My Dad is Giving Me Problems, Need Your Advice


Active Member
I know this is long, but just please bear with me.

My mom is a new medical patient who got her license in April, but our grow location is set to the house we're moving into soon, so I haven't even started growing. I went through a lot to get her her medical marijuana license, supplies like mylar, panda film, PH up/down, reflectors, bulbs, etc... and convincing my dad to allow my mom to consume marijuana through food stuffs. I can't afford any more things that I need like guanos and wood to make a grow box. I asked my dad for help with supplies and funding numerous time, but he says no! I don't know who to turn to for help on this issue.

My dad's the kind of guy who says marijuana is bad and boasts all this fake conservative propaganda on dear ganja. I'm trying not to flip on this forum about dad, as I try to remain true to my religion's teachings of showing respect to parents, but what he's doing and has done is fucking treacherous. Him and his fucking side of the family have given my mom bullshit for years! I've shown him proof of marijuana helping people who have illnesses, but he still doesn't listen. My mom's been on these fucking meds for over 20 years and they just make her conditions worse! These shit-for-brains doctors made her go through useless fucking surgeries that left her in a critical state. She's always in pain and cries most of the time, I massage her feet because she gets a lot of water retention in her legs from losing her kidneys (happened because a doctor fucked up on her triple bypass surgery through adding an unnecessary chemical during surgery.)

I found a really cool place selling 70 pound bags of earth worm castings for 5 dollars each. This place is about an hour from where I live by bus, but 1 bus can take me there. I asked my dad to help me get a few bags (he has a car), but he keeps saying no, sometimes he says maybe, but never does stay true to his word. Some of my friends are being lazy and/or cheap (not wanting to waste 2 bus tickets to help me bring a few bags home.)

What would you guys do in a situation where you have a father who is quite literally mentally unstable to be a father and a husband? A conservative slave to corporate media who doesn't understand proof from falsehood when it is presented clearly. Someone who doesn't want to listen to his family members but will listen to others. The typical smart ass prick trait very few people posses.

Well-Known Member
Listen, your Dads thoughts are his own and you are not going to change them. If he thinks the weed is the devil, then thats what he is going to think. Your Dad was basically trained like a dog (not trying to be dick, but we are all trained this way) to believe the things his parents said. His parents probably hated the drug and maybe he even tried it and had a bad experience and he doesnt feel like it can be a good thing if it does what it did to him the time he tried it (all hypothetical).

I say, fuck the earthworm castings and just buy bags of soil. Here is what you can do. Get two luggage bags or suit cases. Take these to the place and fill them up with bags, then roll these home (it will be a hell of a lot easier rolling them home as opposed to carrying them like how you are already doing). You could even take a large back pack to maximize your trip and fill your back pack too.

As for you dad, fuck him, dads are always neurotic and there is no way in hell anyone can ever change the way they are. If I annoy my dad he fucking turns on the vaccum and starts vaccumming the hallways, which is extremely loud and he knows this. He does it because he can and he knows it pisses me off. the best thing to do is ask your mom for the funding or ask you mom to ask your dad for the funding. If this doesnt work, well then I say, if your mom is really is that critical of a state. STEAL SOME OF HIS MONEY! screw him.. If he agrees to things but doesnt come through then why would you feel bad taking money from him. I mean when I was a kid I would do this, I mean I dont anymore, but if my mom was dying and my dad wouldnt help, FUCK YES i would steal some money from him. I mean all you really need is like 30 bucks...


Well-Known Member
wanna grow pot cheap?

lights ---> sun
growing medium ---> dirt
nutrients ----> water.

everything else is a bonus.

check the organics link i have for some cheap nutrients. you dont need guano... you need a 5 dollar container of miracle grow, and some know-how.

id get that, some pH6.5 from the petstore for fish tanks
then collect some compost, or banana peels..

dont worry about buying earth worm castings... go outside in the morning... or dig a hole, and collect earthworms, and throw them into the dirt. rollie pollies are good too (they eat decaying organic material, not live organic material, and they provide fertilizer)

lady bugs, and praying mantis = mother natures bug removal.

wood for a box? dude 12oz dixie cup for the first month. cut the top off a 2liter bottle, thats your next month. you not have 2 months to save 5 dollars to get a pot to put them in.... or make one outa mud (terracota perhaps?)

you know why they call it weed? cuz it grows like one.


Well-Known Member
Listen, your Dads thoughts are his own and you are not going to change them. If he thinks the weed is the devil, then thats what he is going to think. Your Dad was basically trained like a dog (not trying to be dick, but we are all trained this way) to believe the things his parents said. His parents probably hated the drug and maybe he even tried it and had a bad experience and he doesnt feel like it can be a good thing if it does what it did to him the time he tried it (all hypothetical).


As for you dad, fuck him, dads are always neurotic and there is no way in hell anyone can ever change the way they are. If I annoy my dad he fucking turns on the vaccum and starts vaccumming the hallways, which is extremely loud and he knows this. He does it because he can and he knows it pisses me off. the best thing to do is ask your mom for the funding or ask you mom to ask your dad for the funding. If this doesnt work, well then I say, if your mom is really is that critical of a state. STEAL SOME OF HIS MONEY! screw him.. If he agrees to things but doesnt come through then why would you feel bad taking money from him. I mean when I was a kid I would do this, I mean I dont anymore, but if my mom was dying and my dad wouldnt help, FUCK YES i would steal some money from him. I mean all you really need is like 30 bucks...
wow i wouldnt recommend following this advice. yes all you need is 30 bucks. no, dont go steal it.

when it comes to being a man, especially a broke man, ask yourself this:
what would MacGyver do?

Well-Known Member
Unless you want to poison your mom do not get her miracle grow chemical fertilizer!!!!!!

Miracle Grow Organic Choice is ok as long as you add perlite and make sure you feed it

Some of what this guy says is true, and I like that his name is Nick, because that is my name.

16oz cups cost 69 cents. 2 liter bottle crystal geyser bottle (square one) cut the top off and cover it with duct tape so light does not hit the roots. After that you can go to home depot or any large product store and buy a 5 gallon bucket for $1.50... I mean this shit is cheap.

A 20 gallon bag of miracle grow is $5.99 and perlite is $3.99, there is 5 plants right there for 10 bucks! all you need is a 5 dollar bottle of organic alaskan fish fertilizer (home depot, osh, etc...) which will last you a whole grow. Or you could buy 3 $10 bottles of fox farm liquid fertilizer, big bloom, grow big, and tiger bloom. These will last you a whole grow.

IF YOU MUST be super cheap, you can buy miracle grow soluble fertlizer. It is 5 dollars for 30-5-5 or something like that and 5 bucks for 10-30-15 or something like that.

THEREFORE if you need 10 plants you can get that much worth in miracle grow soil for $20 bucks, you can get enough perlite for those plants at $8.00 and you can get soluble miracle grow fertilizer for 10 bucks and it will last you more 20 grows, buy you will of course have to buy more soil.

NOW IF YOU INSIST on using miracle grow chemical fertilizers make sure you flush the plant before harvest for at least 2 weeks so it uses all of the nutrients it has left in its leaves for its buds. If you flush and starve the plant of nutes for the last 2 weeks of flowering there will be no chemicals left in the plant and it will be safe to smoke as long as you dry it for a week and cure it for 1 to 4 weeks.

wow i wouldnt recommend following this advice. yes all you need is 30 bucks. no, dont go steal it.

when it comes to being a man, especially a broke man, ask yourself this:
what would MacGyver do?
HAHAHa my friend you are no macgyver. Here is Macgyver at work (me being a cheap ass a growing the seedlings indoors before putting them outside)

Anyways you should not steal from a nice and loving father, but one who wants your mom to die and take shit medications, STEAL FROM HIM!


Well-Known Member
Your mom isn't the first woman to love the wrong man (needed to get that one in)

Islam is doctor/medical central (i'm thinking moors). Is there not an elder down the mosque who can talk at your dad?


Well-Known Member
Stealing from his father will only make the situation worse and quite possibly get him thrown out.
What state do you live in?


Active Member
Thanks for the input everyone. I think I'll just load up a luggage bag with some soil. I need more soil and some plant pots. I'll try substituting bat guanos with something else like my pet ducks' poop and sheep/cow manure. Fox farm nutes run for about 28 dollars per bottle here!


Active Member
Your mom isn't the first woman to love the wrong man (needed to get that one in)

Islam is doctor/medical central (i'm thinking moors). Is there not an elder down the mosque who can talk at your dad?
You got that right lol

And about the elders... My dad doesn't like the imams and neither do I. I kind of try to distance myself from them because most of them are just nuts! They'll go on blathering about what the prophet did, referencing corrupted hadeeths (all of which were collected 200 years after the prophet died.) They hit kids for reading a verse from the Quran wrong- people like that are diluting the true meaning of our religion.


Active Member
wanna grow pot cheap?

lights ---> sun
growing medium ---> dirt
nutrients ----> water.

everything else is a bonus.

check the organics link i have for some cheap nutrients. you dont need guano... you need a 5 dollar container of miracle grow, and some know-how.

id get that, some pH6.5 from the petstore for fish tanks
then collect some compost, or banana peels..

dont worry about buying earth worm castings... go outside in the morning... or dig a hole, and collect earthworms, and throw them into the dirt. rollie pollies are good too (they eat decaying organic material, not live organic material, and they provide fertilizer)

lady bugs, and praying mantis = mother natures bug removal.

wood for a box? dude 12oz dixie cup for the first month. cut the top off a 2liter bottle, thats your next month. you not have 2 months to save 5 dollars to get a pot to put them in.... or make one outa mud (terracota perhaps?)

you know why they call it weed? cuz it grows like one.
Thanks a ton for the info!

I meant like a grow box/tent sort of thing. I needed help to first off buy the wood, nail them together to make a grow box that is 9' length x 10' width x 9" height (4/10 for a veg room and 6/10 for a flowering room) and attach the mylar, panda film, lights and fans inside.

Well-Known Member
Not trying to sound like a dick, but my luggage suggestion was good, but dont take this wrong. I know your name is islam but I would have said this regardless. Americans are very racist, I know your in Canada, so I am not sure if they are the same.

Even if I saw a white guy on a bus with a bunch of luggage bags I would think he was up to something shady. Like mass transporting drugs, or he is going to blow up the bus (I watch to many movies)

So dont look like a total weirdo walking around ahahaha.
hope this helps


Well-Known Member
its your mother's place to tell dad she wishes to have cannabis grown for her by you. not yours. stay out of their marriage. being a son isn't a free pass into their relationship. its their crib. its their marriage. and............respect them 'cause ya know its right. not because of that book. that book also tells you to kill me, force me to convert, or make me a second-class citizen. i refer to the Suras............


Active Member
its your mother's place to tell dad she wishes to have cannabis grown for her by you. not yours. stay out of their marriage. being a son isn't a free pass into their relationship. its their crib. its their marriage. and............respect them 'cause ya know its right. not because of that book. that book also tells you to kill me, force me to convert, or make me a second-class citizen. i refer to the Suras............
My mom can't say much to my dad because he's way too controlling. He doesn't listen to her most of the time and will always criticize her. I have to step in, he'd make mom go mad! If you were in my shoes you'd understand what's going on.

I respect your input on the Quran, but I beg to differ. Islam is the most misunderstood religion on this planet. Its very message is unity. The verses are surreal and there hasn't been one person on the planet to produce something as grammatically accurate and poetically compelling:

"'If all the humans and all the jinns bonded together in order to produce a Quran like this, they could never produce anything like it, no matter how much assistance they lent one another.'" (Qur'an 17:88.)

I can't find the verse, but to the best of my remembrance a verse from the Quran stated that God made everyone different so that we'd all see the diversity and get along. Also, here's a verse clearly stating there is no compulsion in religion:

“Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth has been made clear from error. Whoever rejects false worship and believes in God has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that never breaks. And God hears and knows all things.” (Quran 2:256)


Well-Known Member
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=+1]When you meet the unbelievers, strike off their heads; then when you have made wide slaughter among them, carefully tie up the remaining captives.
[SIZE=-1]-- Holy Qu'ran, Sura xlvii.4[/SIZE][/SIZE][/FONT]


Well-Known Member
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=+1]Kill those who join other gods with God wherever you may find them.[/SIZE][/FONT]


Active Member
its your mother's place to tell dad she wishes to have cannabis grown for her by you. not yours. stay out of their marriage. being a son isn't a free pass into their relationship. its their crib. its their marriage. and............respect them 'cause ya know its right. not because of that book. that book also tells you to kill me, force me to convert, or make me a second-class citizen. i refer to the Suras............
Wow. This is one stupid post. Who said he was insinuating himself in their marriage? He's trying to help his mom while his dad sits around like a self-righteous piece of shit, watching her suffer and die. What the fuck does respect have to do with this? If this were a situation where the dad were telling the son to do his homework, come inside at a certain time, etc... then I would possibly agree that he should respect him, but that isn't the case. He's already got his dad agreeing to let his wife ingest cannabis by eating it, and judging by the fact that he keeps not keeping his word about helping him get stuff to grow with, he's already somewhat agreed to allowing growing to take place. I think you also don't truly understand the religion of Islam, not saying that I completely understand it either, but if you take parts of the Christian bible out of context or too literally, it seems like a religion that says the same things that you accuse Islam of doing.