difference between me and you. And you relish in it too boot
I don't understand - you seem caught up on our limits as being too generous and therefore reasonably tightened?

I don't see a problem - the people of Michigan felt we could handle it.
Come on Bob - don't be sore - the Detroit News and the Republicans all want to get these regulations right now that the Court has ruled.

WTF? After three plus years those motherfuckers think it's a good idea to figure out the rules of the game?
Soon you can fix it.
I'm sure of it.

We're all too fucking stupid to demand our rights as first class citizens same as the Bill Schuettes of this State.
No - we might need a nanny cop to hold our dicks - in case we grow too much.

Next we can make sure no one with tremors has a license to grow...
Seriously Bob - you are looking for problems where none exists.
The Act gives us a maximum number of plants to work with - we are encouraged to exercise free will and do the right thing.

I am not hung up on limits...but the cops and the government are. I'm simply telling you what to expect from them as a counter to the new rulings..not endorsing that they do it.

Simply trying to keep people outa jail.

This new ruling made a lot of stuff better..the next one could make a lot of stuff worse.

There are thousands of people totally abusing this law. The cops know it, the state knows should know it too.

They will be looking to close loopholes..and they won't care whether you are legit or not when they find the right case to try.

Just tellin people how not to be that guy.
I threatened to kick someone in a wheelchairs ass? Really? Make stuff up much?

By the way I dont think anyone is all set on anything. It has been my stance that patients have been mistreated and that continues and probably will. But it has been your contention that everyone that has been arrested and prosecuted deserves it. There lies the difference between me and you. And you relish in it too boot

I've hit a guy on crutches before a wheelchair isn't far off

That's your quote. Post #152 in "caregiver or drug dealer"

Sounds like a threat to me.....memory going? See..I remember things the way they happened. You remember things as they suit you today...
I need to read that thread. I didn't feel like arguing and I know it would have been. lol. I'm in pain today though. Arguing would be no problem. lmao.
I threatened to kick someone in a wheelchairs ass? Really? Make stuff up much?

By the way I dont think anyone is all set on anything. It has been my stance that patients have been mistreated and that continues and probably will. But it has been your contention that everyone that has been arrested and prosecuted deserves it. There lies the difference between me and you. And you relish in it too boot

And I don't think some people deserve to get busted, I just think they go out of their way to get busted. never relish in it either.

people like you need people to hate...glad I can fill that need for you.
what page is that thread on bobby

BOB, WTF!!!! If you wish we all had this freedom then why in the name of sweet fuck and all that is holy do you act like a such a fucking cry baby dick when you hear someone is using medical to be legal and isn't bleeding out their fucking eyeballs? You are all so full of shit you''ve stunk the place up. Like I said, keep alienating all the "stoner voters" just trying to get high you stupid shits, piss off everyone that isn't half dead for being a profiteer and hiding behind a card. I hide from no man, I'd love for all of us to stop hiding behind the internet to make you're stupid fucking pointless points. Face to dickface you wouldn't spout off like this, I on the other hand though would relish the chance. I've hit a guy on crutches before a wheelchair isn't far off if your mouth needs checked in. I'm an equal oportunity criminal/mean bastard/profiteer. I'm with dude from the UK here; meds my arse (ass on this side of the pond) if booze slowed down Michael J fox's shaking like a dog shitting razor blades he'd be a medical user and I'd be a drunk right? fuck you all it's pot, same as it was before man outlawed it and same now and same after we're gone and the good herb is left without humans fighting over who can use it and grow it and sell or not sell it. You're the only one who can do it right and the only righteous user on the planet Bob. fuck off and die so the next cat with MS doesn't have suffer without weed cuz you single-handedly pist off the whole MMM community with your idiocy. inclusionary not exclusionary stupid, you want support-support others you fucking idiot. you're good at 2 things, taking air decent people could be breathing and wasting it on yourself for idiotic rants and pissing off voters you think are pot heads who supported the vote in the first place. I swear to christ if I knew I'd be hopping mad over some shit bag MS patient on the fucking internet talking shit to me about medical pot I never EVER EVER would have voted for it, I'd have followed the petition collector a house ahead to warn them not to sign it. If only I knew bob before the vote, could have saved all that time I spent working to get this thing passed and just said fuck you cripples I can grow stealth for myself y'all can fuck off and die in shit soaked diapers. I'm going to go get high now, it's not medicating cuz bob said so I'm jsut getting high. He is medicating I'm jsut getting stoned but hey, if this coronary I'm having after reading your shit posts leaves me sick enough I can call it medicating....with Bob's say so that is. GoddddDamn and fuck all!!!!!

There ya go..whole quote. Threat highlighted. You are one bad, bad, man...
Well lets see Bobby Boy....... Is that my quote???????


Memory going???????

You remember facts???? why dont you post whos quote that is?????

Hmmmmm I wonder. propaganda much??? how bout just straight up lies.
Have you figured out that it is not my quote yet? Or did you already know that when you posted it?????