It should be legal to kill Democrats

I was getting a "data base error"

you got trolled



a lot of old folks have trouble using the google box, it's OK. we won't judge you.
Why would I need Google? I know what a data base error is. Apparently you didn't and had to google it. By the way, I think you are older than I.
You brag about it all the time.

well, if you're not being the usual fiction writer (aka liar) that you always are, it should be a simple enough matter for you to find me constantly bragging that my wife supports me and quote it for me to say.

as it stands, i've never said it, because it's not true. i work in the evening hours when the lights come on, freeing me up to call out lying old fogies like you during the day.

c'mon, old man. quote it for me. after all, you said i brag about it all the time.

well, if you're not being the usual fiction writer (aka liar) that you always are, it should be a simple enough matter for you to find me constantly bragging that my wife supports me and quote it for me to say. as it stands, i've never said it, because it's not true. i work in the evening hours when the lights come on, freeing me up to call out lying old fogies like you during the day. c'mon, old man. quote it for me. after all, you said i brag about it all the time. LOL!
Lights are on now, yet you're still here. You say it all the time, anyone here for any length of time has seen it. Keep calling me old, that makes you look intelligent.
You brag about it all the time. You sit in front of the computer all day, every day, because you don't work and can't go out and do anything unless your wife gives you permission, and money to do it with. You're a pathetic loser who can only pretend to be a man by running your mouth here and claiming victory where none exists. Your arguments consist mostly of harping on someone's spelling or grammar, or making unfounded insults on others age, sexual orientation, or race. All while pretending you support equal rights. Let's face it, you don't really have a position on anything, you just like to argue, because THAT IS ALL YOU GOT.

I would brag about that too. I bet you can't even get it up, much less hold it down like a boss.

I would brag about that too. I bet you can't even get it up, much less hold it down like a boss.


i do brag about the perks of being married to someone who is part of a fairly wealthy family. it's insane to me.

we spent christmas time in palm springs in a $500 a night time share. played $150 a round golf courses. ate at restaurants and ordered $100 appetizers.

but when we get back home, i pay my half of all the bills and do quite a bit more than half the chores.
i do brag about the perks of being married to someone who is part of a fairly wealthy family. it's insane to me.

we spent christmas time in palm springs in a $500 a night time share. played $150 a round golf courses. ate at restaurants and ordered $100 appetizers.

but when we get back home, i pay my half of all the bills and do quite a bit more than half the chores.

She got any sisters?
my lights are on? walk out to my garage and tell me the lights are on, old man. another 2 and a half hours, mr. not-so-successful-internet-psychic-douchebag.
It's 9:30 PM in California, I believe that is "evening hours". Your lights out again? Ask the in-laws to pay the bill if the wife can't. "Old" again, yep that's just brilliant.
i do brag about the perks of being married to someone who is part of a fairly wealthy family. it's insane to me. we spent christmas time in palm springs in a $500 a night time share. played $150 a round golf courses. ate at restaurants and ordered $100 appetizers. but when we get back home, i pay my half of all the bills and do quite a bit more than half the chores.
Sure you do.
the old man is out of douchiness to mouth fart upon the rest of us. for now. he'll think of something brilliant here soon. just wait for it.
Yep, just full of intelligent rejoinder. It's time to tuck my screen so I'm going to go for now. I'm sure you'll be here when I get back, since you're always here anyway.
the old man is out of douchiness to mouth fart upon the rest of us. for now.

he'll think of something brilliant here soon. just wait for it.
yo Buck just forget about it. It's like talking arguing with a door knob lol. It's like pissing in the wind this guy has no clue too reality.
following me around, changing his signature all the time...gayroscope can't get enough of me.

clearly he is not bitter in any way. clearly.
