The Judge Asks, Where is the OutRage?


Well-Known Member
Judge Andrew P. Napolitano taking the Hardline Conservative approach to the coming issue of drones, and even more over expanding reach of Uncle Sam.

And I'm called the crazy one worried our government is taking advantage of me and next my children. WAKE THE FUCK UP People.

[h=1]Where is the outrage?[/h]
By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano
Published June 07, 2012

For the past few weeks, I have been writing in this column about the government's use of drones and challenging their constitutionality on Fox News Channel where I work. I once asked on air what Thomas Jefferson would have done if -- had drones existed at the time -- King George III had sent drones to peer inside the bedroom windows of Monticello. I suspect that Jefferson and his household would have trained their muskets on the drones and taken them down. I offer this historical anachronism as a hypothetical only, not as one who is urging the use of violence against the government.

Nevertheless, what Jeffersonians are among us today? When drones take pictures of us on our private property and in our homes, and the government uses the photos as it wishes, what will we do about it? Jefferson understood that when the government assaults our privacy and dignity, it is the moral equivalent of violence against us. The folks who hear about this, who either laugh or groan, cannot find it humorous or boring that their every move will be monitored and photographed by the government.

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Judge Andrew P. Napolitano taking the Hardline Conservative approach to the coming issue of drones, and even more over expanding reach of Uncle Sam.

And I'm called the crazy one worried our government is taking advantage of me and next my children. WAKE THE FUCK UP People.

First of all, this has nothing to do with medical cannabis.

Secondly, although the basic outrage is justified, it's not like drones would be everywhere spying on every one. They are an expensive, limited resource...and would be sent to specific locations to watch specific activity.

It's idealistic outrage, and not practical outrage...I'm not real worried about drones..neither should you.

Osama Bin Laden was worried about drones..with good reason.

If you are worried about drones, you may want to reconsider what ever it is that you are doing that may cause a drone to be sent your way...

Me, I'm thankful for drone will save a bunch of young military mens lives.
you fully missed the entire point again bob. this is about drone use in AMERICA, not the middle east in combat scenarios. But in your back yard. probably even your sons as well. when it comes to the freedom of the US Citizen, or any citizen of any country, i fail to see where RIU would have a problem with a Thread about protecting that very freedom.

You would be happy to be under more control. Why dont you just go to canada, or nicaragua if you like so much control by your government.

Thank god for moral Decency those men and women have. Its a shame you mock the laws the fight to protect, while they die for your freedom bob.
that is pretty pathetic really. Considering a full 80% of the military will Desert if they are commanded to raise arms against the citizens of this great country.
you fully missed the entire point again bob. this is about drone use in AMERICA, not the middle east in combat scenarios. But in your back yard. probably even your sons as well. when it comes to the freedom of the US Citizen, or any citizen of any country, i fail to see where RIU would have a problem with a Thread about protecting that very freedom.

You would be happy to be under more control. Why dont you just go to canada, or nicaragua if you like so much control by your government.

Thank god for moral Decency those men and women have. Its a shame you mock the laws the fight to protect, while they die for your freedom bob.
that is pretty pathetic really. Considering a full 80% of the military will Desert if they are commanded to raise arms against the citizens of this great country.

I totally understand that it is about using drones in The US. I said I support Drone Technology, as It saves soldiers lives.

I also said that I understood the ideological outrage of them being used to "spy" on citizens. Then explained lt concerns me very little, as the number of Drones (due to expense) is minimal. And with that minimal resource, the only logical use is for specific surveillance missions.

They may send that drone to fly over Cali and look for illegal grows...but to think it's coming to my house for bed check is paranoia.

Your interpretation of my writing ''as written" is as bad as your interpretation of the med law "as written"
you fully missed the entire point again bob. this is about drone use in AMERICA, not the middle east in combat scenarios. But in your back yard. probably even your sons as well. when it comes to the freedom of the US Citizen, or any citizen of any country, i fail to see where RIU would have a problem with a Thread about protecting that very freedom.

You would be happy to be under more control. Why dont you just go to canada, or nicaragua if you like so much control by your government.

Thank god for moral Decency those men and women have. Its a shame you mock the laws the fight to protect, while they die for your freedom bob.
that is pretty pathetic really. Considering a full 80% of the military will Desert if they are commanded to raise arms against the citizens of this great country.

Canada? You mean the "controlling" place where gays can marry, medical marijuana has been legal for eons, and the incarceration rate is 1/16'th of what it is here in America?

That place?
no, Canada where many people are also very concerned about recent and continued drone use by the crown to spy on the citizens in their homeland. that Canada.
Actually im a staunch conservative. Im not so much a republican. that has become an oxymoron, the Conservative Republican, and a Large part of the current republican party are far from conservatives.

and I also think there can be a healthcare policy that can cover everyone efficiently, effectively and in a health minded way, but before that can happen, the US needs to move beyond the just for profit motives in our Capitalist Health Care Scheme.

Point is, when our government is spying on you in any matter, it just leads to more control for the government, and less control for you.

I have not problem with progress, I do however have a major issue when that progress is to further the control of the government over our ability of self choice, or when they force you to do something that is not in their power to do. Like pay for healthcare you may not want to pay for. Or pay for taxes you are not legally bound to pay. ect ect ect.

Progress is inevitable, being controlled is not.
Ahahahahaha, Ya, Bob is a glutton for being proven wrong. you gotta love him for it.
I must admit, It does get pretty boring though, as the guy makes it so easy to show his lack of understanding, or his intent of not letting anyone hear the Truth... Good thing I have good moral standards, or I could really make him look foolish. But he does a Fine job by himself as you have likely already seen.

Welcome Aboard
Jessy Koons. Good to have you with us for this exciting episode of lets see how wrong bob can be this time. lol.

fuck that beer, spin up a couple fattys of your dankest, set back, and get comfortable.
Better be sure to state your ailment or bob my call you a profiteering criminal for smoking your medicine during one of our debates. lol

I on the other hand say Puff Puff Pass my good man.

First of all, this has nothing to do with medical cannabis.

Secondly, although the basic outrage is justified, it's not like drones would be everywhere spying on every one. They are an expensive, limited resource...and would be sent to specific locations to watch specific activity.

It's idealistic outrage, and not practical outrage...I'm not real worried about drones..neither should you.

Osama Bin Laden was worried about drones..with good reason.

If you are worried about drones, you may want to reconsider what ever it is that you are doing that may cause a drone to be sent your way...

Me, I'm thankful for drone will save a bunch of young military mens lives.

Bob, you've made a shockingly idiotic point in " you may wish to reconsider whatever.......". I don't have to be doing something wrong or illegal to want my privacy. Fuck that way of thinking and every diseased branch growing off of it such as ' you don't have anything to worry about if you not doing anything wrong '.

Loss of rights and privileges is incremental and what is lost is unlikely to be found again. The slow creep of intrusion into our lives by our government is hastening and if people like you simple bend over anytime the government says to then guess what Bob, you're fucked.

You know what is an even cheaper and more efficient way of saving young men's lives; don't put then in harms way.

I wish I had a plate of spaghetti.
Bob, you've made a shockingly idiotic point in " you may wish to reconsider whatever.......". I don't have to be doing something wrong or illegal to want my privacy. Fuck that way of thinking and every diseased branch growing off of it such as ' you don't have anything to worry about if you not doing anything wrong '.

Loss of rights and privileges is incremental and what is lost is unlikely to be found again. The slow creep of intrusion into our lives by our government is hastening and if people like you simple bend over anytime the government says to then guess what Bob, you're fucked.

You know what is an even cheaper and more efficient way of saving young men's lives; don't put then in harms way.

I wish I had a plate of spaghetti.

Nothing to re consider.

The drone issue, although a valid "privacy" issue is minutia. The point I made, that you ignored, is that Drones are not available for "spying on every American" simply too few and too expensive.

As I said, Ideologically upsetting....not worth worrying about. Maybe in another 100 years I'll get my panties in a bunch over that...wait..I'll be dead.

At this point, as I said, If they send a drone after you...reconsider what you are doing. Drones are used for large scale searches over public land for huge outdoor grows. I have no problem with that, They are not, and will not be in the near future, used to peer in random windows to spy on average Americans.

Totally paranoid thinking.

Gains are incremental too..and too often lost when mis handled. The med law was a huge gain...Timmahh mis handles it.

And I certainly agree the best best way to keep young men alive, is not to send them into harms way. ITS WHY WE ARE WORKING ON DRONE they can go..instead of young men.
no, Canada where many people are also very concerned about recent and continued drone use by the crown to spy on the citizens in their homeland. that Canada.

Timmah, I think you're getting your geography mixed up. I did a google search "drones spying on canadian citizens", and one relevant link came up (which I'll post below), and about 10,000 hits for AMERICAN drones spying on AMERICAN citizens. You may believe the "land of the free, home of the brave" line you were taught in school, but the fact of the matter is that you aren't nearly as free as you'd like to pretend, and other countries are light years ahead of us in that department .... including Canada.
Timmah, I think you're getting your geography mixed up. I did a google search "drones spying on canadian citizens", and one relevant link came up (which I'll post below), and about 10,000 hits for AMERICAN drones spying on AMERICAN citizens. You may believe the "land of the free, home of the brave" line you were taught in school, but the fact of the matter is that you aren't nearly as free as you'd like to pretend, and other countries are light years ahead of us in that department .... including Canada.

with in the last two weeks, ive seen a fair amount of info coming out of canada, nothing much in their media (which is owned by the same couple people that own the US Media).

And believe me Stow, I am FULLY Aware of the "Illusion" we live in, and the reality we have to deal with. Its part of the reason im on such a hard line with this shit going on here in Mi on the Act. We as a People, have to start standing up against this damn bs.. This is my starting point.

the way I see it we have 2 options, Stand up and Take Responsibility for our "Democratic Republic", or we continue to dive into corporate fascism.
I would rather stand up and die trying to make things right, than to slump back in my chair and let corporate fascism roll over me and the rest of us.

you ever check the number on your SS# (or perhaps its the number on your Birth Certificate) against the NYSE?
with in the last two weeks, ive seen a fair amount of info coming out of canada, nothing much in their media (which is owned by the same couple people that own the US Media).

And believe me Stow, I am FULLY Aware of the "Illusion" we live in, and the reality we have to deal with. Its part of the reason im on such a hard line with this shit going on here in Mi on the Act. We as a People, have to start standing up against this damn bs.. This is my starting point.

the way I see it we have 2 options, Stand up and Take Responsibility for our "Democratic Republic", or we continue to dive into corporate fascism.
I would rather stand up and die trying to make things right, than to slump back in my chair and let corporate fascism roll over me and the rest of us.

you ever check the number on your SS# (or perhaps its the number on your Birth Certificate) against the NYSE?

So, Timmahh..why don't you start a thread and tell us your Ideal Country..How you'd fund it, run it, you know all rainbows and unicorn farts?

You have no idea what to do. You just like to cry.
nope, I started this thread because one of the most grounded conservatives, Judge Napalotano is making great factual statements I know other conservatives like myself would want to hear.

You a Murdock bob? I only ask you sure like to try to sensor and skew the facts being told to the public to only say what YOU like it to?
no, Canada where many people are also very concerned about recent and continued drone use by the crown to spy on the citizens in their homeland. that Canada.

Canada is the red headed step child of America is it not? They are kind of our bitch when it comes to policy...although they have a lot of their social issues sorted out light years ahead of us.
Timmahh, the constitution was shredded long ago. It's a thing of the past anymore....all in the name of the war on drugs and terror. Ben franklin and tommy jefferson were frequently quoted for saying: "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety,
deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

Timeless words....