wait till you get your cards, this way you know you are logged in the registry. Get the CG paperwork filled out for which ever is going to be the CG in the meantime. Have all paperwork and 10.00 check/m.o. in a stamped envelope ready to send via registered mail. the day the cards arrive, send it in. when you get the registered card returned saying the paperwork has been received, you are good to go. That is just so long as the person that is going to be the CG, has no prior felonies that may stop the CG appliction, or doesnt already have 5 assigned Patients. Otherwise, the application shall be approved, once the check is cashed.
this is providing you are both new patients. If you are both renewing patients and already on the system, send that shit in now registered. once they get it, and so long as no felonies on the potential CG are there, your good to create your cg/pt contract whether that be a verbal or written agreement. I would suggest, talking about how it will work for you both, and then writing that agreement down, date, and you both sign it.
unless you are sure your friendship is rock solid, (and even if it isnt) i would suggest the written option.
ofcourse, this all hinges on the day the check is cashed to be honest. but that is usually the same day or the day after the envelope is received, but you can watch your bank to see when the check was cashed.
In my case it was 2 business days. They received the paperwork on a Friday, and the next monday, my bank showed the check as cashed.
Cashing the check constitutes acceptance of the agreement, thus a valid contract.
with the new printer, it seems they are almost up to speed. so in reality, by the time your bank shows your check as cashed, the cards should be on their way.