Portland area greenhouse grow

well, the thieves were back.

i rested my head at about 6am this morning after the sun came up.

my wife gets up around 8am to run some errands. she goes out to the GH to turn off the motion sensor. everything is fine out there.

well, i took for granted that everything would be OK with the daylight hours to protect us. i was wrong.

i walked out to check the GH around 2pm and whadya know? another hole in the back of the GH, the remaining 5 veg plants gone.

to my credit, the padlock helped. they had to hop our neighbor's fence. it rained last night and their foot prints are easily visible in the dirt.

about to head out on a walk now to see if i can't find where they hid the plants. i don't imagine it's very smart to be walking around in broad daylight with 5 veg plants, so my guess is that they hid them once again and will be back for them after dark.

i gotta say, hopping someone's fence around or after 8am and breaking into their GH in full daylight, stealing 5 plants, hopping the fence again, and walking away with them is pretty ballsy, in a cowardly way.

guess i should stop dragging ass on my closed circuit perimeter alarm.

good news is that all my clones have rooted, so i didn't lose any genetics or anything. and the 6 ones in the ground are unharmed. but i have a feeling they will STILL be back.

Damn Buck, you better set up a bunk in the GH already. Twice already? I can imagine that you won't be getting a lot of sleep come pre-harvest. Fucking lowlife thieves...Good luck on your walk!
no sign of the plants around town.

fuck a closed circuit alarm system, i've decided to go with an electric fence. with proper warning signs, of course.

done fucking around. i have my 6 ladies left and i'll go crazy with insomnia before i let them get pinched.
turns out it's not as expensive as imagined to build an electric fence, but we're not stopping there.

defense #1 will be fishing line strung along the perimeter of the entire property. we're talking several lines extending out from the fence about 4 feet or so in every direction. will be good for holding up sunflowers as an added bonus.

defense #2 will be chicken wire wrapping the entire perimeter of the GH up to 4 feet. they can cut through plastic quickly, but clipping through 4 feet of chicken wire after that is time consuming. and requires more tools than they probably bring. that will only run me $60~ in supplies.

defense #3, if they make past the fishing line fence traps and chicken wire GH guard will be the electric fence. fence energizers go for $45, the rest of the supplies will put me up to about $100 or so.
Damn buck I hope you catch these little fuckers.Sounds like its a kid cause who steals vegging plants ?If I were to catch somebody in my backyard ill make sure that they remember not to come back if you know what I mean. Can't stand rippers I hope you catch him and rough him up a little.
i don't want to catch anyone or hurt anyone, i just want them to stay the fuck away.

will be living out in the GH until the electric fence is up.
I cant believe this. i would be going effing insane if someone stole a plant that was vegging and in the DAY! i wouldnt be able to sleep untill i caught them.
believe me, i'm angry on the inside, a bit violated to boot.

but cooler minds prevail.

electric fences help.
electric fence idea is out. just realized that all they need to do is come back with some rubber handled snippers.

new idea: slats. buy about 100-150 2''x2''x8's and put them every six inches or so. that way they'll need to come back with a saw if they want to get in and saw away at wood for a good 10 minutes.

the beauty of this plan is that i can affix the plastic to the slats, thereby making it less likely to move and set off false positive on the motion sensors.

i still want to put an electric fence behind the slats though. just for good measure.

electric fence idea is out. just realized that all they need to do is come back with some rubber handled snippers.

new idea: slats. buy about 100-150 2''x2''x8's and put them every six inches or so. that way they'll need to come back with a saw if they want to get in and saw away at wood for a good 10 minutes.

the beauty of this plan is that i can affix the plastic to the slats, thereby making it less likely to move and set off false positive on the motion sensors.

i still want to put an electric fence behind the slats though. just for good measure.


I was just getting ready to bring that thought up. If they had wire cutters to get through the chicken wire then they could get the electric fence. at least they'd probably get shocked first. Another thought, albeit a far fetched one, what if they are members of riu and know your plans? Crazy idea but there is alot of members.
buck, have you thought about getting one of those motion activated trail cameras hunters use? you could put it in the gh or on a tree or fence post or even the house... depends on your setup... but that way you could document the trespass and theft from your property.
buck, have you thought about getting one of those motion activated trail cameras hunters use? you could put it in the gh or on a tree or fence post or even the house... depends on your setup... but that way you could document the trespass and theft from your property.

documentation is not my goal. prevention is.
you could get barbed wire or razor wire and put it up just under the top of your fence on the inside so they don't see it till it's too late
I was just getting ready to bring that thought up. If they had wire cutters to get through the chicken wire then they could get the electric fence. at least they'd probably get shocked first. Another thought, albeit a far fetched one, what if they are members of riu and know your plans? Crazy idea but there is alot of members.

if they are reading this, then i really hope they read this:

hello thieves,

you are pretty sure of yourselves, eh? i mean, it is pretty ballsy to commit the cowardly act of theft during daylight hours. that crossed the shit line.

please be aware for your own well being that an angry man with an axe is waiting for you now. 24 hours a day, seven days a week, until all has been harvested.

this GH is on lockdown. i will live out here. i will sleep out here. i will wash my balls with a soapy rag out here all summer long.

if i hear you enter my property, i will assume you have brought a sharp cutting tool which could endanger my life. guess what? that means i am fully covered by state laws in protecting my own life. i hope it doesn't come down to this. but the ball is in your court.

keep in mind, if you are caught, you will be hog tied and dragged out to the front lawn. i will wake the neighbors. i will call the police. if my dog needs to use the bathroom, you will be his preferred location for relief.

i wish it didn't come down to this, but you violated my trust in my fellow human beings, my security, and my own well being.

i'm waiting for you.


angry man with an axe.
You don't want to catch them? Why?

you're right, i wouldn't mind catching them.

it's not my top priority though. it ranks below a good night's sleep, guarding the big girls, trying to live normally, and others (not in that order).

we all did dumb stuff as kids. imagine if they do something real stupid in my presence and threatened me. i don't want that for them especially, and myself as well.