How long does a caregiver change take?


Well-Known Member
So my buddy just went with me and we got our temp paper work, should have our hard cards by the end of the month, if not much sooner, but he didn't set a caregiver, if he wanted to set me, does he need the DR sign the form again and pay $10, how long before I can start growing, should I wait for the hard card or what, is it 21 days from paying the $10 to the state?
21 days bro. Sign the forms and send it in. You don't need the doctor to ok your grower, you handle all that. Half the beauty of it. Any questions you have, there several sites like this one where people will help you with whatever you need.
Whatever you do, don't hold your breath waiting on your card. You may very well be on your second crop before those fucking window lickers make your piece of plastic.
wait till you get your cards, this way you know you are logged in the registry. Get the CG paperwork filled out for which ever is going to be the CG in the meantime. Have all paperwork and 10.00 check/m.o. in a stamped envelope ready to send via registered mail. the day the cards arrive, send it in. when you get the registered card returned saying the paperwork has been received, you are good to go. That is just so long as the person that is going to be the CG, has no prior felonies that may stop the CG appliction, or doesnt already have 5 assigned Patients. Otherwise, the application shall be approved, once the check is cashed.

this is providing you are both new patients. If you are both renewing patients and already on the system, send that shit in now registered. once they get it, and so long as no felonies on the potential CG are there, your good to create your cg/pt contract whether that be a verbal or written agreement. I would suggest, talking about how it will work for you both, and then writing that agreement down, date, and you both sign it.

unless you are sure your friendship is rock solid, (and even if it isnt) i would suggest the written option.
ofcourse, this all hinges on the day the check is cashed to be honest. but that is usually the same day or the day after the envelope is received, but you can watch your bank to see when the check was cashed.

In my case it was 2 business days. They received the paperwork on a Friday, and the next monday, my bank showed the check as cashed.
Cashing the check constitutes acceptance of the agreement, thus a valid contract.

with the new printer, it seems they are almost up to speed. so in reality, by the time your bank shows your check as cashed, the cards should be on their way.
What?! It took over 5 months to get my card. I have 4 patients legal waiting on cards. They have done been legal and don't have cards. Do not wait on your card. Wait until you are legal. 21 days.
my cards arrived in 30 days. I was only saying let their stnd pt card be registered in the system prior to sending in a caregiver change just so their shit dont get messed up. we are still talking about a gov agency dealing with this shit. lol.

It only took about 55 days for my pt to get their 1st card, but i started her plants the day the check was cashed, signifying an acceptance of the CG/Pt contract with the State Registry.
I thought you wanted him to wait for his cards, cuz your first sentence said "wait til you get your cards".

I would wait 21 days and grow. My renewal had been well over two months now. UNACCEPTABLE!!! Any boss any of us had would have fired the fuck out of us. I have three patients that have been legal well over 30 days. That new printer may be pushing out more cards, but none of those fuckers are making up this far as far as I have seen.

Good luck bro.
he said they have submitted apps for cards. I suggested they do wait to get these cards inhand, before submitting changes to them. ONLY If they are New Patients to the registry. This i suggest only to ensure the paperwork in the office does not become messed up... besides, this should be down to 3 weeks from app to card arrival.

and im only referring tot he CG CHange form.. so the one guy can be the other guys CG. until then, they can both get started with their own,

but if they are renewing their registration, then their info is already firmly on the registry so the chance of the Change of CG app confusing their accounts, causing a lag in the card process, less likely to happen.

Wow, thats crazy on your renewal, mine was quicker than that when i sent it in in march.
I sent mine in a few days literally after you. Like two or three. I got it today. That is why I logged in. But I have a transfer patient and two brand new patients. Those new pateints have been legal for a good solid few weeks. No cards yet.
Ya, i sent in one Pts new app and my cg assertation same time as my renewal. their card and my cg card for them was 2 weeks behind my renewal.
Alright thanks guys for the info, is it possible to exceed the 5 patient limit? I was reading one night there was something you could submit to them, and if they cashed your check, and waited at least 21 days, it would deem accepted, not saying I will go past that limit, just want to know my limits.

I will wait for my card and friends card in the mail before I do anything for sure, but my check was already cashed within 1 day of being sent out.

What do you guys normally do for your patients, charge them a decent price, or offer them monthly/quarterly batches? I was thinking about giving my patients 3 oz's every 3 months then 1 oz a month, as a free will, then sell them oz's for $200 since it wouldn't cost me 1/4th of that to grow it.

Do you guys have any tips or suggestions?

I'm batching things out growing to, so within 2-3 months I want to have up to the max limit, is that bad, or should I start all at once, if I do batch I will make sure they are all on the time cycle/times as I've learned 101 growing overnight, but I've spent past few weeks learning/reading alot and learning daily. Mainly looking for experience.
not with the ability to maintain protections as a registered pt/cg under sec 4). that would fall under a section 8 defense, which entails arrest, and court. So long as you can prove i a court the medical Need to a judge or a jury beyond reasonable doubt (burden of proof is on the Pt in a Section 8), then you should have charges dismiessed.

Now SOME here would like you and others to think, I am saying go willy nilly and violate everything. which is not the case.

You could do it, but just be aware, it will put you in a Sec 8 defense, which has far less protections as well as the shift of burden of proof to the Pt.

CG/PT agreements vary by each part participating. What works for one, may not be suitable for the next.
Ahh just grow the shit and keep your mouth shut about it till the card comes. Grew indoors off and on for 14 years without a card and no cops cause mouth was shut. You can do it too.
not with the ability to maintain protections as a registered pt/cg under sec 4). that would fall under a section 8 defense, which entails arrest, and court. So long as you can prove i a court the medical Need to a judge or a jury beyond reasonable doubt (burden of proof is on the Pt in a Section 8), then you should have charges dismiessed.

Now SOME here would like you and others to think, I am saying go willy nilly and violate everything. which is not the case.

You could do it, but just be aware, it will put you in a Sec 8 defense, which has far less protections as well as the shift of burden of proof to the Pt.

CG/PT agreements vary by each part participating. What works for one, may not be suitable for the next.

Actually, that's the closest you have ever come to good advise. glad to see you claiming the stuff I taught you as your own.

The thing with going over 5 patients plus yourself, is though a section 8 defense would be available, it's likely that you would have a hard time proving "reasonable amount"..that's a whole bunch of weed for 6 people.

Much better to stay in limits and use a section 4..IE no arrest.
Actually, that's the closest you have ever come to good advise. glad to see you claiming the stuff I taught you as your own.

The thing with going over 5 patients plus yourself, is though a section 8 defense would be available, it's likely that you would have a hard time proving "reasonable amount"..that's a whole bunch of weed for 6 people.

Much better to stay in limits and use a section 4..IE no arrest.

ahahha, nice try bobbyj, I have always told people Exactly what the law states. Long before your sorry avatar showed up here.
but their actions are their responsibility, and I do not claim to tell them what to do, unlike you.
I just let them know where the law lays.
ahahha, nice try bobbyj, I have always told people Exactly what the law states. Long before your sorry avatar showed up here.
but their actions are their responsibility, and I do not claim to tell them what to do, unlike you.
I just let them know where the law lays.

You tell people what YOU THINK the law states. And I don't have an avatar...but I like yours..small plants..just like the owner.
lol on Bob burning Timmahh and calling him a small plant. Funny shit. I tried giving him +rep but "The Man" stole bob's rep button.