If you were God what would you do?

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
So, I want to pose the question to you guys.If you were God what would you do,or would you be God of anything in particular?Im not talking about any currently believed idea of God,such as an abramic god or yahweh or Allah none of that.Would you be a kickass God that creates awesome times for all to enjoy,or would you be more like a fair minded God without prejudices,or a God thats like an angry old curmudgeon?
There is no limit with this one ,basicaly what would you be?:blsmoke:
i would sit on my cloud playing ps3 games whilst smoking big reefers and having chicks sucking my cock , id allso find time to fuck with people on earth by giving them disease and famine , and making them have freak accidents like hitting them with lightning strikes or making a tree fall on there car , then every now and again id help someone out by curing them of the disease id previousley given them .( im nice like that )
my favourate thing to do though would be sending people to a firey hell , for eternal torture , because they didnt worship me enough, or they broke one of my purposely hard rules that i made up for them thousands of years ago .
oh and id never bother showing up on earth to talk to anyone , fuck that if they cant worship me and follow my commandments without ever knowing i exist or ever seeing me then they deserve to go to hell .


Well-Known Member
Why is it easy for you to understand that hell isn't real because it had an alternate purpose (to scare people), but it's hard for you to believe that god isn't around because he was thought of because he/she/it had an alternate purpose (to help explain the origin of life and give life a meaning)?

The wicked vengeful 'eye for an eye' god of the bible is also to scare people. There is no god in the sense that the masses perceive it.


Well-Known Member
The dark side invented reincarnation so they could keep us trapped here in their third dimensional matrix


Well-Known Member
I would send a profit to write down the Universal Theory and deliver it to mankind. Then I would take the last 420 figures and switch them with the chemical structure of artificial cherry flavor. This gives man something to wonder over.


Well-Known Member
When it's discovered that GOD is actually an alien 5th grader doing a science project, Atheists will take it the best.


Well-Known Member
I would send a profit to write down the Universal Theory and deliver it to mankind. Then I would take the last 420 figures and switch them with the chemical structure of artificial cherry flavor. This gives man something to wonder over.

The universal theory is that mass evolves to space. Why? Because the only place to go from a point is out, away from the point. If you are at a point you can't do anything but go away from that point. Nothing stays the same, so you can't stay at that point. It's why the earth came from the sun. It's why our universe, along with all the other universes, came from a larger object, and they all orbit that object, while it orbits its larger object, all the while every object getting further away from where it came from, its core object. ;)


Well-Known Member
I would make it so a satchel of weed appears in everyone's mail every morning.
And people couldn't get addicted to anything.
Maybe build a pretty awesome heaven, like a massive party, pretty much, hell would be run by my lawyer.
In general, I think I'd be a pretty chilled god.


New Member
If I was GOD I would change all the believers into lemming and march them off a cliff, while smoking a splif, laughing my ass off on how stupid this human race is!


Active Member
i would be a god that is very accepting but have rules like murdering gets you sent to the dungeon! loland id create the best buds