Farmer's market may have troubles...

wow you set the bar low... I don't buy fact i have not bought a bag in probably 6 years...but if you think the dispensary is more legit or has better quality than a bunch of growers gathering at a market that gives the buyer dozens of options rather than one are crazy

A good dispensary would have plenty of strains to choose from. Tested makes the difference not who grew it.

Why is testing so tough? $60 at cannalytics in Lansing...cut too deep in the profits? $60 bucks per harvest way too much to show the pride in you work?
I don't know about pesticides ..but i have looked at elbows and turned them down for having powdery mildew, maybe a 16 year old kid thinks those are crystals but not anyone who has dealt with powdery mildew... I will get my card next month and have no plan to ever hit a dispensary ..I am new to the state but the owner of the grow store already told me that the DEA is staying in a hotel across the street from the local dispensary :spew:....why would I ever step foot in such a place?..rather be in an open air market where I can feel it out and see how things go.
i just heard on the news yesterday, that the city council in seattle is going to ban all dispensaires inside city limits. so its all going the way i figured it would. slowly but surely. the great mmj experiment is comming to a close. it will be called a "re-consideration" of the whole mmj laws. im sorry i got my card. im afraid they are going to seize our records. (heck, they got mine allready, form a dispensary they raided.) so who knows what the future holds? more important things going on, than weed.
Would never open a farmers market..just don't like them. Bad Name..should have been called a "patient outlet' or something that at least lends itself some legitimacy. The name "farmers market" tells the's for the farmers..not patients.

"pharma grow'? Yes, i'd open that in a heartbeat. Non profit..quality, tested meds at very affordable prices..employ 3 or so people full time..I'd do that in a heartbeat.

I'd take around $600 a month for my efforts..any other money after expenses would go to the employees.

And you think a dispensary is for the patient.
Its all so you greedy fucks can line your pockets and not have a real job.
For the patients!! Fucking please,Half the folks that have med cards are a joke and have no real medical reason for it.
They just want to get stoned like the rest of us.
i just heard on the news yesterday, that the city council in seattle is going to bad all dispensaires inside city limits. so its all going the way i figured it would. slowly but surely. fine. my meds will be worth more. like when it was totally illegal. lol. "donations"will be in long before crops ready. lol.

See here is a greedy pocket liner right here.
Only worried about the money they make and thats it.
i havent noticed this at the one i attend...all ages. all walks of like. lots of us over 50 crowd. many over mid-seventies! i guess everywhere is a bit different..
And you think a dispensary is for the patient.
Its all so you greedy fucks can line your pockets and not have a real job.
For the patients!! Fucking please,Half the folks that have med cards are a joke and have no real medical reason for it.
They just want to get stoned like the rest of us.

Oh, I agree that at least half the med cards are for bullshit reasons. That aside..there are actual patients too. Actual patients like to know what they are getting..they are looking for specific relief...stoners just want selection...what fun!
got mine on a dare. but, i have a nice scar on my back, from a nasty surgery years ago. ahh the

I really have no issue with how anyone gets their card. It's how they act afterwards that bothers me. No respect for true medical users..they flaunt and laugh about how they have legal weed.

If they would just shut their mouths and be thankful, I wouldn't mind them at all. I'm pro cannabis..just anti asshole.
"bullshit" reasons? uhhh like what?

Well....less than the defining "chronic and debilitating"...I know tons of people that have absolutely nothing wrong with them, yet they have cards. Lots of hotel room Dr's willing to sign anything for $200.
so in your opinion only those with chronic and debilitating conditions should be legally allowed to consume cannabis?
so in your opinion only those with chronic and debilitating conditions should be legally allowed to consume cannabis?

Yes. Under the Michigan medical law. That is the defining wording.

This is a medical section of the forum.

Now, do I think cannabis is bad? No I'd like to see it available to everyone.

But to use medical to promote use by everyone, undermines the long term goal.

It simply allows the anti cannabis crowd to point their finger and say " see, we give them medical, and they abuse the shit out of it. Then they gloat in public" Fuck trying to be nice to the pot heads.

Want to argue decriminilization? legalization? it somewhere else.

there are plenty of other threads on rui..why pick medical?

I'd like to keep medical. It's a stepping stone.
I don't know man, it just sounds like you know a handful of sick people who you sell bags to and you are legally o.k. so everyone else should just shut the hell up and fall in line and follow the I warm?
I don't know man, it just sounds like you know a handful of sick people who you sell bags to and you are legally o.k. so everyone else should just shut the hell up and fall in line and follow the I warm?

Not at all.
I am truly medical. Parkinson's pretty chronic, pretty debilitating. I do grow my own, because I need High thc and thcv, and pure Sativa works best.

Sativa's are rare in the Farmers Market least well grown true sativa's. Markets are mostly fast grow high yield indicas..some hybrids, few Sativas. Stuff they call sativa and get away with, cause most people have no idea what they are just gets them high.

Don't make any profit to speak of/ meds net free. Do transfer to other PD patients from my support group.

Don't care if they follow the law or not. Grow all the pot you want..just don't hide behind a medical card. Michigan is tightening it''s med law every day.

Mostly because of the assholes hiding behind med cards..and bragging what bad boys they are. Acting as if the med law made cannabis legal for everyone.

If they are such dynamic individuals, why don't they just grow, smoke and sell without hiding behind a bogus medical card?

And yes, they could shut the fuck up, do things in compliance with the med law, still have their cards and free weed, and quit fucking things up for the real patients.

It's the nah nana nahna crap they flaunt in the face of the Cops and State Government that pisses me off.

Then they wonder why the cops get tough and the law tightens. Too stupid to accept a good thing and work to keep the momentum.

It's not that the cops and State law makers are trying to abolish the med law..It's that the cops and State lawmakers are trying to control the new "legal" drug lords.

They don't get it.
well sorry to hear about your Parkinsons ...can only speak for myself, but I will get a card for one reason only...just in case something were to ever happen it looks better with a card than without one. whether you think so or not is not important but all the "bullshit cards" issued to people who do not have life threatening ailments help them as much as medicating helps you..some people just need to come home from a long and shitty day at work and relax ..stress can literally kill you if you did not know...alcohol is not an option, if they actually want to wake up for work on time and be fit for duty.....most people past 35 have chronic pain in some form ....I just don't like when someone dismisses ones validity to qualify as "legit medical" or "bullshit medical" because they appear ex girlfriend needed it to sleep..without it she would stay up all night and fall asleep at like 4:30 a.m. about 2 hours before she needed to get up for work.her other option from a doctor was sleeping pills :shock: because it is non med state ..sleeping pills are extremely addictive (on purpose to hook women) and dangerous ...I am early thirties and have worked construction for close to 20 years..had spinal fusion and a cadaver bone fused to my spine....It takes slight edge off pain and helps me sleep and relax ...what about a rapper who smokes to think and get creative so he can make his next platinum album? where do you draw the line with who deserves to be happier and harm nobody while medicating?
well sorry to hear about your Parkinsons ...can only speak for myself, but I will get a card for one reason only...just in case something were to ever happen it looks better with a card than without one. whether you think so or not is not important but all the "bullshit cards" issued to people who do not have life threatening ailments help them as much as medicating helps you..some people just need to come home from a long and shitty day at work and relax ..stress can literally kill you if you did not know...alcohol is not an option, if they actually want to wake up for work on time and be fit for duty.....most people past 35 have chronic pain in some form ....I just don't like when someone dismisses ones validity to qualify as "legit medical" or "bullshit medical" because they appear ex girlfriend needed it to sleep..without it she would stay up all night and fall asleep at like 4:30 a.m. about 2 hours before she needed to get up for work.her other option from a doctor was sleeping pills :shock: because it is non med state ..sleeping pills are extremely addictive (on purpose to hook women) and dangerous ...I am early thirties and have worked construction for close to 20 years..had spinal fusion and a cadaver bone fused to my spine....It takes slight edge off pain and helps me sleep and relax ...what about a rapper who smokes to think and get creative so he can make his next platinum album? where do you draw the line with who deserves to be happier and harm nobody while medicating?

I draw the line, when they act like a little kid with a new toy, as opposed to an adult that has been given a gift, earned by the truly Disabled people that the law was written for. It wasn't passed for or by the pot heads..they just claim it now. They hide behind it like it's mommies apron..being bratty little fucks.

I draw the line when they spew mis information that could put otherwise good people in jail.

I draw the line when 20 year old punk stoners act like the law was passed for them to be "legal"

I draw the line, when they parade people in wheelchairs around, while blatantly abusing the Joe Cain.

I draw the line a lot of places...actually, I didn't draw the line...the LAW did

Sorry that my appreciation for law and order, and yes government with all it's flaws upsets people..Funny thing is, I always ask "where is better"?...and none can answer.

To bitch about how bad you have it Living In the United States..just shows selfish ignorance.
ok so a few ppl hide behind medical cards and a few jerks flaunt it and it doesn't look good for the rest of us. Trying to change that would be like melting a glacier with the fierce grip of my stronger arm... it's never gonna happen. Of course they point their finger at the fringe elements, it's all part of their alibi and you bought-in completely...

the reason MI is changing or defining the laws is not because of foolish stoners, but more simply because laws makers and cops/attorney general does not like the law and freedoms included from the word go. they want to tax and create tighter constraints so business gets better in the form of arrests and fines.

the hippy making us all look bad is just a way to publicly demonstrate your prejustice and justify it. I empathize with you Bob, not because of your views on this per se, but because that battle that you choose wage is a losing on from the second you open the gate. you and no cop will ever change human nature. We are all diverse... Thankfully