If you were God what would you do?

Kite High

Well-Known Member
what i never got about that story is that before adam and eve could talk fluently, but yet the earliest humans we think talked by grunts and sounds...so how did we devolve before we started to evolve? odd anyways if i was god id do whatever i felt like. id help starvin people and the innocent. if fuck people up that killed in cold blood or for no reason. id aslo make it very known to humans that i am in fact real and i will in fact FUCK you up if you start actin like a douche. id have a lot of fun fuckin with people too.
one day YOU will realize YOU are god.....

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Man fuck all of this.. We should just be happy and realize we are ourselves and no higher being controls us. IDK about you guys but this talk of higher beings is getting to me.. People start wars and learn to hate each other over these higher powers.. I thought we were a little smarter than that.. Just my opinion even though it's sort of irrelevant..

damn straight. "higher powers" giveth and "higher powers" taketh away. I prefer my universe ordered by fundamental forces, not the whims of a crazy nutbar who does shit and kills people on his every whim. the christian/jewish/islamic god is like a petulant child with a deathray. fuck that shit.


Well-Known Member
so we are all inbred from a few thousand years ago? from the same person none the less. that makes way more sense than evolution. stupid theorys.
The Theory of Evolution led us to being capable of de-coding the human genome. We discovered mitrochrondirial DNA http:ghr.nlm.nih.gov/chromosome/MT

It tracks thru the matriarchy, mothers to daughters, practically un-changed. You do realize matriarchy is the natural state for humans. The history of humanity is men protecting this inheritance of women. This mito-genome contains certain markers, etc, (vastly oversimplifying here,) that let us track populations through time and across the earth. Here's the news.

There is more genetic diversity in an average pack of Chimps, than in the entire Human Race!

And it points to the fact that perhaps only one Female genetic line survived and of those females, only one Male line survives. It's called the population bottleneck. It most likely happened on the shores of the Red Sea about 50,000 years ago. The bottleneck is proposed to be at minimum, around 1000 individual humans left alive. Perhaps volcanism in the Rift pushed us East.

IAC, the basis of the story of Adam and Eve is quite plausible. They just were not together in Time. But, as an old story, handed down thru oral tradition about getting pushed out of the Garden of Africa and forced to cross to the Saudi peninsula, I believe it.

The story now can be told about the multiple diaspora of humanity from Africa. There were multiple re-tracements back into Africa and a lot of hardship obviously. We humans spread slowly along the coast up to the Tigris and on into the river mouth of the Indus.

And the San people of South Africa, for example, have the most ancient maternal bloodline. They went South instead of East and took a wrong turn into the Kalahari Desert.

This is why we have the taboo against in-breding, I'd say. We are almost completely in-bred already. BTW, the reason we don't hear about the human genome project, any more is because science was startled into silence again, as usual. There is an entire layer of complexity that was discovered. The Methyl markers around the DNA. It's the so-called epi-genome and we are completely clueless about that.


Well-Known Member
The real truth is that our universe is an object that is expanding as time goes on. That means that the more you look back in time the more dense the universe was. So in real time, the universe was once a very MASSIVE object with a very TINY volume (compared to the volume of the universe today), and the universe expanded its volume and continues to expand today. In other words, 13.7 billion years ago there were no galaxies, solar systems, people, cars, or computers. There was simply a massive object of tiny volume. So people, cars, computers, and weed all came from mass as the mass got less dense.

The second law of thermodynamics states that entropy always increases in a closed system. The second law has never been wrong, and it holds true of every physical process known to man! Why do I mention the second law? Because the natural order of the universe is a density order, of which an object's (such as solar systems, galaxies, and universes) core is the most dense, and the outer boundary of the object is the least dense. Why is that of significance? Because according to the second law, the only way a mass can increase entropy is for the volume of the mass to increase. In other words, our solar system was once very compact. The more you look back in time the closer to the core of the solar system (the sun) the planets were. Look far enough back in time and you will find that the planets and the sun were one and the same, ie, the planets came from the sun. Entropy increases and the volume of the sun got greater, the mass of the sun is expanding according to the second law, in the exact same manner that the universe is increasing in volume. The components are getting further away from each other at every level, from atoms to universe and beyond. Mass evolves to space!


Well-Known Member
Well if we are talking inconsistencies...Here is the one that got me....The Book of Genesis made it sound like Adam and Eve were the first and only people created, but then it says once they were kicked out of the garden that the sons left and found wives from somewhere else...so then it is kind of like...so God was a guy that created a perfect world in a world ongoing, and it all fell to shit as well...so...perhaps there is a little truth to it...
The bible is written in such a way that you can find whatever you are looking for if you look hard enough and use your good reading comprehension skills...but the idea that The book of Genesis is written not about the whole world, but a small part of this one, just speaks to me, and puts the whole bible into a better context..but of course, like the founders of Mormonism I am just taking a line and then running with it making up the rest...so whatever...it is all crap...and I think most people know that regardless of whether they are believers or not...if not then they haven't read the bible for what it is...and to not see it for what it is, is to misunderstand it's whole purpose...
I asked a preacher about this years ago and his reply was that in the old times women were not considered important enough to write about in their good book, so it was really Cain and Ables sisters... What a crock. They remembered Eve's name and a lot of other women in the bible. They just make this stuff up as they go along...


Well-Known Member
Ummm, dogs are also mean for fun...lol...We had a dog that would lay really really still right by her large wade pool cuz these little birds would come up to take baths and she would lay there like she was asleep then all a sudden she would snatch one, and hold it's wings with her feet and tear it's body from the wings...that is awful...
I had a pit bull that would hide behind a tree and snatch birds out of the air as they jumped off of the fence to fly.

I think all animals including humans need something to do to beat the boredom.


Well-Known Member
The Theory of Evolution led us to being capable of de-coding the human genome. We discovered mitrochrondirial DNA http:ghr.nlm.nih.gov/chromosome/MT

It tracks thru the matriarchy, mothers to daughters, practically un-changed. You do realize matriarchy is the natural state for humans. The history of humanity is men protecting this inheritance of women. This mito-genome contains certain markers, etc, (vastly oversimplifying here,) that let us track populations through time and across the earth. Here's the news.

There is more genetic diversity in an average pack of Chimps, than in the entire Human Race!

And it points to the fact that perhaps only one Female genetic line survived and of those females, only one Male line survives. It's called the population bottleneck. It most likely happened on the shores of the Red Sea about 50,000 years ago. The bottleneck is proposed to be at minimum, around 1000 individual humans left alive. Perhaps volcanism in the Rift pushed us East.

IAC, the basis of the story of Adam and Eve is quite plausible. They just were not together in Time. But, as an old story, handed down thru oral tradition about getting pushed out of the Garden of Africa and forced to cross to the Saudi peninsula, I believe it.

The story now can be told about the multiple diaspora of humanity from Africa. There were multiple re-tracements back into Africa and a lot of hardship obviously. We humans spread slowly along the coast up to the Tigris and on into the river mouth of the Indus.

And the San people of South Africa, for example, have the most ancient maternal bloodline. They went South instead of East and took a wrong turn into the Kalahari Desert.

This is why we have the taboo against in-breding, I'd say. We are almost completely in-bred already. BTW, the reason we don't hear about the human genome project, any more is because science was startled into silence again, as usual. There is an entire layer of complexity that was discovered. The Methyl markers around the DNA. It's the so-called epi-genome and we are completely clueless about that.

Well that fact that we are all female in utero to start off with supports that handsdown...I mean you either keep your X's or you get a Y. But we all start out the same...


Well-Known Member
i'd get to know myself, not in a street speech kinda way, fully get to know and understand myself


Well-Known Member
Well on the eight day I would have got high that's for sure
I think this is a very important point. What God is so weak IT has to rest, caulk out, take a powder, for 1/6 of IT's creation?

When the Western religions postulate Omni-Potent as a attribute for God, they certainly gloss over this point. If IT needs rest, does IT simply get bored, as well?


Well-Known Member
If I was god and smash all humans like annoying gnats.. It's true. Think about it.. Humans just don't shut the fuck up and behave. Just like gnats.


Well-Known Member
LOL,I hear ya buzzin around,j/k:).I agree that alot of the time people just dont know how to let shit be,it can be really annoying.

off2.jpgthats where u gotta tell some of them bitches whats up!