Well-Known Member
Ozz, you are soooo clueless to how things work.
The patients and CG's and Dispensary owners were the ones 'monkeying' with the law...the cops and prosecutors simply trying to keep things under control. The first round of arrest were justified. They were all people testing the limits of the law. The cops just said "thanks, we needed an arrogant ass hole to arrest, just so we can learn how this law will be interpreted"
Cops and prosecutors have learned a lot with these rulings. Too bad you have not.
The Supreme Court stepped in and told the cops and prosecutors:The cannabis law is valid..bust real criminals. Here is a new guide line..and issued a ruling.
They made it clear that card holders have defenses, and in many cases should be left alone. They defined the defenses, and made it clear how and when they can be used. Then the justices said to themselves: Can't wait for the next round. We have given the people that are legit a good ruling. Now the assholes will try and take advantage of it, and well start to get the real "drug dealers".
They are so waiting to uphold a conviction on "intent to over produce" or what ever the official charge becomes. They have fools like you all set up. One small mistake..fail section 4..could be a clone issue, now you have to use section 8....6 fully mature plants? Really officer, how much did that dry out to? 18oz's? Then the turns to you and says: "what is your medical condition"? ....you tell him arthritis...the judge says: 18oz is not reasonable, nor would a reasonable jury think so. Your defense is denied.
That quick..that simple..that painful.
The cops goal is to simply stop punks from getting cards to grow pot for profit. There are plenty doing that. The SC will rule to stop it as well.
You have no idea of what's coming. But you encourage everyone to celebrate..so naive
Judge can not issue a ruling on a Trier of Fact, ONLY A TRIER of LAW. Triers of fact shall be heard by a Jury, or the Defendant will need to file for an appeal via an interlocutory Leave to appeal.