

Well-Known Member
DSC_0072.jpgDSC_0065.jpg fucking sweet shit dude, im doing my clothes just throwing them in the wash when i hear what seems to be the persons tv up stairs. i dont think allot of iot so i hop right back up the steps and the mega phone gets louder. im thinking what the fuck is going on?? i open the door to swat right next door screaming threw the horn" come out with your hands up!!! if you dont we will send the dog in and they WILL bite you" you can hear dogs and see all the swat dudes with m 16's and riot gear complet with shield and helmets surrounding the peoples house next door front and back. till they went in and well it was fucking cool. im standing in the door way with a cop telling me to stay inside and when i come back to take pictures one guy says" we got another one in the doorway" so i cop steps forward with his gun ready across his chest. someone was taping the thing for the cops, o it was a wonderful sight. they didnt get anyone but still


Well-Known Member
Hahaha awesome so long as they aren`t coming for you :D
hey man i kept my mouth shut, never even spoke bad about them ...person: those drug dealers...ME: i dont know what they are doing so i cant so one way or the other.... but i did pray to have something done and BAM god took care of it. on the note other wise coming for my pot. ive got papers and was holding(in my med cab) but still fell like they cant touch me.


Well-Known Member
Somebody's heart must have dropped when they heard the swat team.
sure wasnt mine, i had the biggest smile on my face. with thoughts in my head "hmm i should be getting stoned right now" " my bowls in the room how awesome would it be to toke and watch this"" hmm my papers in my bag my ID in my hat,ok im in the clear."


Active Member
I've yet to see anything that intense. I did recently watch some naked dude running down the alley get tased, tackled and thrown into a cop car. That was kinda interesting.


Active Member
This shit sucks! I have been the victim of swat before. My neighbor called and said there was gun shots in my apartment, ON NEW YEARS. My lawyer got the recording of the phone call to the police and the guy was a drunken bafoon. You could hear the fireworks in Tue background and hes all screaming like a baby. Stupidest thing in the world, got robbed by the cops for 23 fat ones. Awful night.....


Well-Known Member
I lived in a townhouse for a few years.
One morning around 6:00 AM or so, I had to pee so insted of go up
stairs I figured I would just step out the patio door and do business, quickly.
The townhouse backed up to a wood hillside.

No sooner than I get my squirt gun in hand I hear "STOP, Police, STOP OR I WILL SHOOT YOU WHERE YOU STAND!"

Lots of things go through your mind when you hear words like that. My thoughts were:
Holy shit I am naked, holding a weapon, and the cops are shouting they are gonna soot me!

The next instant I look over and see a dude running up the wooded hill behind the townhouse
and a cop chasing him.

The glorious feeling of relief covered my hole body knowing the object of the cops attention
was not me. In fact the cop never saw me. I was able to back back into my place
before they knew there were witnesses.

Why is it that I am always the naked one when the guns come out?


Well-Known Member
I lived in a townhouse for a few years.
One morning around 6:00 AM or so, I had to pee so insted of go up
stairs I figured I would just step out the patio door and do business, quickly.
The townhouse backed up to a wood hillside.

No sooner than I get my squirt gun in hand I hear "STOP, Police, STOP OR I WILL SHOOT YOU WHERE YOU STAND!"

Lots of things go through your mind when you hear words like that. My thoughts were:
Holy shit I am naked, holding a weapon, and the cops are shouting they are gonna soot me!

The next instant I look over and see a dude running up the wooded hill behind the townhouse
and a cop chasing him.

The glorious feeling of relief covered my hole body knowing the object of the cops attention
was not me. In fact the cop never saw me. I was able to back back into my place
before they knew there were witnesses.

Why is it that I am always the naked one when the guns come out?
She said that to flatter you....

it's not actually a weapon...