It should be legal to kill Democrats

yes as an employer i must match state federal unemployment social security and medicare taxs on all my employees.
Sounds like a fake. Businesses don't pay half their employee's state or federal taxes, just SS and medicare. There is no "unemployment tax" on employees. So, in conclusion, you know nothing about being an employer. You are lying.
The upper class has convinced the middle class to blame the lower class. Some of your tax dollars go toward mowing the lawns of foreclosed homes with no residents.

The upper class has convinced the middle class to blame the lower class. Some of your tax dollars go toward mowing the lawns of foreclosed homes with no residents.
And they quite often do live in those houses. They stink them up and do thousands of dollars in damage, then move on to the next one.
red 1966 you dont know what your talking about look it up and unemployment may not be a tax but i have to pay it for the benifit of the employee and no i am not liying the state of california my dba and business lic. says different but you believe what you want stay delusional and think democrats dont own businesses see how far that gets ya its different times.
I sorta agree with JustAnotherhead but say " Kill the unproductive".
Everyday I drive to work into this city and see mostly young hispanic mothers pushing strollers, people sitting on porches or steps all day.
They live better than some working people do. Free or reduced rent, free utilities, free food for doing nothing. They drive newer cars and have the best tattoos.
All for doing nothing!
Some are 'disabled' though they walk, talk, and sit on thier asses all day.
Many voted for Obama on the presumption they will get " more money" for doing nothing and will vote for him again.
It's fucked up and it kills me everyday.
New law:
5 years, no work = DEATH
Shut the fuck up OP most the motherfuckers gettngi that 30% don't even vote there not fuckinng democrats there just poor.. You hate poor people that's fuckin cool but your just a close minded moron for going after democrats cuz you don't get paid enough obviously. You don't like the 30% move somewhere else or make more fucking money

Yeah and don't even start,, iv never been on welfare or used food stamps so suck it

If I make more you Oprah watchers just take more of it.
Every paycheck I get they steal hundreds from me so they can sit on the couch and watch Oprah all day.

This is clearly one if the most ignorant posts that I've seen in a awhile.

It ranks a little higher on the dumb-fuck scale than the guy who wants to move up to slammin' heroin rather than just snorting it.

Are you drunk and stupid or just stupid?
Nutes and Nugs:7530642 said:
I sorta agree with JustAnotherhead but say " Kill the unproductive".
Everyday I drive to work into this city and see mostly young hispanic mothers pushing strollers, people sitting on porches or steps all day.
They live better than some working people do. Free or reduced rent, free utilities, free food for doing nothing. They drive newer cars and have the best tattoos.
All for doing nothing!
Some are 'disabled' though they walk, talk, and sit on thier asses all day.
Many voted for Obama on the presumption they will get " more money" for doing nothing and will vote for him again.
It's fucked up and it kills me everyday.
New law:
5 years, no work = DEATH
Wow what an ignorant racist prick.

Young mothers pushing strollers = housewife, lots of work involved or Maybe they are working mothers but are not required to spend 24 hrs of their day at it just so ignorant fucks don't label them lazy. Same thing Maybe goes for your 'porch monkeys'? Yeah, you call them that, don't you as you drive by in your suit to your 9-5 sit at a desk BS job probably selling used cars. Cracker Ass Cracker where is Canna on all this now I got two of you Crackers Yee Ha god bless America where you don't need to be free to Believe that you are.