If you were God what would you do?


Well-Known Member
I know a couple representatives of "god" but even before I met them I didnt have any doubts. If you think about it, just the thought of things existing is pretty fucking weird, at one point there had to be absolutely nothing, no atoms floating, nothing, complete emptiness, nothing to make nothing evolve into more nothing, a never ending cycle of nothing, thats why I think thought is needed for creation.
Well where did the first god come from? Did he come from nothing as well? If so, then why couldn't the big bang come from nothing? And who are these representatives of god? Can they hook me up with endless amounts of wine? It would be cool to own a wine factory and bank off of that.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
There is no "Satan" or devil. Nobody ever needed any help to find their way to evil or selfishness. The Bible (the real translations, not the edits) doesnt even mention any fallen angels, or any other god of evil. that shit only appears in the hilariously named "New Testament", which contradicts itself, and the "Old Testament" every couple of pages. Only the Koran is as seriously screwed up and contradictory as the christian bible.

The primary flaw in all the "Abrahamic" religions is their reliance on dogma, commands and threats to force compliance with their rules. Do this, or go to hell, dont do that or go to hell... blah blah blah. Its all just commands based on the Appeal to Authority, which is a basic rhetorical fallacy. In Buddhism, the seeker is urged to do good works, and better himself, for the sole purpose of bettering himself, and thus the world around him. Zoroastrianism teaches that service to The Light and Truth (Ahura Mazda) is it's own reward, and the world will be a better place for your efforts.

Ancient Celtic faiths described the world around us as simply one reality among many, and sometimes people, forces and powers can cross from one to the others. Like a dish of soap bubbles where each bubble of reality connects with several others, which connect with others and so on endlessly, and the further you get from our reality, the more bizarre the new realities become. This is where their "Gods" (not gods in the eastern sense, more like people, or in some cases animals or even creatures with power) come from, including the creators of the reality we understand, Cernunnous (master of death rebirth and renewal) and his consort Arianrhod (mistress of creation crafts and labours). Both these "gods" came from someplace else, and after Arianrhod created the first examples of animals and people to fill their new world, Cernunnous gave them life, death and the ability to reproduce. After that, they simply watched and enjoyed the activities of their creations. This inclusive world view served the Celts for centuries, resulting in one of the most advanced and wide-spread cultures in the ancient world. Artifacts and ruins from Celt cultures can be found from the British Isles to the deserts of northern China and southern India, all without an empire. The Celts even taught the Romans and Greeks to use steel. Not too shabby for painted savages.

Step away from the dogma. There are many religions, faiths and belief structures in the world that dont rely on outward forces to compel goodness, or nefarious evil spirits to tempt us into evil, nor horrifying punishments for those who choose to act in ways that could be considered sinful. The dogmatic faiths are the ones that cause the world's troubles, While the rest of the world suffers, the popes priests mullahs and imams just get fat and rich.


Well-Known Member
There is no "Satan" or devil. Nobody ever needed any help to find their way to evil or selfishness. The Bible (the real translations, not the edits) doesnt even mention any fallen angels, or any other god of evil. that shit only appears in the hilariously named "New Testament", which contradicts itself, and the "Old Testament" every couple of pages. Only the Koran is as seriously screwed up and contradictory as the christian bible.

The primary flaw in all the "Abrahamic" religions is their reliance on dogma, commands and threats to force compliance with their rules. Do this, or go to hell, dont do that or go to hell... blah blah blah. Its all just commands based on the Appeal to Authority, which is a basic rhetorical fallacy. In Buddhism, the seeker is urged to do good works, and better himself, for the sole purpose of bettering himself, and thus the world around him. Zoroastrianism teaches that service to The Light and Truth (Ahura Mazda) is it's own reward, and the world will be a better place for your efforts.

Ancient Celtic faiths described the world around us as simply one reality among many, and sometimes people, forces and powers can cross from one to the others. Like a dish of soap bubbles where each bubble of reality connects with several others, which connect with others and so on endlessly, and the further you get from our reality, the more bizarre the new realities become. This is where their "Gods" (not gods in the eastern sense, more like people, or in some cases animals or even creatures with power) come from, including the creators of the reality we understand, Cernunnous (master of death rebirth and renewal) and his consort Arianrhod (mistress of creation crafts and labours). Both these "gods" came from someplace else, and after Arianrhod created the first examples of animals and people to fill their new world, Cernunnous gave them life, death and the ability to reproduce. After that, they simply watched and enjoyed the activities of their creations. This inclusive world view served the Celts for centuries, resulting in one of the most advanced and wide-spread cultures in the ancient world. Artifacts and ruins from Celt cultures can be found from the British Isles to the deserts of northern China and southern India, all without an empire. The Celts even taught the Romans and Greeks to use steel. Not too shabby for painted savages.

Step away from the dogma. There are many religions, faiths and belief structures in the world that dont rely on outward forces to compel goodness, or nefarious evil spirits to tempt us into evil, nor horrifying punishments for those who choose to act in ways that could be considered sinful. The dogmatic faiths are the ones that cause the world's troubles, While the rest of the world suffers, the popes priests mullahs and imams just get fat and rich.
I agree there are things that are considered "sins" that not everyone agrees is "wrong"...but do you believe in any justice for victims or repayment for true evils like child molestors, rapists, murderers, etc?

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Well where did the first god come from? Did he come from nothing as well? If so, then why couldn't the big bang come from nothing? And who are these representatives of god? Can they hook me up with endless amounts of wine? It would be cool to own a wine factory and bank off of that.
Wine? Are you going back to your favorite subject religion? lol They cant make wine but they can do some crazy shit. If you include them in your thought process then they can read that thought, they can also completely enter your body and mind when they are in meditative states, that was an intense and amazing experience. Their friends know what they can do because they experienced it multiple times like I have but its almost like they are afraid of it, they know its real but they hate talking about it and they hate when we talk about it. They'ed rather get drunk instead of talking about the truth of the universe, stupid kids, if I was 18 again I wouldnt be afraid of it.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I agree there are things that are considered "sins" that not everyone agrees is "wrong"...but do you believe in any justice for victims or repayment for true evils like child molestors, rapists, murderers, etc?
Sho Nuff!

Justice is a societal thing, not a natural part of our world. Lions dont have to stand trial before a jury of antelopes, and horses are not accused of murder by hay. Seeking retribution or justice has to be done in this world. Waiting for the next life to sort out the evil from the good is the sophistry that keeps people enslaved by religious authorities. Live your life trying to make this world better, and even if there is no next world, youll have few regrets.


Well-Known Member
God is a spirit that resides in those that believe.

That belief alone can cause changes in the physical world. That belief can cause the believer to live a better life, and to have an impact on others to have a better life.

Do I believe in God? NO. I happen to know that the earth came from the sun, like all the planets did. I happen to know we live IN the sun, as our solar system IS the sun, expanded, and continues to expand today. ;)


Well-Known Member
Wine? Are you going back to your favorite subject religion? lol They cant make wine but they can do some crazy shit. If you include them in your thought process then they can read that thought, they can also completely enter your body and mind when they are in meditative states, that was an intense and amazing experience. Their friends know what they can do because they experienced it multiple times like I have but its almost like they are afraid of it, they know its real but they hate talking about it and they hate when we talk about it. They'ed rather get drunk instead of talking about the truth of the universe, stupid kids, if I was 18 again I wouldnt be afraid of it.
As you can probably already guessed, I don't believe that your friends have the "abilities" that you say they have. But I guess I can't prove you wrong either. Soooooo... lets hit a bowl.


Well-Known Member
Justice is a societal thing, not a natural part of our world. Lions dont have to stand trial before a jury of antelopes, and horses are not accused of murder by hay. Seeking retribution or justice has to be done in this world. Waiting for the next life to sort out the evil from the good is the sophistry that keeps people enslaved by religious authorities. Live your life trying to make this world better, and even if there is no next world, youll have few regrets.
Nice! I like that. It's exactly how I feel too.


Well-Known Member
Sho Nuff!

Justice is a societal thing, not a natural part of our world. Lions dont have to stand trial before a jury of antelopes, and horses are not accused of murder by hay. Seeking retribution or justice has to be done in this world. Waiting for the next life to sort out the evil from the good is the sophistry that keeps people enslaved by religious authorities. Live your life trying to make this world better, and even if there is no next world, youll have few regrets.
But you can't compare us to animals like that. We're part of the animal kingdom but we're also the only ones who do cruel things for sport.


Well-Known Member
But you can't compare us to animals like that. We're part of the animal kingdom but we're also the only ones who do cruel things for sport.
I've seen a domestic house cat chase and kill a mouse or a bird for the hell of it, and parade around with it in his mouth, showing off, and never eat it. Stop fooling yourself. A society needs laws to function more orderly, so that people can have a better life. Don't confuse that with a true sense of "righteousness" because there is really no right or wrong in this universe. We make our laws, the universe couldn't care less!


Well-Known Member
I've seen a domestic house cat chase and kill a mouse or a bird for the hell of it, and parade around with it in his mouth, showing off, and never eat it. Stop fooling yourself. A society needs laws to function more orderly, so that people can have a better life. Don't confuse that with a true sense of "righteousness" because there is really no right or wrong in this universe. We make our laws, the universe couldn't care less!
For the hell of it or because it was on the cat's territory?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
But you can't compare us to animals like that. We're part of the animal kingdom but we're also the only ones who do cruel things for sport.

even the noblest and most kind natured of animals can be violent, and cruel:


I'm not giving him cake, I'm ASSAULTING him with cake! (Source: Pinkie Pie)

Everypony must be true to herself. Look to your Cutiemark, and let that be your guide!


Well-Known Member
I bowhunt whitetail deer. I can tell you that without a doubt, putting an arrow through a nice buck is the best high you could ever have. Your heart is pounding so hard it feels like it's going to break through your chest. Most every deer hunter I know will tell you the same thing. Check it out sometime, before you kick the bucket. Put it on your "Bucket List." ;)

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I bowhunt whitetail deer. I can tell you that without a doubt, putting an arrow through a nice buck is the best high you could ever have. Your heart is pounding so hard it feels like it's going to break through your chest. Most every deer hunter I know will tell you the same thing. Check it out sometime, before you kick the bucket. Put it on your "Bucket List." ;)
Turkey stalkin (all i ever managed so far is lookin at them from the shrubbery like a pervert, bastards are too damn smart) and feral hog hunting are also awesome.