I got up early to check my plants because there had been some leaf curling and little rust colored spots. I should of stayed asleep because they look like crap. I studied the GrowFAQ and it looks like either a Mg deficiency or ph fluctuation or combination. Their water has always been 5.8 so even though I don't have a soil ph meter, I don't think that's it. I also moved my light up several inches. As far as the Mg, the GrowFAQ says give it 1/2 tblspn epsom salt/gal, but does that apply to coco? I'm thinking about just flushing the piss out of them, but I can't imagine that it's an overferting problem because I have only been giving .5 mL/L each of the A&B so far. Any help would be awesome, even if it's just to say, "quit worrying so much, newb." Just remember when you look at the pictures, the plants are actually green in color, the camera makes them yellow. It's only the spots that become rusty that get yellow first.