My Dad is Giving Me Problems, Need Your Advice

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
i recently bought a 2 litre bottle of organic tomatoe feed for £1.99 from a supermarket , looked at the ingrediants on the back and they are exactly the same as the £18 bottle i bought thats ' got the fancy name and packaging ' and the 'specially made for cannabis ' label , bullshit .these companys are just bottleing up what they used to sell as normal plant food into fancy packaging and selling it to us for 10 times the price .


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure why many people on this thread think they know who this guys dad is and how he couldn't possibly be controlling, how could you possibly know. Just because you thought your dad might be a little controlling when you were a kid, but realized when you grew up that he was just being a good dad doesn't mean that's the case for all people. Controlling and abusive relationships exist, despite the fact that we live in a free country.
sadly a lot of the people on here may be controlling, themselves. the worst conditions ive seen women treated under are Rastafarianism, Islam, Christianity, and Catholicism. Rastas treat women like shit, like sub-servant baby machines. theyre not even supposed to have an opinion, friends or talk to any man that isnt thier husband, father, or brother. Islam treats all women as a mans property. Christianity and Catholicism blame women for the suffering in the world under the guise of "original sin". its that whole abrahamic way of thinking. if i could have any wish it would be to travel back in time and shoot a 9 yo Abraham in the face with a 45. viola world peace.

these companys are just bottleing up what they used to sell as normal plant food into fancy packaging and selling it to us for 10 times the price .
which company?

someone mentioned getting a job, dude i think that is your best option. if you have the money then its not an issue, if your contributing he may no longer look at you like a free loader. I know if my kid was over 18 living at home and not going for a PHD or an MD id probably talk shit to them every day until they left the nest. but i really hate free loaders, and whats worse than a man child?


Well-Known Member
ok lemme add this in, no i dont use miracle grow, but you can use it. im not 100% organic on my grows, just make sure that your fully flushing out the nutes before harvesting.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
No, I'm sorry, but this is incorrect. From this post it kind of sounds like you think there are no such things as abusive relationships. Some women stay with controlling men for the sake of their kids, because they are scared of what the controlling husband will do if she leaves, because she has no where else to go, etc....
Really? The OP is in Canada:

There is always someplace to go in a first world country. As for abusive relationships? I spent a decade in one with my first husband. Not verbal abuse but the actual physical stuff, you know broken bones, ruptured uterus at five months pregnant etc.... I still did not find it necessary to triangulate my children into mine and my husband's dysfunctional relationship.

It's the parent's job to give to their children, not vice versa.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input everyone. I think I'll just load up a luggage bag with some soil. I need more soil and some plant pots. I'll try substituting bat guanos with something else like my pet ducks' poop and sheep/cow manure. Fox farm nutes run for about 28 dollars per bottle here!
ok wait. no

you can use poop to fertilize plants, yes. and pee. but no, dont go taking a big dump or your plants, or letting your pets do so either.

This is copied from my organics thread. theres a method to these, a recipe... cheap ones, that dont involve poop, are a personal favorite.

**no matter which of these you choose, they are near free, your using dead leaves and sticks from outside, fruits/peelings from the kitchen, and...well... poo if you decide to go that route. dont spend anything on nutrients if you want, organics are great**

  • Compost Tea (one of my favorites, as i use ground up male plants, or the sticks/stems/fan leaves of the harvested females for this)
    Origin: The easiest to come across commercially, or to make at home. this is used worldwide with a variety of ingredients.
    Provides: A big boost of microorganisms, helps feed the plants, and boosts a plant's immune system. NPK ratios vary depending the type of compost made.
    Preparation: Place a bunch of dead plants in a nylon stocking or screen, put that inside a bucket with about 15L of water, adding water as it evaporates (which means leave it uncovered). after 2 weeks, dump the inside of the bag/screen/stocking back with the rest of your compost pile outside or throw it away or whatever.
    Application: If you want to foliar feed this, filter it well, then 1:8 ratio of tea to water. otherwise, just add it in when watering, at a 1:5 ratio. use it every 2 weeks.

    Origin: the business end of various animals.
    Provides: This really depends on what the animal ate, and what the animal is. Rough estimates are:Cows: .6%N-.3%P-.3%K
    horse: .6%N-.6%P-.4%k
    Rabbit: .5%N-1.2%P-.5%K
    Sheep: .8%N-.5%P-.4%K
    Pigs: .6%N-.6%P-.4%K
    Preparation: 1 part crap to 10 parts water, in a bucket. 2 weeks, stirring periodically. (again, this is better for the nylon stockings, otherwise your gonna have to filter it - yuck)
    Application: 1 part poop water to 1 part water. can be used every 2 weeks.

    Fruit tea, with or without Molasses.
    Origin: made with fermenting fruits. its recommended to add molasses for flowering.
    Provides: Rich in NPK, but also contains calcium and some other trace elements. Very rich in microbial activity. Using molasses adds a large amounts of carbs and can contribute to fungus (in high heat grows)
    Preparation: Cut fruits into small pieces. place in a container and cover them with molasses( OR cut up fruits, place into a ziploc bag with NO molasses or air) Let it sit for 2 weeks, opening it periodically to let out gases. filter.
    Application: 1 tablespoon of fruit rot juice (ew) to 1 liter of water. use it every 10 days.



Well-Known Member
this one for flower only, i do it every grow 3 times or so, starting with the month i switch them to 12/12, and i add in molasses for that extra boost.

  • Banana Peel Tea.
    Origin: Bananas. Cheap to make. eat the banana, use the peels.
    Provides: Strong Potassium Boost. ideal for flowering.
    Preparation: after selecting 4 bananas, and eating the insides, place the 4 peels into a pot, with 4 cups of water (1L). You can also add in 2 tablespoons of molasses. Bring to a boil. let boil for 5 minutes. remove the peels. let cool. place in jars for storage.
    Application: mix this 1 part banana goop to 2 parts water. use every 2 weeks.



Active Member
the funny thing is if you were in india or pakastan the doctors would already be prescribing your mother consumable cannabis, either in tinctures or bhang. i posted a few bhang recipes on here if you can get your hands on a little you might be able to fix her up something tasty and relieving. seriously arent there any brothers in ontario that can bring this guy a few 2nd run pots let him recycle your soil? kick down a half bag of jamaican guano so all he has to look for is molasses and a fish tank pump? if you were here in the southwestern desert id bring you a goodie bag to get you through your first run. if you dont find what you need by the end of the month pm me ill try to get a couple shops in the area to give you samples.
This is probably my favourite post! Thanks for the recipes, I will take a look at them. Wish I knew you personally and all the cool people on this forum! We'd all chill at my house, play xbox, watch family guy, chill with my pet ducks, etc... It'd be awesome!


Active Member
Dude ik just how u feel. Its like nothing u can say can change their mind or even make them think about it. Id make him some pot brownies or something.


Well-Known Member
This is probably my favourite post! Thanks for the recipes, I will take a look at them. Wish I knew you personally and all the cool people on this forum! We'd all chill at my house, play xbox, watch family guy, chill with my pet ducks, etc... It'd be awesome!
I wish you all the best. Make sure you dont treat your kids like dad treated you.


Well-Known Member
Very moving thread dont steal from dad he might blame it on you being HIGH.I wish i could help ya, and its good to see kids helping parents.Im in my 50s and think what your doing is awesome.GL