Good News.. I swear!!

Ozz, you are soooo clueless to how things work.

The patients and CG's and Dispensary owners were the ones 'monkeying' with the law...the cops and prosecutors simply trying to keep things under control. The first round of arrest were justified. They were all people testing the limits of the law. The cops just said "thanks, we needed an arrogant ass hole to arrest, just so we can learn how this law will be interpreted"

Cops and prosecutors have learned a lot with these rulings. Too bad you have not.

The Supreme Court stepped in and told the cops and prosecutors:The cannabis law is valid..bust real criminals. Here is a new guide line..and issued a ruling.

They made it clear that card holders have defenses, and in many cases should be left alone. They defined the defenses, and made it clear how and when they can be used. Then the justices said to themselves: Can't wait for the next round. We have given the people that are legit a good ruling. Now the assholes will try and take advantage of it, and well start to get the real "drug dealers".

They are so waiting to uphold a conviction on "intent to over produce" or what ever the official charge becomes. They have fools like you all set up. One small section 4..could be a clone issue, now you have to use section 8....6 fully mature plants? Really officer, how much did that dry out to? 18oz's? Then the turns to you and says: "what is your medical condition"? tell him arthritis...the judge says: 18oz is not reasonable, nor would a reasonable jury think so. Your defense is denied.

That quick..that simple..that painful.

The cops goal is to simply stop punks from getting cards to grow pot for profit. There are plenty doing that. The SC will rule to stop it as well.

You have no idea of what's coming. But you encourage everyone to naive

Judge can not issue a ruling on a Trier of Fact, ONLY A TRIER of LAW. Triers of fact shall be heard by a Jury, or the Defendant will need to file for an appeal via an interlocutory Leave to appeal.
The real problem with Timmahh and Ozz type logic..Is that they don't understand what "the peoples intent" was when this law passed.

It wasn't to create a free market economy in cannabis. It wasn't to allow every person with a hang nail to become a grower. It was to help sick people.

They hang on to "intent of the people" yet what they want is nothing like the intent of the voters.

What happened to the signature drive for legalization? Having a little trouble getting signatures? Where did that 63% of the voters go?

They won't sign it, because they see what 's been done to abuse the med law. I know this, because I have asked them to sign it. getting signatures for the med law was easy...for legalization, the same people won't sign...weird.

You just think that the 63% were like you, and wanted cannabis for all, when in fact, the voters that carried this wanted sick people to have meds.....

and therein lies the problem with you logic.

Did you ask those people that wouldn't sign WHY they wouldn't sign? No. you say? I have, and EVERY ONE of them states its because the way the GOV, BS and LEO have been illegally targeting the law abiding citizens that have been Dr Recommended and most registered for this Law. They fear being on a PUBLIC list for them to abuse.
I am not hung up on limits...but the cops and the government are. I'm simply telling you what to expect from them as a counter to the new rulings..not endorsing that they do it.

Simply trying to keep people outa jail.

This new ruling made a lot of stuff better..the next one could make a lot of stuff worse.

There are thousands of people totally abusing this law. The cops know it, the state knows should know it too.

They will be looking to close loopholes..and they won't care whether you are legit or not when they find the right case to try.

Just tellin people how not to be that guy.

I agree - there ARE 1000's of people taking advantage of the medical program for other than legal purposes.
There are also 1000's of cops taking advantage of us for other than legal purposes.

Tell you what - let's scrap both.
Get rid of medical marijuana and get rid of cops.
They are corrupt.

Point being that it is not unusual for necessary things to bring unnecessary 'problems'.
Personally I consider rouge cops to be on the level of child molestors - they undermine the very essence of being American.
Pot dealers are just the guys I used to go get my stash from - some are cool and some are jerks - but none of them ever tried to deny my Civil Rights.

I think our society is passed punishing the patients because of others actions - as far as I'm concerned weed dealers are "a pre-existing condition" - they knew all about them when voted yes 2 to 1 for passage of the Act.
Read the papers - the only people who have a problem with the program are LEO and far Right wing pols and activists.
The MI. SC upheld our rights based upon INTENT OF THE VOTERS.

So who cares what others do?
It won't affect you or I - we are both simply patients who grow their own.
The Court told the LEO they must abide by the Act, and they better or they face certain legal liability claims for ignoring them.

Now is the time to assert our Rights and demand that they implement the Act in full.

We should not stand for a 'parallel program' meant to undermine the MMMA to serve dispensarys and Pharma growers.
But we will because we don't play the game like they play the game and they are scheming to change the Act as we sit.

Watch that K-2 Spice legislation careful - would be a perfect spot to steal our right to sue, etc.

I think the single biggest threat to home growing meds is this proposed 'PharmaGrade" enhanced card they would require to buy weed from the Republicans.
Once your Doctor has been sufficently badgered into recomending only PharmaGrade - you won't be eligable to keep plants unless you can obtain a PharmaGrade Grow facility.
Good luck with that - guess who's writing the rules?
My appologies..It was corey And trevor. But then again, you have the same viewpoint..easy for me to confuse. Same simple mentality.

Apologies again..

See how easy it is to say your sorry?

And that's the difference between you and I. I can admit an error.

I had to like you for this Bob: You managed to apoligize, and call the man an idiot while excusing yourself for mistaking him for another.
I had to like you for this Bob: You managed to apoligize, and call the man an idiot while excusing yourself for mistaking him for another.

Most rollitup apologies have conditions, stipulations, and strings attached. lol.
Now he can say "I apologized, fuck you." lmao.
Well bob at least now you are reading. Now if we can get you to comprehend hell we might actually get somewhere. And I guess I was wrong about you agreeing with everything law enforcement is doing against medical marijuana. I was mistaken you just agree with everything law enforcement is doing against medical marijuana.
Go figure huh......
I am confused on the "intent of the law".
Bob, I think, states that the law was created by our government to help very sick and terminally ill people the option of pain relief.
I was completely under the impression that this is another step in winning the drug war. Our government didn't give this to us as a gift to baby so it can mature. I thought 63% of Michigan wants them to shut up about marijuana and worry about REAL ISSUES in this state.

These are two completely different mind sets. I do not think for one minute Michigan has GIVEN me a fucking thing. We took that shit. They are not allowing me to grow, but they are starting to accept that I really don't give a fuck what they think and our jurors are tired of it also. What will happen if the take back the law?

Now they are focused on medical marijuana, while all the real drugs are kicking the living shit out of our nation. K2, spice, the chinese shit, the bath salts. Not to mention, good 'ol fashioned coke, herione, and meth. The motherfucking law was designed to tell these stupid bastards TO MOVE ON!!! Fucking enough already!!!! Is what the voters I talked to say.

To treat this law as a gift from our government is wrong, foolish, and it pisses me off. Does anyone agree that our government has ALWAYS been wrong about cannabis? What kind of war lets the loser make the rules on how to proceed? Does that sound foolish to anyone else?
I am confused on the "intent of the law".
Bob, I think, states that the law was created by our government to help very sick and terminally ill people the option of pain relief.
I was completely under the impression that this is another step in winning the drug war. Our government didn't give this to us as a gift to baby so it can mature. I thought 63% of Michigan wants them to shut up about marijuana and worry about REAL ISSUES in this state.

These are two completely different mind sets. I do not think for one minute Michigan has GIVEN me a fucking thing. We took that shit. They are not allowing me to grow, but they are starting to accept that I really don't give a fuck what they think and our jurors are tired of it also. What will happen if the take back the law?

Now they are focused on medical marijuana, while all the real drugs are kicking the living shit out of our nation. K2, spice, the chinese shit, the bath salts. Not to mention, good 'ol fashioned coke, herione, and meth. The motherfucking law was designed to tell these stupid bastards TO MOVE ON!!! Fucking enough already!!!! Is what the voters I talked to say.

To treat this law as a gift from our government is wrong, foolish, and it pisses me off. Does anyone agree that our government has ALWAYS been wrong about cannabis? What kind of war lets the loser make the rules on how to proceed? Does that sound foolish to anyone else?

Not only does it sound foolish - it IS what they are attempting to do 'for us'.
PharmaGrade Weed is Republican weed.
Republican weed is weed controlled by those who have spent their carreers trying to, and often succeeding in, jailing us.
They don't deserve any consideration. Fuck them Bastards.
I do not think Bob is stupid, in the least. I think bob made a career in the corporate world and that involves "playing the game and making a move when you can". Obviously he was good at it, but I do not think that is the right approach when dealing with these people on this subject. We will not have a second chance to do it over.
(This is my best attempt at giving bob the benefit of the doubt.)
My cuz gets pulled over with 7 grams of trim and is looking at $3000 in fines all because she didn't register! I know she would qualify but she was stubborn and broke and just didn't go to the doctor! Now $3000 dollars she doesn't have will come out of the mouths of her children. It's insanity and I hope this law really works for people in her type of situation!

Well shouldn't she be feeding those children instead of getting high?
Did you ask those people that wouldn't sign WHY they wouldn't sign? No. you say? I have, and EVERY ONE of them states its because the way the GOV, BS and LEO have been illegally targeting the law abiding citizens that have been Dr Recommended and most registered for this Law. They fear being on a PUBLIC list for them to abuse.

I did ask why they wouldn't sign. The answer I got was because of how the med law passing Created a cannabis free for all..with pot leaf dispensary fronts and young punks running around screaming WEEEEEE!

Funny the ones you asked said what you claim. If that was the case, seems they would want to send a stronger message.
Judge can not issue a ruling on a Trier of Fact, ONLY A TRIER of LAW. Triers of fact shall be heard by a Jury, or the Defendant will need to file for an appeal via an interlocutory Leave to appeal.

Read the SC ruling. Judge can deny if he feels that "a reasonable jury" would not be able to justify the amount. A judge can also set aside a jury verdit...Judges can do a lot you don't know about.

Yup..the defendant can appeal...then appeal the appeal court ruling..right till it gets to the Supreme Court...were the new ruling will be made to send his ass to jail.
Well bob at least now you are reading. Now if we can get you to comprehend hell we might actually get somewhere. And I guess I was wrong about you agreeing with everything law enforcement is doing against medical marijuana. I was mistaken you just agree with everything law enforcement is doing against medical marijuana.
Go figure huh......

Never said I agreed with what the cops are doing. Said it was inevitable and totally expected. You would have them sit back and allow anyone with a hotel card and a cfl to be a legal dispenser of cannabis.

it's a medical law you dolt.

Again, the recreational users could jump on board with no problems. Except for the idiots blatently abusing the law and taunting the cops with their 'legality"
I agree - there ARE 1000's of people taking advantage of the medical program for other than legal purposes.
There are also 1000's of cops taking advantage of us for other than legal purposes.

Tell you what - let's scrap both.
Get rid of medical marijuana and get rid of cops.
They are corrupt.

Point being that it is not unusual for necessary things to bring unnecessary 'problems'.
Personally I consider rouge cops to be on the level of child molestors - they undermine the very essence of being American.
Pot dealers are just the guys I used to go get my stash from - some are cool and some are jerks - but none of them ever tried to deny my Civil Rights.

I think our society is passed punishing the patients because of others actions - as far as I'm concerned weed dealers are "a pre-existing condition" - they knew all about them when voted yes 2 to 1 for passage of the Act.
Read the papers - the only people who have a problem with the program are LEO and far Right wing pols and activists.
The MI. SC upheld our rights based upon INTENT OF THE VOTERS.

So who cares what others do?
It won't affect you or I - we are both simply patients who grow their own.
The Court told the LEO they must abide by the Act, and they better or they face certain legal liability claims for ignoring them.

Now is the time to assert our Rights and demand that they implement the Act in full.

We should not stand for a 'parallel program' meant to undermine the MMMA to serve dispensarys and Pharma growers.
But we will because we don't play the game like they play the game and they are scheming to change the Act as we sit.

Watch that K-2 Spice legislation careful - would be a perfect spot to steal our right to sue, etc.

I think the single biggest threat to home growing meds is this proposed 'PharmaGrade" enhanced card they would require to buy weed from the Republicans.
Once your Doctor has been sufficently badgered into recomending only PharmaGrade - you won't be eligable to keep plants unless you can obtain a PharmaGrade Grow facility.
Good luck with that - guess who's writing the rules?

The rouge cops are like child molesters...really bad. But it isn't all the cops. Motley small town ones..they like to be out of the public eye..just like child molesters.

Really, I have no issue with pot dealers. So long as they don't hide behind the med law.Hiding behind the med law is like holding a child in front of you in a gunfight. If you wanto to deal weed..feel free, just do it the old fashioned way and take your chances.

When they hide behind the med law, they give patients and cg's a bad reputation.

Unfortunately, it does hurt some small guys. Even a self grower with 12 plants could grow enough to supplement their income. Most of those real patients would be on disability or small incomes..and it would be an opportunity to help themselves.

The "pharma card' may or may not be a bad thing..depends on how it's flushed out..i do like the idea of should know what you are getting.
I am confused on the "intent of the law".
Bob, I think, states that the law was created by our government to help very sick and terminally ill people the option of pain relief.
I was completely under the impression that this is another step in winning the drug war. Our government didn't give this to us as a gift to baby so it can mature. I thought 63% of Michigan wants them to shut up about marijuana and worry about REAL ISSUES in this state.

These are two completely different mind sets. I do not think for one minute Michigan has GIVEN me a fucking thing. We took that shit. They are not allowing me to grow, but they are starting to accept that I really don't give a fuck what they think and our jurors are tired of it also. What will happen if the take back the law?

Now they are focused on medical marijuana, while all the real drugs are kicking the living shit out of our nation. K2, spice, the chinese shit, the bath salts. Not to mention, good 'ol fashioned coke, herione, and meth. The motherfucking law was designed to tell these stupid bastards TO MOVE ON!!! Fucking enough already!!!! Is what the voters I talked to say.

To treat this law as a gift from our government is wrong, foolish, and it pisses me off. Does anyone agree that our government has ALWAYS been wrong about cannabis? What kind of war lets the loser make the rules on how to proceed? Does that sound foolish to anyone else?

Oh. i don't think we should treat it like a was hard earned. I think we should act humble and gracious in our win.

The intent WAS to help sick people. The problem is that many act as if the intent of the people was to allow totally legal cannabis..which it was not.
I did ask why they wouldn't sign. The answer I got was because of how the med law passing Created a cannabis free for all..with pot leaf dispensary fronts and young punks running around screaming WEEEEEE!

Funny the ones you asked said what you claim. If that was the case, seems they would want to send a stronger message.

not when Jail is the conclusion for signing that stronger message.

and this Act is helping ill folks. its helping them live without Poisoning Rx Meds that kill their liver and kidneys, causes TB and can make a depressed person commit suicide (good effect from the depression meds here).

but you seem to have the idea, only those on their death bed should be able to use this safe herb for medical reasons. Is Depression not a Medical Ailment? how about Schizophrenia? Even ADHD (even though i dont buy this as a medical disease, but a Social One), Pts get benefits from Cannabis.

Fact is bob, cannabis is the only Medicine that DOESNT kill.
Bobby boy.....

You say this

Yup..the defendant can appeal...then appeal the appeal court ruling..right till it gets to the Supreme Court...were the new ruling will be made to send his ass to jail.

Again you relish in the idea of legal patients and caregivers going to jail. You are scum and should be banned from these forums.
not when Jail is the conclusion for signing that stronger message.

and this Act is helping ill folks. its helping them live without Poisoning Rx Meds that kill their liver and kidneys, causes TB and can make a depressed person commit suicide (good effect from the depression meds here).

but you seem to have the idea, only those on their death bed should be able to use this safe herb for medical reasons. Is Depression not a Medical Ailment? how about Schizophrenia? Even ADHD (even though i dont buy this as a medical disease, but a Social One), Pts get benefits from Cannabis.

Fact is bob, cannabis is the only Medicine that DOESNT kill.

No one goes to jail for signing a petition you fear monger. 63% of the voters passed the med law..what percent are using it? But that's what you do..state stupid stuff as facts.

People won't sign the legalization petition because of how the medical law has become a cannabis free for all. put words in my mouth to influence others against me.

Never said a patient should be on their "death bed". I totally agree that many things can be improved with cannabis use..depression, adhd, ptsd..and a host of others...that's not the issue.

The issue is that most of those conditions require minimal amounts of cannabis to treat. You bring them up only to justify "grow all you can"

You are the classic example of hide behind the med law to profit and grow cannabis for that intent...always citing "patient need" while plying you cannabis for all attitude.