It should be legal to kill Democrats

following me around, changing his signature all the time...gayroscope can't get enough of me.

clearly he is not bitter in any way. clearly.


Ohhh does following someone around, making rude comments about them and putting their quotes in your signature a sign of not being able to get enough of someone, dear Bucky?:evil:
hate to break it to you, but drafting underage women into sex slave rings is not work that pays anything back into the social safety net.

and i'm surprised you were able to type so legibly whilst being anally penetrated by your gay lover brick top.

How is it you claim to be so gay-friendly while making gay jokes at the same time? Deception is a lie's half brother you know...
How is it you claim to be so gay-friendly while making gay jokes at the same time? Deception is a lie's half brother you know...

He is the biggest homophobe on here. He plays the gay card at least 3 times a day to anyone that does not agree with his socialist agenda. But watch him be the defender of gays tomorrow like a champion.
there's nothing wrong with being gay, but have some standards, ya know? old, bitter men like brick top who have to hire rent boys would not be tops on my list if i were a washed up old gay biker like gayroscope.

and honestly, i am surprised at his typing skills whilst being anally penetrated.

See this is my problem...

We all have imaginations that we use while we're on the internet. For example, you imagine me as a fat old man behind a computer screen, right? Or a young one, if you decide to call me Crypt that day. I imagine things like Winter Woman behind the screen with square glasses typing at fast speeds like a really smart journalist type. I imagine Heppie with blood shot eyes and an awkward presence about him. I imagine DS naked. And April. And sometimes even Johnny although I think it would be rough hateful sex lol. Sorry back to my point....I see what I want to see... your imagination seeing Brick Top and Gyro having anal sex?
well, it's kind of weird that you keep going to this pedo thing. i mean, i'm no pedo and i find the thought disgusting. but with you, it seems to be the only thing that ever crosses your mind.

Oh so now you are denying it huh ? Get a job Chester.
See this is my problem...

We all have imaginations that we use while we're on the internet. For example, you imagine me as a fat old man behind a computer screen, right? Or a young one, if you decide to call me Crypt that day. I imagine things like Winter Woman behind the screen with square glasses typing at fast speeds like a really smart journalist type. I imagine Heppie with blood shot eyes and an awkward presence about him. I imagine DS naked. And April. And sometimes even Johnny although I think it would be rough hateful sex lol. Sorry back to my point....I see what I want to see... your imagination seeing Brick Top and Gyro having anal sex?

Maybe he is a homo without the phobe ?
Oh so now you are denying it huh ? Get a job Chester.

can you guys stop calling each other pedos? its fucking stupid, a child rapist isnt something you should call someone unless they actually are one, and in that case stop being childish about it and file a goddamn police report.
i'm getting bored of your lame, unoriginal comebacks. it's really just embarrassing to you.

If you are so bored maybe you could turn it off and go job hunting and try to become a productive member of society instead riding on the coatails of others.
if i could double my wardrobe, that would be awesome. but i don't swing your way.

you probably became a biker just to have an excuse for all the leather.

You're so far in the closet, Bucky, you're finding Christmas presents back there. It's OK. You can come out. It's ok.532715_2911168667372_1505291756_32125566_63528327_n.jpg
Whoah!! Fucking republicans are dick holes. Fuck you guys I'd blast the shit out of you.

This politic shit is epic.. Like a drug.
I try to tell my husband that, but he thinks Fox News is like...the only reliable one!

tragic, he's thinking the exact opposite. just watch fox around election time, they usually say the opposite of what truly is happening. everything on fox is gonna be anti-Obama, purely for the sake of the lesser minded's amusement, and those that are hardcore right winged, they should rename it "more bullshit for the bullshitters".
some of us want facts, others prefer to be lied to. if your the person that likes to be lied to, i suggest watching fox and going to church.
not to mention, they try to defend Murdoc for all the fucked up shit he does, he was caught tapping into phone lines but fox will find a way to avoid it, or twist it. i feel like i dont even need to say anything about fox, we all know its bullshit. besides your husband unfortunately. if i were you id tell him "you and your ignorance can sleep on the couch tonight".
tragic, he's thinking the exact opposite. just watch fox around election time, they usually say the opposite of what truly is happening. everything on fox is gonna be anti-Obama, purely for the sake of the lesser minded's amusement, and those that are hardcore right winged, they should rename it "more bullshit for the bullshitters".
some of us want facts, others prefer to be lied to. if your the person that likes to be lied to, i suggest watching fox and going to church.
not to mention, they try to defend Murdoc for all the fucked up shit he does, he was caught tapping into phone lines but fox will find a way to avoid it, or twist it. i feel like i dont even need to say anything about fox, we all know its bullshit. besides your husband unfortunately. if i were you id tell him "you and your ignorance can sleep on the couch tonight".

*Sigh* Must you insult my chruch with politics? I can be informed about politics and still be...trying to be a good Christian.