It should be legal to kill Democrats

nobody is perfect...everyone is human.

It wouldn't bother me so much, if people talked about him like he WAS human.
People talk about him like he's a saint, or a god.
Especially, one person in particular on here who wants to have his babies.
No. Gas tax, tolls, vehicle registration, are to pay for the roads. All taxes. Eletricity bill has local, state, and federal taxes added in as well so that's separate. Education is payed for by my 5k a year property taxes and the lottery (tax for morons). The 30% you steal from my paycheck goes for HDTVs', and iPhones for "poor" people.

the 30 percent "I" steal from your paycheck goes toward government's main function, a function you would be hard pressed to live without - order. The money "I" steal from you goes to pay for our protection from foreign enemies, clean air, clean water, safe drugs, safe air travel, guarantees of every sort that you will be able as much as is ever possible, to live out your life in a predictable and reasonable environment. I get so tired of the whining, your taxes are lower than they have been in decades but still you folks whine.
How about 12 year olds?
OK, he MIGHT not have boned them, but he suuure did love sleeping naked with them.;-)
There's a lot more to Gandhi than they taught you in school or showed in the movie.

He was peaceful though.....Except for beating his wives.

Google up some of his hypocricy......mixed with racism.

That is bull shit, it comes from an unauthorized biography written by a right wing British colonialist propagandist. It isn't true.
the 30 percent "I" steal from your paycheck goes toward government's main function, a function you would be hard pressed to live without - order. The money "I" steal from you goes to pay for our protection from foreign enemies, clean air, clean water, safe drugs, safe air travel, guarantees of every sort that you will be able as much as is ever possible, to live out your life in a predictable and reasonable environment. I get so tired of the whining, your taxes are lower than they have been in decades but still you folks whine.

If that is the case, then how did the government ever function before 1913?
And... I wouldn't use protection from enemies,clean air, clean water, safe drugs, safe air travel (really, do remember what happened 11 yrs ago?)... and GUARANTEES???? What guarantees are those? I just heard another news item where there is another E Coli breakout, 1 death. Water that catches fire. Drugs that are recalled because of hazardous side effects... do you really want to place your political beliefs on failed policies?
If that is the case, then how did the government ever function before 1913?
And... I wouldn't use protection from enemies,clean air, clean water, safe drugs, safe air travel (really, do remember what happened 11 yrs ago?)... and GUARANTEES???? What guarantees are those? I just heard another news item where there is another E Coli breakout, 1 death. Water that catches fire. Drugs that are recalled because of hazardous side effects... do you really want to place your political beliefs on failed policies?

lol he misses Dubya's failed policies...


Enjoy 4 more years.
ROTFLMAO, you really don't get it, do you? Why would I miss Dubya's failed policies? I did not vote for him.
I will not miss BO's failed policies, either.
You just keep supporting Ron Paul, he may get the posthumous "Nice try buddy" award at the RNC, unless some how his old ass makes it till August.
its something id certainly bring up in court, that like putting up a sign that says warning dogs and then suing someone when their dog bites them. and you can use deadly force last time i checked, if someone is on your property and you fear for your life, is that not classified as self defense? setting up a shotgun in the house isnt a good idea, however bearing arms is something different, if the other person has a gun also, would you rather sit there? didnt think so. and if these people come to your house, they knock on your front door, not your grow room.
I was talking about an unattended booby-trap. If your dog bites someone, you're liable, sign or no sign. Protecting your crop is defending property, not life. I agree a person has the right to defend themselves and their home with deadly force, tho.
the hip dysplasia is why we made sure to get a mixed breed. less common when you mix breeds. i hear the MO of pups like mine are to tackle and hold intruders, but not to attack or maim them. which is just fine with me.
You can train them that way, but it's not instinctive.
You can train them that way, but it's not instinctive.

he bites my arms seemingly by instinct when we wrestle. i'm glad he is that way, just as his breed is meant to be. if my pup kills anyone, it's on me. i would prefer that my dog simply detain an intruder instead.

that said, my pup is petty harmless. we spoiled him too much. he has slept though each intrusion and would probably greet an intruder with kisses, despite his tendencies to act vigilant for no visible reason.
I was talking about an unattended booby-trap. If your dog bites someone, you're liable, sign or no sign. Protecting your crop is defending property, not life. I agree a person has the right to defend themselves and their home with deadly force, tho.

yeah, i see what you mean. i think it depends on state laws, although i think an intruder wouldnt have much of a stand if he trespassed in the first place. most people down here would go by the ideology of "shoot first, ask later". but thats the south for ya.
or people who lack security systems and choose not to stay up and search for people trying to fuck with their grows.

All a security system does is provide an alarm. Any dog will do that, you don't need a "guard dog." And you can buy a security system for less than it costs to take care of a dog for one year - if you take care of him properly (which I'm guessing most of the people in question don't).